Ghada Sasa | غادة سعسع PhD(c) 🇵🇸 Profile picture
Palestinian PhD Candidate @McMasterU in International Relations; green colonialism; Islam (she/they)
Cai Stark ☭ Profile picture 2 subscribed
Jun 29 11 tweets 3 min read
Just published this Instragram post, expanding on a Twitter thread I wrote last year on LGBTQ+ rights from an Islamic perspective. 1/ Image Image
Jun 6 9 tweets 3 min read
It's no surprise that Hezbollah rocket fire is igniting huge forest fires in "Israel" bc Zionists converted Palestine into a tinderbox. They claim to have planted over 250 million trees since 1948, but the vast majority of them are invasive pines. Let's discuss Birya Forest. 1/ Image As Israeli scholar Ilan Pappe writes in "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine", Birya Forest is Israel's biggest man-made forest, strategically planted over the ruins of the 6 🇵🇸 villages of Dishon, Alma, Qaddita, Amqa, Ayn al-Zaytun and Biriyya to hide them. 2/
Jun 1 11 tweets 5 min read
In 2021, this Zionist activist on campus filed a SLANDEROUS complaint against me with the Equity Office of McMaster, accusing me of harassment & discrimination. After the university hired a private law firm to investigate me for a YEAR, all his complaints were dismissed.
1/ Image I never mentioned this story before because I felt unsafe, but clearly my "progressive" Zionist harasser Max Lightstone wants to shine light 🤭 on this story in 2024 to drag my name in the mud again, so let's talk about it. 2/

May 13 7 tweets 1 min read
When the British colonized Egypt, they specifically began designing villages to have mosques on the outskirts rather than center, not just bc they hate Islam, but bc mosques were places where Natives could freely gather & plan around resistance. Similarly, encampments... are being heavily policed & suppressed not only bc unis hate 🇵🇸
but bc they're anti-democratic. Camps are accessible places for progressive students, faculty & staff to connect and exchange ideas to mobilize for change, threatening the uni/state's oppressive status quo. 2/
May 1 6 tweets 1 min read
As someone who was elected into my university's Board of Governors in 2020, I cannot stress this enough to all the beautiful Palestine solidarity student movements rising: Do NOT trust your administration. They will lie, manipulate, gaslight, and hurt you. 1/ I served less than half my term as BOG Graduate Student Representative bc I suffered a panic attack after realizing how corrupt & heartless our administrators are. They're no better than politicians. They are often White male CEOs who will happily kick you while you are down. 2/
Apr 26 4 tweets 2 min read
On Tuesday, @CBCNews @CBCQueensPark journalist witnessed the Parliament blocking my entry because I wore a keffiyeh. He asked if he could interview & take pictures of me. I agreed. He then decided not to even mention me or any other Palestinian in his article. 1/

He chose a White female politician as the cover photo who's anti-🇵🇸 herself. He whitewashes the genocide as "the Israel-Hamas war". Instead of quoting any Palestinian, he cites the Canadian Muslim Lawyers Association, perpetuating our erasure as Palestinians. 2/
Apr 25 7 tweets 2 min read
We have TWO videos, showing how Ontario's Parliament enforced its racist keffiyeh ban against us this week. Even after I explained how the scarf is a key part of Palestinian heritage, we were asked to remove it unless it was worn as a hijab. We WILL be launching a lawsuit. 1/ This video shows the bigotry & absurdity of the keffiyeh ban. Muslim🇵🇸 & female bodies are policed to decide if a keffiyeh constitutes a hijab & can actually enter parliament. Queen's Park effectively constitutes an apartheid checkpoint now. 2/
Apr 24 10 tweets 3 min read
Today, I walked into the Ontario Parliament as an unapologetic 🇵🇸 woman, wearing my keffiyeh, even after the Legislature banned it. My beautiful comrades & I managed to enter with a bit of creativity, wearing it as a hijab, colourful shawl & scrunchie. 1/

The keffiyeh is not only a symbol of 🇵🇸 resistance but a heritage piece. Yet, when police at the Parliament saw me with my keffiyeh, they barred me entrance. It wasn't until I said I was wearing it as a hijab that they spoke to management & allowed me to walk in the building. 2/
Apr 4 9 tweets 2 min read
Last night at the @YorkUniversity Alumni Show in Toronto, Indigenous Judge Harry LaForme gave a speech calling Zionists Indigenous, demonizing 🇵🇸 anti-colonial resistance, erasing the ongoing genocide, & asserting the moral superiority of Indigenous people here. 1/ Here are quotes from his speech, provided by another Indigenous traitor whom he cited @karenrestoule: “As an Anishinaabe, I am troubled by the hatred, the hatred against Jews, and the disappointing ignorance, fueled by misinformation emanating out of university campuses."
Mar 28 6 tweets 2 min read
A highly trusted source tells me that the journalist brother of the woman who reported seeing other 🇵🇸 women raped by the Israeli army in al-Shifa Hospital was pressured to later recant & claim she was exaggerating. 1/ I want to remind folks of the brilliant analysis of female scholar Dr @el_sabawi from Gaza. Local political (including 🇵🇸) leaders likely feared loss of morale & uprisings in solidarity with 🇵🇸 women if news broke of Israeli rape against women. 2/
Mar 26 5 tweets 2 min read
I want to point out three major problems with Motaz's post:

