Sean Kelly Profile picture
Building my 4th 8-figure biz (B2B media holdco). Also GP & Investor at The Family Fund VC. Biomed engineer too. Helping founders achieve breakout performance.
Olivier Duquesne aka DaffyDuke Profile picture Green Profile picture michele reginato Profile picture Mohamad Hourani Profile picture David Profile picture 11 subscribed
Jul 24 13 tweets 4 min read
Elon Musk open-sourced all of Tesla's patents for other car companies to copy.

Wall Street called it 'dumb' and thought Tesla will be crushed.

Elon was right. Everyone was wrong.

Every entrepreneur needs to understand why he did it and why it worked:🧵 Image Look at this graph 👇

In 2014, EVs made up less than 1% of car sales in the US.

But Elon realized that his competition wasn't other car companies.

It was the internal combustion engine itself. Image
Jul 22 23 tweets 7 min read
8 U.S. Senators died of heart attacks in the '60s.

A Harvard scientist blamed the amount of fat in the American diet & suggested eating "good carbs".

This marked the beginning of the obesity epidemic in the US.

A thread 🧵 Image These numbers are pretty shocking:

• 2 in 5 people in the US are obese
• Obesity costs $200 Billion to the US every year
• Approx 36% of people consume fast food every day
• The US spends more on healthcare than education! Image
Jul 17 13 tweets 4 min read
How I've built three $10M+ companies, managed a VC Fund, and maintained peak health....while traveling every month for fun.

1. Lock your phone in a box Image Your brain is constantly expending energy not to check your phone. So:

• Get a physical box for your phone
• Put it away during focused work time
• Set specific times to check it

I've increased my deep work hours by 40% after this.
Jul 13 14 tweets 4 min read
Jeff Bezos built a $200 Billion empire using his ruthless decision-making framework.

It's how he conquered retail, cloud computing, and space.

The 4-step decision-making process Jeff used to outsmart everyone: Image Watch this video where Jeff explains why most companies aren't great at decision-making:
Jul 11 15 tweets 4 min read
Investing in your health doesn't have to be expensive.

You can get healthier than most without spending thousands of dollars.

Here's the ultimate list of 11 best health purchases under $100.

1. Pre-Meal Tablespoon of Olive Oil Image Extra virgin olive oil, the Mediterranean elixir is one of the secrets behind Blue Zones—areas with the most centenerians in the world.

Before every meal, take 1 tbsp of olive oil. It can keep your blood sugar levels in check while reducing inflammation.

Price: $10-$50
Jul 8 18 tweets 6 min read
Researchers recently revealed how one can easily slow down the aging process.

I'm 41, but my biological age is 27.

Copy my result-backed protocol that I've religiously followed over the past 20 years to achieve this 🧵 Image First off, aging is a disease that you can slow down.

It's an inevitable part of life. But it doesn't mean you have no control over it.

Before diving into my protocol, you must understand why we age.

David Sinclair explains:
Jul 5 14 tweets 4 min read
Look at these chairs.

$350M worth of these Herman Miller Aeron chairs have been sold.

They're dubbed ‘the finest chair that modern engineering can produce’.

In the story of its development, you will learn a simple truth about all great companies 🧵: Image Herman Miller:

• Was ranked as the most admired company in the furniture world 23 times
• Have been displayed at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA)
• 100s of books have been written about the company and its design principles Image
Jul 3 16 tweets 5 min read
Your favorite fitness influencers have been lying to you.

It took me 4 years of a biomedical engineering degree & tons of experiments on my body to realize this.

5 contrarian hard-to-believe truths about your body 🧵: Image 1. You don't need to work out your abs to get a six-pack.

Shocking, right? But it's true.

Visible abs are more about low body fat than strong abdominal muscles.

A study found that ab exercises alone didn't reduce belly fat or make abs more visible. Image
Jun 27 18 tweets 6 min read
Your brain is deteriorating right now.

This "cognitive rust" affects EVERYONE, silently eroding memory, focus, and mental sharpness.

But there's a way out.

Here's how to train your brain just like you train your muscles 🧵 Image Your brain is your most powerful weapon.

David Goggins says that if you don't control your brain, your brain will control you.

Even Science suggests that you can hack your brain for peak performance.
Jun 25 19 tweets 6 min read
The single-most dangerous disease that affects everyone after age 30:


It increases your risk of frailty, falls, fractures, and even disability.

Here is what it is and what you can do to protect yourself...🧵 Image Sarcopenia is age-related muscle loss.

After age 30, men lose as much as 3% to 5% of their muscle mass per decade.

Most men will lose about 30% of their muscle mass during their lifetimes.

This is terrible for your health. Doctor explains👇🏽
Jun 19 24 tweets 7 min read
I take more than 40 supplements a day.

At 41, my biological age is just 27.

If this picture makes you cringe, you need to understand the science behind why it works.

