Sarit Michaeli Profile picture
International advocacy Lead for B'Tselem, documenter of West Bank protests and avid collector of discarded crowd-control weapons
Panta Rei Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jun 18 9 tweets 3 min read
Super important HEB article here:
1. Clearly the US pressure on Netanyahu demanding that Israel addresses settler violence is having some impact. I would argue we need more of it.

"ככה חוקרים?": מות הפלסטינים, ומתקפת האלוף נגד המשטרה - בנוכחות נתניהו… 2. By my reading, Major General Yehuda Fox isn't even hinting - he's saying the Police aren't investigating settler killings of Palestinians because of Ben Gvir. This is coherent with previous reporting by "Uvda":…
May 5, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
An Israeli high court justice, himself a settler, ruled yesterday that the army can forcibly transfer an entire Palestinian region, 12 villages, under the guise of "military training". A high court approved war crime.
It can only be averted if decision makers face consequences. Correction and additional material: the verdict will apply directly to 8 villages, not 12, which are in the active firing zone, home to around a thousand residents.
May 9, 2021 11 tweets 4 min read
A real-estate dispute between private parties?
Nothing could be further from the truth.
Thread and resources:

Evictions in Jerusalem Become Focus of Israeli-Palestinian Conflict… Israeli apartheid apologists pretend that the slow transfer of Palestinians from occupied East Jerusalem by settler associations is a private civil dispute.
This is a fabrication, to bypass criticism.
This transfer is grounded in Israeli law & supported by all branches of govt.
Mar 10, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
Israeli Army officers arresting children at the request of settlers.
This is what occupation and apartheid look like. This is not the first time children are arrested in this area for trifles, as per the request of settlers:…
Mar 10, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Main lesson from day 2 of the Makor Rishon and Regavim conference: the link between shrinking space for civil society and the perpetuation of Israel's occupation has never been clearer. It is no coincidence that groups that deny the existence of the occupation and support settlements, also work to silence NGOs through smear campaigns. Inside Israeli now there is little political opposition to the status quo, & it's mostly from human rights /anti occupation NGOs
Mar 8, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
The Jewish supremacist, group Regavim, which lobbies Israel for even more extreme transfer of Palestinians, and is largely state funded, started an online conference, bringing together the occupation denial industry under the lie that area C - 60% of the West Bank, is Israel's. In today's proceedings, the settlement and occupation lobby has focused on attacks against the Israeli Civil Administration (ICA), with false claim that this branch of the Israeli government isn't effective enough in destroying Palestinian homes.
Jan 1, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Footage of an Israeli soldier shooting a Palestinian who dared to resist the confiscation of his generator. Harun abu-Aram, resident of a-Rakeez, is in a critical condition. The family was rebuilding its home, demolished by Israel in Nov. This is B'Tselem's report of the demolition of the abu-Aram home, just over five weeks ago, in Masafer Yatta, in the Southern Hebron Hills, which Israel declared a firing zone, and is trying to transfer its residents.…
Apr 5, 2019 12 tweets 3 min read
Fake news about “Fake Justice”: thread

1/ Three weeks ago, the Dutch Minister of foreign affairs, Stef Blok, responded to parliamentary questions designed to delegitimize funding provided by the Netherlands to @btselem . Links to full responses in the end of this thread. 2/ Block rejected the claims implied by the questions, which echoed allegations by @CIDINieuws , an Israel advocacy group in the Netherlands, and @ngomonitor.