1. When 🇵🇸 women were harassed by the IOF in the West Bank it was the resistance (which Motaz condemned) in Gaza that defended them. 2. Generalizing that fellow Palestinians are failing the people of Gaza is absurd, especially as Israeli snipers are firing at Palestinians in the West Bank for merely stepping outside their homes. Meanwhile, Israel's occupation is facilitated by the PA which Motaz supports. Image
Mar 18 9 tweets 3 min read
Like many Palestinians right now, I'm angry. I'm hurt & I feel betrayed by Motaz. When he shook hands with Mahmoud Abbas recently, I stayed quiet. But then he covertly slandered 🇵🇸 resistance. Red line. And now I see his Facebook from 2017 where he glorifies Abbas. 1/ Image Abbas is not a 🇵🇸 president but a hated dictator. And he doesn't really control the West Bank. How can he when it's under Israeli occupation?? Rather, he collaborates w Israel. And what I'll never forget or forgive is how he waived his right of return. 2/…
Mar 10 7 tweets 2 min read
A story that gave me goosebumps:
On Thursday evening, two comrades & I were walking back to our car after protesting against colonial land theft at BAYT synagogue. A Zionist suddenly ran towards us from across the road & my brother began recording him just in case. 1/ There were two pro-Palestinian men walking behind us in the dark &, when they noticed the Zionist, they immediately sped up & walked in front of us. I asked my brother, "Warn them a Zionist is stalking us" & so he did but they didn't respond. 2/
Mar 7 13 tweets 2 min read
****** MEDIA STATEMENT ******

March 7, 2024

There Is Nothing Kosher About Genocidal Sales of Stolen Palestinian Land Being Made By Zionist Activists Under the Cover of Synagogues

FROM: @JewsSayNo Toronto 🧵 Once a Synagogue Allows Itself to Be Converted Into a Real Estate Showroom It Loses Its Religious Exceptions

Toronto Jewish communities are deeply troubled that Zionist activists across the GTA are...using Jewish houses of worship to...give cover for genocidal activities. 2/
Feb 15 5 tweets 1 min read
I've been wanting to share a story from a recent Toronto protest I attended against the genocide in Gaza as a reminder of the power of white male privilege & how it can be leveraged to end oppression: We as protestors were outnumbered by cops who were physically harassing us. 1/ It was a small but mighty protest. We chanted & called out the cops for their violence against us & complicity in the genocide. All of a sudden though, two white men on our side began powerfully yelling at the line of cops. Most of us people of colour went silent, shocked. 2/
Feb 1 10 tweets 3 min read
The Canadian Minister's comment that Palestine was "a crappy piece of land with nothing on it" is mainstream among Zionists. Here's a screenshot from the website of the JNF, which is the most important Zionist group worldwide & was founded in 1901 as a precursor to Israel. 1/
Image JNF/Israel claims that "The first Jewish pioneers who came to the land of Israel towards the end of the twentieth century found a desolate land that provided no shade whatsoever," because like other settler colonies, it erases Indigenous peoples/defames them as neglectful. 2/
Jan 18 6 tweets 3 min read
Hey everyone, I try not to go after allies, esp those involved in on-the-ground organizing. However, after years of this person causing harm to myself & others in our community, & his refusal to be held accountable, I'm compelled to call out the grifter Naved Awan. 1/6 Image I first met Naved in 2021, organizing against Israel's aggression in Sheikh Jarrah. He bullied a local trans Palestinian woman into leaving activism. I called him out to no avail. 2/6
Dec 17, 2023 10 tweets 5 min read
Salam all,
As a Palestinian still watching Israel genocide my people, I call on all fellow Muslims to boycott RIS due to its anti-Palestinian racism, Islamophobia, & anti-Blackness. Please read this thread till the end. 1/

Some people, including me, recently confronted @ISNAHQ execs for secretly meeting with Zionist leader @PierrePoilievre. Our video sparked widespread backlash among the ummah with #BoycottISNA trending. 2/
Nov 13, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Today, we protested last min against a fundraising dinner attended by @JustinTrudeau & held by the Jewish National Fund (JNF), a group described as the "principal Zionist tool for the colonization of Palestine" (Pappe). We spread 100s of leaflets/posters exposing JNF crimes. 1/ Image We were prevented by police from protesting even across this blue lit venue, since the entire street was considered private property. Still, we made many of the fascist attendees of this event uncomfortable by reminding them of the genocide they were complicit in. 2/ Image
Oct 25, 2023 13 tweets 5 min read
Yesterday, October 24, I was suspended as a Board Member from @CJPME. This organization, which is led by two white men @thomaswoodley1 & @mbueckert presents itself as the largest Palestine solidarity group in "Canada" while silencing & punishing dissenting Palestinian voices. 1/

When @thomaswoodley1 urged me to join his staff/board last year, he was impressed by my academic & activist achievements. I expressed my reservations as I saw @CJPME as very liberal/complacent but Tom reassured me they were looking for an overhaul & Palestinian leadership. 2/ Image
Oct 14, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
As part of a group of Palestinians & allies, I peacefully attended the @NDP convention to demand the party take a principled stance with Palestine today. We were blocked from entering. We were assaulted by private security & police. We were nearly pushed down the stairs.🧵 The @NDP barricaded the doors to the convention too so that attendees who heard us chanting & yelling couldn't leave to join us. NDP called police & security put me in a headlock. I struggled to get free & gave a few words to the NDP, making 3 demands. A few NDP members joined us