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Mar 1, 2023 9 tweets 7 min read
🧵 This Week In React

👉 Next.js
👉 Signals
👉 useSyncExternalStore
👉 Server Components
👉 TanStack Bling
👉 Forgetti
👉 Suspense Toolbox
👉 Module Extraction

👉 Expo
👉 Reanimated
👉 Metro
👉 Restyle
👉 DankStyle
👉 RFCs

Links ➡️

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Signals remained a trending topic this week
Great Next.js 12.3 release unveiling a new cache system

Also many new for React-Native!
Expo 48, Expo Router 1, Expo Image 1, Reanimated 3, Metro symlinks support!

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Feb 27, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Different perspective 🤪

"Mutability has great positives
But thinking immutability is bad may just mean some past patterns were problematic, and not that the entirety of immutable data is bad"

useMemo/useCallback will go away someday

I can agree, but maybe the pain is only temporary?

Maybe we shouldn't throw the immutability model because of short-term difficulties, and the platform should evolve to support better the immutable UI model

Things like Records & Tuples can greatly help

Nov 2, 2022 24 tweets 16 min read
🧵 This Week In React

👉 Next.js 13
👉 Turbopack
👉 Remixing Shopify
👉 React-Three-Fiber Journey
👉 Gatsby Valhalla
👉 Full Stack Comps
👉 Rive
👉 Storybook
👉 React-Query
👉 Docusaurus
👉 Asta
👉 Expo 47
👉 TypeScript 4.9
👉 stc

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🧵 Details 👇 🧵 Intro

What a week 🤯

- Next.js conf: Next.js 13 + Turbopack
- Shopify acquires Remix
- Three.js Journey goes React
- Gatsby 5 releases Valhallah

Also testing a new format, do you like it?

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Sneak peek below 👇
Oct 31, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
I'll do a thread with all the funny tweets I gathered for my React newsletter

Too much fun to not share 🤭

Just wondering if I should exclude non-React/frontend memes?

Should I include these? 👇

Or this?

Sep 6, 2022 13 tweets 5 min read
There are 16 hooks in React 😏 😈

And I bet you never used this one: useSyncExternalStore()

Used internally in state management libs, like Redux

But have you ever thought about using it in your own app code?

💡 It could be useful & even prevent some React re-renders

👇 🧵 Image Let's start with a real-world problem.

Imagine you are using React-Router and call useLocation() in a few places

➡️ do some conditional rendering depending on pathname, hash, ?search query-string... Image
May 4, 2022 21 tweets 53 min read
🧵 This Week In React

👉 Click To Component
👉 Zag
👉 Why I don't miss React
👉 Next.js -> Remix
👉 Next.js ISR
👉 Next.js Router
👉 Component Party
👉 Convex
👉 Concurrent React
👉 Tilg
👉 RN 0.69 RC
👉 Expo 45
👉 RN-Skia, Graph
👉 TS Error Translator

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Details 👇 Image 🧵 Intro

Great week for React-Native: 0.69 RC, Expo 45, Skia...

New cool toys: Zag, Tilg, Click-To-Component, Convex, Component Party, TS Error Translator...

✉️ A lot more links in the email
(a few nice TypeScript and Wasm ones)
Mar 23, 2022 19 tweets 41 min read
🧵 This Week In React

👉 Ladle
👉 Preemptive memoization
👉 Remix Stacks
👉 Upgrading Next.js
👉 Wix // SSR
👉 Shopify Polaris Viz
👉 RTK Listener middleware
👉 Remix Review
👉 React-Spline
👉 React-Runner
👉 Storybook
👉 React-Native 0.68 RC3

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🧵 Details 👇 Image 🧵 Intro

Interesting Remix and Next.js content this week

Ladle: faster Storybook

Nice React-related feedback from Shopify and Wix

React-Native: calm week, but v0.68 / Fabric is coming!

