Àwé Alágbo™ CAC-OFR Profile picture
Chief Agricultural Collaboration Officer of the Federal Republic 🇳🇬(CAC-OFR); Biomass Energy Advocate: Founder ⏩ VALUE CREATION, ADDITION AND EXCHANGE ™
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Sep 14, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Benefits of Bitter Leaf!

Bitter leaf is an indigenous African plant; which grows in most parts of sub-Saharan Africa

It is a very important protective food and useful for the maintenance of health and prevention & treatment of various diseases

Its chemical constituents Image possess a potent anti-parasitic, anti-tumour, and bactericidal effect. bitter leaf is mainly employed as an agent in treating schistsomiasis, which is a disease caused by parasitic worms

Its also useful in the treatment of diarrhoea and general physical malaise
Feb 26, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read

As long as the model of governance in Lagos continues to be tilted towards coersion from the haves in favor of the politically connected,

the sentiment of injustice and entitlement from those who literally foot the bill will only continue to grow.

Lagos will continue to be a magnet for trade due to its huge population and infrastructure aggregation

But as long as the politically unconnected yorubas continue not to feel a sense of belonging economically, the story will only continue to be the same

Lagos attracts those with capital
Feb 16, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Banks were (& are) the biggest obstacle to the full functionality of mobile money in Nigeria today

The biggest fear of banks is telcos being allowed to enter the field of banking

Telcos are already huge institutions.

Adding banking to their bottomline would make them bigger than banks and thus make banks more susceptible to being taken over by telcos or their banking subsidiaries

Over the years, to neutralize the challenges posed by mobile money, banks adopted most of the mobile money innovations in use in other African countries

Mobile money is
Feb 14, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
I think history will be very kind to PMB

TSA, BVN and NIN took plenty of guts and steely resolve to pull through

The border closure leading to massive growth in the domestic price value chain was also another unpopular policy that eventually paid off just in the nick of time The cashless policy spearheaded by the currency redesign is also another masterstroke (I admit I briefly lost focus of the objectives) that has taken his steely resolve to push through

Today he is hugely unpopular for this policy thrust, but I'm confident that we'll all come
Jan 13, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
The politics of meat is seared into the psyche of the average Yoruba male.

In the average home, one piece of meat denotes a boy who hasn't come of age, or a mature man who is not the man of the house

Even if he is married and in his own home, one piece of meat is a sign that he is yet to assume the position of minimal accomplishment that his wife expects.

It doesn't matter how many pieces of meat the soup "disher" (usually the woman of the house) consumes.

A mark of respect in the home remains the number of pieces of meat in the man's plate
Jan 13, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
The "Tinubu aristocracy" is fearsome.

Young and bright individuals that have been groomed for decades by BAT for leadership of his business and political empire

They number in the hundreds (if not thousands).

Many schooled abroad even to PhD level

In fairness, Atiku also has a strong coterie of young minds he has groomed at home and abroad for leadership

Both BAT and AA are protégés of Shehu Musa Yar'Adua's political movement PDM.

So, in a sense, the late senior Yar'Adua will be the real victor in these elections

But more important is my initial
Jan 13, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
The entire ecosystem in the community was designed to prevent the young lion from realizing he was king

You see, the community was traumatized

They had experienced a tyrant In the past

So they resolved to be kingless henceforth

They were told of other far-flung communities were doing perfectly well without kings

So they resolved to also copy the other communities

The community's lion, a scion of past kings, was brought up like an ordinary citizen

He wasn't allowed to do what kings ordinarily would do

So he never realized who or what he was
Dec 31, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
Traveling abroad to escape a tough situation in Nigeria (if one has the opportunity) is a natural action to take, and nobody should be condemned for doing so.

But the reality is this. Not everyone will land on their feet immediately.

There will be a period of struggle before finally achieving some semblance of order and progress.

This period of struggle will come with plenty of doubt about the decision taken to emigrate

And social media amplifies the stark differences between those who become successful in Nigeria & you who haven't achieved it yet
Dec 30, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
One of my first ever solicitations to women

Whenever you partner a man, either in marriage or similar relationship,

Don't try to compete with him

You both have distinct & separate roles to play in each other's lives

You can help him carry out his responsibilities better But don't try to permanently usurp those responsibilities out of the perceived power advantage they bestow

Men are very fragile. They need plenty of help emotionally and psychologically

A successful, well rounded and balanced man is often the product of an excellent partner
Sep 18, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
Soldiering is a regimented profession. It requires one thing above all else. Obeying orders

Creatives like Fela hated that work mode

As far as Fela was concerned humans should think for themselves

Soldiers aren't trained to think beyond obeying the chain of command, & carrying out every order precisely

Yes there's creativity in the military, but it's usually left to leaders to be creative

