kelly victoria 🪐 Profile picture
AKA Sapphire the Fairy. Photography at @pandoramusic / @siriusxm. lover of science, music, math, games and the ocean. 🇳🇴 🇺🇸 IG: @saysthefox she/they
JVJ Profile picture Tim Ling Profile picture 2 subscribed
Jan 21, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Ladies, be on your toes if you go for walks at night. I live in a safe neighborhood and go for walks all the time at night but I’m always super vigilant and thankfully I was tonight when a car drove up with his lights off, pulled over next to me, jumped out of his car and popped his trunk and I immediately took off running towards a streetlight where there was someone walking a dog. I looked back over my shoulder once I was a safe distance away and he was slamming his trunk, got back in his car and sped off. If I hadn’t seen him coming or felt like
Dec 12, 2020 42 tweets 22 min read
I think everyone could use a lighthearted/happy story right now so here goes:

At the beginning of the pandemic I went through some painful personal stuff and would often go out at night for long walks because no one was around and I couldn’t sleep anyway. One night I was walking down my street and noticed that someone had set up a few little objects in a tree planter and upon closer inspection I realized it was a fairy garden with a little note about the 4 year old girl who felt lonely in quarantine and wanted to spread some cheer. The next day I wrote ImageImageImageImage