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Feb 9, 2022 18 tweets 39 min read
🧵 This Week In React

👉 Server Components @ Shopify
👉 Composition
👉 Context Perf
👉 Icons + React
👉 React-Native-Web + Remix
👉 Offline React-Query
👉 Partytown + React
👉 Gatsby trailingSlash
👉 Deno web apis
👉 Immutability
👉 Stately editor

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🧵 Details 👇 🧵 Intro

Many great articles this week

In particular a first pragmatic feedback from Shopify on using Server Components.

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Feb 1, 2022 21 tweets 43 min read
🧵 This Week In React

👉 Remix + web
👉 MDX 2
👉 React + lifetime analysis
👉 Schema Form System
👉 React Quick Start docs
👉 Story of React
👉 Debugging
👉 RN Usage Tracker
👉 Porting tsc to Go
👉 Deno 2021
👉 Error Cause
👉 Trailing Slash

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🧵 Details 👇 🧵 Intro

Calm week for React & React-Native

Still interesting for the ecosystem, converging to std web APIs: Remix, Deno, Node.js fetch() + JSON modules...

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Jan 11, 2022 22 tweets 49 min read
🧵 This Week In React

👉 Remix: server state, waterfalls, + Next, + Prisma
👉 Remotion 2.6
👉 Preact Tutorial
👉 Relay 13
👉 3D particles
👉 RN ➡️ SwiftUI
👉 Skia
👉 TypeScript
👉 Container Queries
👉 Browser-Vite

...more by email! ✉️

🧵 Details 👇 🧵 Intro

No big unexpected React announcement this week, but a good variety of interesting reads!

@remix_run continues to get great marketing from its early adopters!

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Jan 10, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Why web3 is always associated with blockchain?

How a decentralized blockchain DB is even related to the web in the first place? 🤷‍♂️

What about alternatives?
Like the one the creator of the web works on:…

Is crypto the only way to solve centralization? Read this

Nov 23, 2021 17 tweets 14 min read
🧵 This Week In React

👉 Remix 1.0
👉 Test Selector API
👉 3D Scene
👉 Prev unnecessary renders
👉 Next.js offload scripts
👉 Tamagui cross-platform UI kit
👉 Partial hydration
👉 Lighthouse 9
👉 Cloudflare Pages
👉 Fundraisings

... more in the newsletter 😉

🧵 Details 👇 🧵 @remix_run launches in v1

Focus on UX, progressive enhancement, perf

Leverage existing Web APIs => reusable skills

Landing page parallax explains most important parts in 5min ⏱️

!= Next.js, @ryanflorence says it's more like Rails (intro video)
Nov 9, 2021 16 tweets 12 min read
🧵 This Week In React

👉 Shopify Hydrogen
👉 React-Router
👉 Storybook interactive stories
👉 State Initializer pattern
👉 React + TDD
👉 Next.js
👉 Expo modules
👉 Skia
👉 TypeScript
👉 Chrome/Lighthouse User Flow

... more in the newsletter

🧵 Details 👇 🧵 Hydrogen by @ShopifyDevs

An opinionated React framework for Shopify E-commerce sites

Bets all-in on Server Components, streaming SSR
Oxygen: dedicated hosting infra to come (V8 isolates at Edge)

=> Highly dynamic content without perf compromise
Sep 28, 2021 19 tweets 13 min read
This week in React

👉 Chat with Swyx & Sunil
👉 Shopify Hydrogen
👉 MUI v5
👉 React antipatterns
👉 useIsMounted
👉 useReducer
👉 Expo OTA
👉 Skia Breakout
👉 Reanimated Layout anim
👉 Colorwaver
👉 Smart client vs Smart server
👉 Rome ➡️ Rust
👉 Partytown

🧵 Details 👇 1/ 🎧 Podcast with @swyx & @threepointone about various React-related topics

Really interesting discussion, a lot of insights/opinions:
- state machines
- Gatsby 4 vs Next.js
- why swc is a better fit for Next.js

First time I read about Hydrogen & Bun
Sep 21, 2021 27 tweets 19 min read
This week in React

👉 React 18 updates
👉 Gatsby 4
👉 Context
👉 FileSystem routing
👉 Shadows
👉 React & RN history flashback
👉 Next.js & Vercel
👉 State Management
👉 Custom hooks readability
👉 React Native everywhere
👉 React Native windows
👉 Corepack

