Soraya Chemaly Profile picture
Feminist writer and talker. Irate but like to laugh. Reluctant expert in online hate. Author of Rage Becomes Her and upcoming release, The Resilience Myth
Jul 26, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
Subtle sexism stories? It’s exhausting just going over the examples in my head. One that routinely makes me smh was being interviewed on NPR about a social media campaign that pulled millions of ads dollars from Facebook in a matter of days in 2013. 1/ 2/made it sound like three women got together on a whim and were lucky enough to have it work. My interview was followed by one of a business school professor, a man, who explained that we clearly didn’t understand that Facebook didn’t hand pick ads but used algorithms.
Sep 3, 2019 11 tweets 5 min read
Sharing Hurricane Dorian relief/aid information on this thread. Please consider making donations directly to orgs in the Bahamas. They need money and immediate support and can quickly get critical food and supplies to the Abacos and Grand Bahama from Nassau.
1/ 2/Area code is 242
Jan 10, 2018 18 tweets 4 min read
1/Got a bunch of #wagegap deniers in my mentions so here’s a thread about reductive thinking about women’s “choices”: 2/The wage gap results from complex dynamics that create the parameters of women’s decisions about work. Men and women *do* make different choices, ie, fields of study, types of work, “lifestyle” decisions but rarely women-make-choicers actually delve into *why* they make them.