Scott Fitzgerald Gray Profile picture
9th-level layabout, vindictive good. He/him. Markedly left wing. RPGs are political. Orcs are racist AF. #Vaccinate #BLM #TLM #AbortionIsHealthcare
Dec 2, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
So I’ve written a d20-based fantasy RPG, as one does, whose underlying system is called d20CORE. (The game proper has a different name, but I’ll tease that later.) This is a thing I’ve been working on/playing for about twelve years now, because I’m pretty lazy.

I’ll explain. 1/ A logo that reads: “d20CORE” First thing you need to know: Given the opportunity to do something, I will almost always sit back and wait for someone else to do it instead. (I’m relatively quiet on social media because I know that if I wait long enough, someone else will say what I wanted to say.) 2/
Nov 3, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
This is a fascinating read as it relates to what’s likely coming for Twitter, and what’s already happened to Facebook. But I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that this concept of the “Trust Thermocline” started ringing bells in my head as regards a game that means the world to me. 1/ D&D right now is a very different model than the subscription services (both games and media) that the thread talks about. But as many of us remember, the game and its brand took a serious hit during the 4e era because of this issue of pushing trust to the breaking point. 2/