Sebastian Chopwood Profile picture
Konvertit fra sekulær agnostiker til Islam. Alhamdullilah ☪️ 🌳 Gender accelerationist 🌞 Far. Erhvervsudd. Stud.scient.pol. 🎙️Podcast: Præsten og Muslimen
Jun 18, 2024 12 tweets 3 min read
And the Enlightenment believed that they could dispense with metaphysics when universally describing reality, while at the same time claiming that all cognition happens in the mind of the particular person, through a one way imprintment of sense data. 1/9 🧵 The woke simply and rightfully asked:

"who's sense data"?

And "what makes your particular sense-experience eligible for a universal claim?"

This started with the feminists realizing that a lot of stuff, seemed as is it was benefiting men. Image
Jun 15, 2022 14 tweets 12 min read
Definition på 'WOKE':
At forpligte sig til en kontinuerlig kritisk agtpågivenhed om ens implicitte meddelagtighed såvel som modstand overfor social uretfærdige praksisser og strukturer.
👉 En lille tråd 🧵
1/? #dkpol ImageImage Lad os tage udgangspunkt i 'the wokes' egne ord:
Her er det fra @D_p_T_ om Social Justice i børneinstitutioner
2/? ImageImage