A thread 🧵 Image This is my Lifeforce score. My doctor told me it's one of the highest she's ever seen.

I get my blood tested every quarter through @golifeforce to track my biomarkers (code FIV gets you $300 off)

These tests show me how various supplements & lifestyle changes impact my biology. Image
Jun 14 26 tweets 7 min read
The cooking oil you use today was an engine lubricant 100 years ago.

A cost-saving incentive drove manufacturers to replace organic cooking oils with industrial seed oil.

Here is what this means for your health.

It's not an overstatement to say that industrial seed oils pervade the American diet. Every day:

- The US spends $9.6 million on producing seed oils
- The average American eats 5-10 tablespoons of seed oils
- Americans consume around 16-18 million pounds of seed oils Image
Jun 10 12 tweets 4 min read
Elon Musk fired 80% of Twitter (6500 people) and everyone thought that Twitter was doomed.

He was right. Everyone was wrong.

It’s the management masterclass of the decade and every entrepreneur must understand why it worked 🧵: Image Disclaimer: The intention of this thread is not to support layoffs. They suck for everyone involved, especially those who are let go.

Rather, my objective is to show that often it's best to zig when everyone else is zagging.

And that smaller teams often perform best.
Apr 30 26 tweets 7 min read
In 2016, two guys appeared on Shark Tank.

Their ask was the highest till that time - $2M for a 5% stake.

The judges laughed, ridiculed, and roasted them.

Today, they're doing tens of millions every year & have a $6M contract with the US Dept of Defense.

Here's the story 🧵 Image Here's a clip from their time on Shark Tank.

In the end, the founders said "It's gonna be cheap in the long run".

And they certainly weren't wrong.
Apr 27 18 tweets 5 min read
Nicotine is the most misunderstood chemical compound.
Humans have been consuming it for 12,000 years for pleasure.

But with the correct dosage, nicotine elevates memory, attention, mood and cognitive function.

Let me explain: Nicotine as a nootropic helps in:

- Improving short and long-term memory
- Increasing alertness and attention
- Elevating Mood
- Boosting overall cognitive and brain function

Let's dive into it 🧵 Image
Apr 17 30 tweets 8 min read
I'm convinced everyone aged 30+ needs to watch this exchange between longevity experts Peter Attia & Andrew Huberman.

Understanding this may extend your lifespan by 10 years.

Let me explain in simple language 👇: The first key to living longer is to prevent the main causes of death. These are:

- Heart disease
- Metabolic disease
- Neurodegeneration
- Cancer Image
Apr 9 17 tweets 5 min read
Hard skills get you the job, soft skills get you promoted.

Master these 2 soft skills to change the trajectory of your career 🧵 Warren Buffet talks about how the greatest investment you can make is in YOURSELF.

Learning the arts of communication and dependability is a great place to start.

There are no soft skills more important to master.
Apr 6 14 tweets 4 min read
8 years ago, Jensen Huang hand delivered to OpenAI, the first AI-focussed GPU made by Nvidia.

This moment marks the end of Intel's dominance.
It wasn't luck, it was deeper.

Jensen has said publicly that Nvidia 'did it' by religiously following 4 core values 👇🏻 Image Value 1. Have low expectations (but high standards)

Jensen believes that people with very high expectations have very low resilience.

But resilience - forged from the experience of pain & suffering - is required to achieve meaningful success.
Apr 2 18 tweets 5 min read
I pay $24,000/yr to my EA to handle a multitude of tasks.

She saves me 20+ hours per week.

I'm able to run 3 businesses, travel the world & give my family enough time while working out every day.

Here's how I hired and trained an EA to 2X my productivity 🧵 Right now your day looks like this:

You wake up & get crushed by 5-minute tasks:

- Email inbox w/ 100 messages
- Need to delegate 25 tasks to 5 different people
- 10 scheduling requests
- 8 meeting agendas
- Personal: 5 errands & appointments

This takes up 50% of your time. Image
Mar 29 21 tweets 6 min read
Peter Thiel's fellowship program has produced more unicorns than Stanford in the last 5 years.

The combined worth of companies under his fellowship is over $100B

He uses 6 questions to identify 20-year-olds and their potential billion-dollar companies

Test yourself with them🧵 Image Here are some companies that were founded at the Theil Fellowship program 👇

- Ethereum ($300B)
- Figma ($10B)
- Oyo Rooms ($9B)
- Polkadot ($7B)
- Loom ($4B) Image
Mar 7 13 tweets 3 min read
Peter Thiel recruited Reid Hoffman, Chad Hurley, Sam Altman, David Sacks, and Keith Rabois. Also partnered with Elon Musk.

He's used these 4 questions time and time again to identify 20-year-olds who would go on to be billionaires.

Test yourself with these questions: Image This is one of my favorite videos on hiring because the advice is so unique and seemingly contradictory: