Patrick Schwab (NeurIPS 2023 🤖) Profile picture
Senior Director Machine Learning & AI @GSK. Prev: ML @Roche, PhD @ETH. ML for Drug Discovery and Health.
Nov 29, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
A long-standing challenge in supervised deep-learning has been to imbue neural networks with mechanistic -rather than associational - understanding.

We are excited to present DiffIntersort - a causal order regularizer enabling the differentiable optimization of deep-learning methods using interventional data 👇Image Building on the theory of epsilon-interventional faithfulness introduced in Chevalley et al (2024), we reformulated Intersort using differentiable sorting and ranking.

This enables two key advances:
- seamless integration into modern deep learning frameworks as a differentiable regularizer
- computational scalability into large, realistic-scale problems for biological discovery (1'000s of intervened nodes!)
Dec 16, 2023 17 tweets 15 min read
Unable to keep up with the deluge of amazing work happening in ML for Biology and Health at NeurIPS this year?

We've got you covered with a concise summary of #NeurIPS2023 content focussed at the exciting intersection of Biology, Health and AI!

thread 👇 Image Björn Ommer (Stable Diff) starts us off with defining human vision as grasping things without touch and perception as a process of prediction

He argues intelligence is learning under finite resources to support research outside scaling & makes case for accessible and open models

Dec 4, 2022 19 tweets 23 min read
You couldn't make it to #NeurIPS2022 this year?

Nothing to worry - I curated a summary for you below focussing on key papers, presentations and workshops in the buzzing space of ML in Biology and Healthcare 👇 Starting off with Keynote presentations:

Back prop has become the workhorse in ML-
@geoffreyhinton challenges the community to rethink learning introducing the Forward-Forward Algorithm that are trained to have high goodness on positive and low goodness on negative samples.