🧵 Details 👇 1/ @dan_abramov shared a long React 18 update, mostly for course creators:…

Some APIs are stable. There's still a good amount of work left

We shouldn't extrapolate the Big Picture vision too much for now

React 18 is not only for FB scale apps
Aug 23, 2021 15 tweets 10 min read
This week in React

👉 Scheduling Profiler
👉 Next.js 11.1
👉 Split components
👉 "context flag" anti-pattern virus
👉 Dynamic forms with visitor
👉 TS Unions with Destructuring
👉 React Native 0.65 + plans
👉 React Navigation 6.0
👉 Portals + document.body

🧵 Details 👇 React has a new Scheduling Profiler, presented by @brian_d_vaughn

This should help understand better what React is working on, in a concurrent world with features such as Suspense, transitions, offscreen, lazy...

Pro-active & also hint suggestions…
Jun 14, 2021 16 tweets 12 min read
This week in React

👉 React 18 links:
- Plan for React 18
- Working Group
- Intro
- Story
- Now what?
- With TS?
- TL.DR Video

👉 Redux Toolkit Query
👉 Don't overabstract comps
👉 React-Native 0.65 RC
👉 Reanimated 2.3 layout animations
👉 Astro
👉 Vue 3.1
👉 ..

🧵 Details 👇 The @reactjs team published a new post

The Plan For React 18:
- first alpha published
- mention available features
- introducing the working group
- gradual adoption strategy
- stable release expected in a few months…
May 17, 2021 17 tweets 11 min read
This week in React

👉 Docusaurus 2 Beta
👉 Chose React over Vue
👉 (un)controlled inputs
👉 Eliminate problems
👉 Recoil 0.3
👉 Coinbase -> React Native
👉 Stripe-React-Native
👉 Hermes on iOS
👉 Babel drama
👉 TypeScript 4.3 RC
👉 TS 7 sources of unsoundness

🧵 Details 👇 We released the @docusaurus v2 beta!
It's easier than ever to create a doc website!

v1 feature parity is here with i18n, and core features are stable enough!…

Check our best documentation websites here:…
May 3, 2021 20 tweets 14 min read
This week in React

👉 Remix v1 beta
👉 Next.js 10.2
👉 Redux 4.1
👉 Babel 7.14
👉 Safari 14.1
👉 Suspense is killing me
👉 Key prop
👉 Advanced Framer Motion
👉 Design system: Stitches & Radix
👉 Airtable Flow ➡️ TS
👉 Inspx
👉 Expo + Next.js
👉 Mighty

🧵🧵🧵 Details 👇👇👇 Remix v1 first beta!

The React meta-framework built by @mjackson & @ryanflorence launched as a 1h30 Youtube stream:

Apr 12, 2021 18 tweets 12 min read
This week in React

👉 React-Hook-Form 7
👉 React-UX-Form
👉 Dumi
👉 Figma-To-React
👉 Recoil 0.2
👉 Hermes Intl + OTA
👉 Nextgen buildtools
👉 Bundless
👉 Microsite
👉 Let ➡️ Const
👉 How to test UI
👉 XState Catalogue
👉 Vue 3 ❌ IE11
👉 DevTools ➡️ TS

🧵🧵🧵 Details 👇👇👇 React-Hook-Form v7 was released by @bluebill1049…

Most exciting thing is probably leveraging TS 4.1 template literal types and being able to type-check the form against field-name typos!
Apr 5, 2021 16 tweets 10 min read
This week in React

👉 React Labs
👉 Next.js 10.1
👉 Dependency Injection
👉 Fastest Text Update
👉 Tuples?
👉 React React Errors
👉 Expo 41
👉 RN Timeline
👉 Web: Flutter vs RN?
👉 TS 4.3 beta
👉 Coolify
👉 Storybook 6.2
👉 Change Array by copy

🧵🧵🧵 Details 👇👇👇 React Labs: @abernathyca presented a new official video series of technical deep dives in the React research.

The first video is a Q&A about server components: