Savn provides expert legal advice and representation to clients across various practice areas across the country
Mar 17 • 5 tweets • 4 min read
I am just returning from the Custodial Center.
I was meant to re-interview just one person: remember the guy that got sentenced to death for defending himself against two armed robbers that attacked him?
Yes, today as scheduled for his further interview.
However, sequel to the said interview, the Officer in Charge, whilst on soft patrol, reached out to me and commended me for taking conscious effort to decongest the custodial center under his care. He was most impressed.
So, whilst at it, inmates without lawyers were referred to me.
I handful of them and some of those cases are worth sharing, after spending more than 4 hours [t]here.
1. Interviewed an inmate, let us called her EUO.
- She is 18 years old.
- Her father died when she was still a child (she is told).
- She hawks "agidi" and lives with her grandmother.
- Accused of armed robbery.
- She was arrested sometime in August 2024 alongside three men between ages 45 - 49 - all accused of armed robbery.
- When the police arrested, they tortured her to the point that she confessed to be an armed robber and wielding a gun.
-But at the Custodial center and during interview, she opened up that she never did any of those things: that it because: 1. the hung her upside down; 2. used lighter to burn her vagina; 3. tortured her until she could no longer endure the torture she received.
- One of the suspects arrested with her, who flatly denied being an armed robber, subsequently died at the police correctional center, owing to the torture meted on him at the Police Station.
- She was asked to produce 150k for her bail at the police station. But since she could produce the said 150k, she subsequently remanded.
- It is her case that she was prevented by the police from reaching her grandmother at all material time.
Her family is not aware of her whereabouts as I make this tweet.
I will be representing her pro bono.
CASE TWO: Let us called this inmate PNE.
They are peasants.
- They farm for people and used the proceeds to feed their children.
- The both have five and four children respectively.
- A concerned neighbour volunteered to be taking care of one of her children by providing food, and occasionally accommodating the child to sleep at her place infrequently. The child was 3 years old at the time. This is so, because, most times, the child is made to stay under the sun whilst the mother works on farm and had escaped snake bite twice.
- A relative of hers who got envious of the favours she was receiving from that neighbour reported her to the police on allegation of child trafficking.
She and her sister were arrested, and detained for 2 months and three weeks.
The lady that was occasionally assisting to take care of the said child was arrested and made to pay 9 million on allegation of child trafficking.
While they were at it, the police demanded that they (the inmates) pay the sum of 2 million naira to free themselves. Well, they could not produce such money, hence they were constantly tortured and eventually remanded at the correctional center.
They have so been at the custodial center all these while without legal representation.
We shall do all within our capacity to represent them and ensure that they get a deserving justice.
PS: These two women do not even know where their children are as I type. Because, upon their arrest, the police did not afford them the opportunity to inform their people that are being arrested. As we speak nobody knows of their whereabouts.
Mar 3 • 24 tweets • 5 min read
Today has been quite soulful for me.
I went to the Magistrate Court today, from thence, I went to the Cyber Crime Unit of the Nigeria Police, then had a long day interviewing inmates at the custodial center.
The first person I interviewed admitted to committing the Offence
However, for the offence of stealing and conspiracy...are all bailable.
It's been three years now without any form of trial.
He gave me an address.
I hope to visit his people and inform them that their son has been at the custodial center.
I will reach out to the Complainant.
Jan 23, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Today, a litigant (probably a young person from his appearance) informed the Court that he was representing himself and will not be needing the services of a lawyer. The Defendant consulted and retained the professional service(s) of a lawyer and that lawyer informed the Court
that he will be objecting to the Plaint filed by the Plaintiff for being “grossly incompetent”. He further submitted that the Court, with respect, does not have jurisdiction to entertain the suit.
The Court now asked the litigant/Plaintiff to respond to the issues raised by the
Jan 21, 2023 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
And, from the US, we have this story about South Carolina’s decision to reinstate the firing squad as a method of execution, a form of capital punishment not used in the state since the Civil War.
Americans have an appetite for reenacting the past, especially the battles of the U.S. Civil War, which took place from 1861 to 1865. Every year, in an effort to relive something of the nation’s bloodiest war, thousands don blue and gray uniforms and gather on fields where the
Dec 25, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Yesterday, my younger brother’s wife was falsely accused by a customer of “stealing her phone” and, the said customer employed the services of some police officers to do her biddings for her.
What happened?
The said customer visited my younger brother’s wife’s shop, picked up
Some items and left.
After about 30 minutes of leaving the shop, the said customer returned and claimed that she left her phone behind and that it was my younger brother’s wife should produce the phone.
Calls were made and before you know it, Police was everywhere.
Good afternoon Ma. compliments of the season.
I am Barr. Yvonne a member of the NBA Lagos Branch, Sir I tried reaching out to you but I guess you are busy. My boss Barr Omobolanle Raheem was shot dead today, by a POLICE
OFFICER on her way back from Xmas service at Ajah under bridge .Her family just called me now , that they need a lawyer to stand in for them before the police changes the narrative. They have taken the matter to Ajiwe Police Station.
Aug 28, 2022 • 15 tweets • 3 min read
During covid lockdown we had a case around my neighbourhood
This guy is married with 2 kids. A boy and girl, both teenagers.
Dad works on the island with the daughter in secondary school while mum is a teacher at XYZ and lives with the son.
Neighbours knows him as a very protective dad to his daughter. You only see her outside when she's going or coming back from school.
Lockdown made their mum relocate to the island with her son.
Then the mum discovered daughter was preggy and conered her to speak up. She refused.