Soldiering mostly doesn't require artistry or deep introspection

Otherwise it would be difficult to kill without losing one's sanity

On the other hand, journalism
Sep 18, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Will Nigeria get its Teddy Roosevelt moment if BAT gets sworn into office? 🙏🏿 Theodore Roosevelt was the 26th US president

He came into office when his principal William McKinley was assassinated in 1901

If his party had known his real political beliefs beforehand, they would never have allowed him near the top post

Sep 11, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Nigeria's economy has been at the mercy of International Oil Companies (IOCs) for a long time

Perhaps this is what has influenced plenty of govt policy in the favor of entrenched oil interests over several decades

The promulgation of the 2 main oil industry laws over the past 3 years,

1. Deep offshore and inland basin law

2. Petroleum Industry Act

have redirected the balance of interests away from the IOCs and into the hands of the FG (representing the Nigerian people)

I will guess that the current fiscal woes as evidenced by increased oil theft
Aug 10, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
When foreign backed corporations created manufacturing companies wholly reliant on imported raw materials, they were not industrializing Nigeria.

They were merely creating and economic dependency on their own production. They made Nigeria and extension of their economies The growth of developed countries was enhanced by Nigerian manufacturing, while our agriculture stagnated and poverty was multiplied.

That model is what has led to an increase in rural urban migration, crime, child pregnancies and population explosion

An idle people grow poor
Aug 9, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
A road map for the poultry industry

This plan can also be adapted to other meat sub-sectors such as cattle, catfish and pigs

The plan is centered around consolidation

1. Form geographical cooperatives of poultry farmers with a minimum guaranteed monthly output > 50 - 100 MT 2. Produce a feed formulation from starter to finisher using low cost feed inputs available in large quantities

3. Pool funds together to purchase & mill the feed, and distribute to members according to subscription

4. Collectively negotiate with large capacity processors
Aug 8, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I was thinking this afternoon about security in Nigeria

Can the govt round up these disparate groups of bandits and kidnappers & offer a truce?

Put them in charge of rural security & pay them monthly from security taxes generated from all farming communities within each state Give them performance KPI's concerning unrest, loss of lives & property, & tie their remuneration to performance

This will achieve 2 objectives:

1. Remove a large chunk of what consumes our security spending

2. Provide a source of IGR in affected states

Just a suggestion pls
Aug 8, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Let's try and understand the point of view of many academics affiliated with ASUU right now.

Many had hitherto enjoyed the "perks" of the system that allowed the privilege of "visiting scholarship". Imagine collecting 2 or 3 salaries for a few months every few years Possibly some are enjoying quasi-permanence of such a status

We're told a Professor earns 500k or thereabouts

Probably the sabbatical & visiting professorship is their way of "making ends meet"

Suddenly FG wants to instill "accountability" by depriving them if this ONE perk
Jul 30, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
Let me talk about emigration

I just started reading a book I bought years ago on the recommendation of double eff, while I was still his follower

It has turned out to be very enlightening about the philosophies behind the migration of peoples Several nationalities and ethnicities have emigrated to America over the centuries

A vast majority of them did so for economic reasons. Poverty.

They saw America as key to a better life than they were living

Many were persecuted, poor, war ravaged, etc

USA offered them refuge
Jul 30, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
This is strictly my personal opinion

The reason why it always seems that the state is unable to crack down on the top tiers of organized crime in Nigeria

is that the line between legal and illegal business among the elite is extremely blurred

Nigeria's elite is firmly bound in solidarity to protect each other's interests

This "union" model is what finds itself expressed in the modern Nigerian labour movement, as well as several trade associations in existence today

It is why well known smugglers like Dahiru Mangal & Ibrahim Dende are regarded as
Jul 30, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
The key to livestock farming is the understanding of the cheapest means to give your animals the most nutritious food possible

You may start with buying conventional packaged feed, but you must progress into developing a strategic advantage of cheap alternative sources That often consist of agricultural wastes like cassava peels/leaves, rice bran, plantain peels, leaves and stems, groundnut peels, beans sand melon husks, etc

Its possible to develop a strong pipeline of cheap and nutritious animal feed that drastically reduces your costs, and
Jul 28, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
In every large organization, there are divided interests.

The CEO cannot effectively manage the organization without able lieutenants.

Even the lieutenants will also need able deputies at various tiers to carry the vision of the CEO from top to bottom

In a private organization It's slightly easier to enforce discipline because everyone knows they can be sacked, and management is held accountable at every level.

In the Nigerian government situation, accountability is only demanded at the very top

The public service has found a way to insulate itself
Jul 13, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
May I explain the dynamics of exchange rate this fine evening?

I see a lot of people who complain about naira's falling value against the dollar as if a currency's falling value against a benchmark is ALWAYS a bad thing.

I will attempt to explain how it works in simple terms A currency's value against the international benchmark (in this case the USD), is a reflection of demand & supply

Demand & supply of currency is, in turn, a reflection of trade

If people are trying to buy your currency (NGN) using the international benchmark currency (USD)