Jun 25, 2022 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
The Karnataka High Court, India, while declaring that the wearing of hijab by Muslim women is not an 'essential religious practice' in Islamic Faith, said that, "The Holy Quran does not mandate wearing of hijab or headgear for Muslim women".
The Court also observed that the prescriptions in suras regarding Hijab are not mandatory.
"The Holy Quran does not mandate wearing of hijab or headgear for Muslim women. Whatever is stated in the above sūras, we say, is only directory , because of absence of prescription of
Jun 25, 2022 • 12 tweets • 2 min read
The constitutional right to an abortion in the US has been eliminated after nearly 50 years.
Yesterday, the conservative-majority Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, a ruling that strikes down federal protections for abortion and punts abortion regulation to the states.
The Supreme Court in history has never before granted a widely recognised constitutional right and then taken it back.
This is historic in many ways.
Jun 2, 2022 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
A blind man suffering LOW BLOOD PRESSURE and STROKE was dragged to Court today by his estranged wife and three (3) children. The man was accused of abandoning his wife and children to live with another woman.
In reply, the man informed the Court that he left his house because HIS WIFE AND CHILDREN STOPPED giving him food and care, which made him starve most of the time and his health deteriorate a great deal. Whilst addressing the Court, the man and the judge and the
Apr 13, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
In view of the humanitarian crisis resulting from Russia’s unprovoked and unjustified invasion of Ukraine, the Council introduced humanitarian exceptions1 in two sanctions regimes concerning the situation in Ukraine: restrictive measures in respect of actions undermining or
threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine (“Ukraine territorial integrity regime”), and restrictive measures in response to the recognition of the non-government controlled areas of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts of Ukraine and the ordering
Aug 23, 2021 • 18 tweets • 3 min read
The granting or refusal to grant recognition to a government is not purely a matter of international politics and diplomacy. There are some legal aspects to it and legal consequences arising out of such recognition.
For a start, the problem is not with regard to the 'state' of Afghanistan, but with regard to the 'government' of Afghanistan. In international law, the continuity of a state terminates only when its population or territory undergo changes.
Aug 23, 2021 • 29 tweets • 5 min read
1. Alimony is an allowance paid by one spouse to another by order of a court for the maintenance of the other spouse while they are separated, during divorce proceedings or after they are divorced.
Aug 21, 2021 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
On Monday, before doing my matter in Court, I witnessed the trial of two rape cases. In the 1st case, records available before the Court shows that the Prosecution was lackadaisical and grossly incompetent. They missed out on too many crucial things, including medical report.
The accused was charged on a 2 count charge of which rape was among the charges. He is accused of raping a 21-year-old lady. Apparently, he did it. However, when taking his plea, he pleaded not guilty. The lawyer defending him was brilliant. He destroyed the evidence of the
Aug 21, 2021 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
On this International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence based on Religion or Belief, I stand in solidarity with all victims of persecution, wherever they may be.
In a year when, among other challenges, the COVID-19 pandemic has led to limitations in the exercise of and put respect for human rights to a test, we continue to witness how religious intolerance leads to individuals across the world being harassed
May 17, 2021 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
1. I just got off the cal with one of the sons of Mr. Okey Ifejoku.
2. From my conversation with him, there are brilliant lawyers already handling this matter. They were also the ones that represented him when he was charged with murder.
3. Mr. Okey is standing trial at the Federal High Court, Abuja judicial division for a 3 count charge for acts of 'terrorism' tied to the murder of one Cyprian - as seen in the further further amended charge sheet.
May 17, 2021 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
The Council today decided to prolong the framework for restrictive measures against cyber-attacks threatening the EU or its member states for another year, until 18 May 2022.
This framework allows the EU to impose targeted restrictive measures on persons or entities involved in cyber-attacks which cause a significant impact, and constitute an external threat to the EU or its member states.
May 17, 2021 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Today, I addressed students of Government Girls Secondary school...and told them that no amount of bride price can sufficiently quantify the worth of any woman. I also told those promising las that marriage is not an achievement.
I further told them that they had a duty to succeed in life, make their parents proud and, the society better. I made it clear to them that every girl or woman out there can succeed without the help of a man. I told them that they need not get laid in order to succeed.
May 16, 2021 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
It is a wrong for a man to use the colour of his station in life to oppress the common man. It is even a greater wickedness to charge an innocent man for murder at the magistrate Court. He was discharged and acquitted on merit.
Not stopping there, you decided to charge him for treason at the Federal High Court,Abuja. There is nothing in the charge that discloses the offence he is so charged with. I feel for chief Okey Ifejoku, he is a victim of arbitrary use of power, arising from communal land crises.
Apr 18, 2021 • 33 tweets • 5 min read
PRESS STATEMENT, 17th April, 2021
It is over 17 days today that 15 Atyap Community leaders in Atyap Chiefdom, Zangon Kataf Local Government Area (LGA), in Southern part of Kaduna state have been detained without trial.
Among them is a very sick 85 year old, 4 village heads and youth leaders. They were tricked to a meeting by military officers of Operation Safe Haven on the 31st, March, 2021 at the Headquarters of Operation Safe Haven, close to Kafanchan, Jemaa LGA Kaduna state.
Apr 17, 2021 • 30 tweets • 6 min read
- Catherine Addison, University of Zululand
The Egyptian author, physician and activist Nawal El Saadawi’s recent
death has brought her writing back into the public eye. This is an opportune return, because El Saadawi’s feminism was ahead of its time – in both the Arab and the African worlds. In a recent analysis, I focused on her 1975 novel Woman at Point Zero.