Sebastian Profile picture
hussamkhatib Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jun 10, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Rome is hiring! Looking for developers who like to dive deep into developer tooling. 100% remote and in most countries. If you're interested please contact us at! Sorry, need to mute this thread as it's becoming really hard to filter through and reply. Please contact that email if you're interested! Open source and developer tooling experience is a plus but not required. We are distributed across CDT (GMT-6), PDT (GMT-7), and GMT+1.
May 4, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Announcing Rome Tools Inc, an open source first company for @rometools… The new company will be led by myself and @buildsghost. We’ve worked together on @babeljs, @yarnpkg and @lernajs. We know what it takes and why this change is so meaningful. We’ll be joined by long-time contributors @ematipico and Yassere!
Sep 1, 2020 7 tweets 1 min read
yarn is dead, long live npm Panic! At My Mentions
Aug 15, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Can we please talk about why Babel and Jest are advertising **online casinos** prominently on their homepage? Jest has 16. Babel has 9. How did this happen? Among the very legit businesses you'll also find essay writing services, insurance companies, and blog spam. Like I understand that open source needs funding, but is **this** really the way?
Jun 23, 2020 9 tweets 1 min read
You don’t realize the heavy conscious and mental burden that comes with being a Facebook employee until you quit Imagine not being complicit in social disorder and political interference. It’s pretty nice. Imagine not being ashamed to tell people where you work. Even better.
Mar 20, 2019 26 tweets 6 min read
This is a collection of my tweets over the past ~2 years about a project I've been working on. Time and work fluctuated over that period.

It was called Sonic, then Hydra. Now it's called Rome. It's a JavaScript toolchain. It has zero dependencies, every thing is custom. It has a linter, bundler, compiler, formatter, testing framework, dependency manager, and more. All of these make sense as a single system, they're all related.

Here are some other tweets where I talk about Rome, in chronological order:
Mar 8, 2019 12 tweets 3 min read
Here's a summary of why Grammarly are predatory and why you should avoid them. I am not a lawyer™. This is my layman reading, but they are pretty explicit about a lot of these practices. Posting because I've seen a lot of people oblivious to what they're signing away. Grammarly *IS* a keylogger. They try to dodge it by saying "Grammarly accesses only the text you write while using our product"
Nov 16, 2018 13 tweets 3 min read
What I wanted Babel to be: A thread At the beginning of 2015 when Babel was still called 6to5, I created the issue "Project Scope and Future" to solicit ideas and feedback from the community about my desire to generalize 6to5.…
Nov 2, 2018 8 tweets 2 min read
This month is Alpha 1 Awareness Month so I've updated my profile picture and cover photo. Alpha 1 Antitrypsin Deficiency (AAT) is a genetic disorder. It affects how the liver produces a protein called antitrypsin, which is used to protect the lungs. #Alpha1Awareness People with AAT produce antitrypsin that is a different "shape" and it gets stuck in the liver and never reaches the lungs. This can lead to liver disease. The lack of antitrypsin in the lungs also makes you a lot more prone to developing lung related diseases like emphysema.
Sep 8, 2018 76 tweets 19 min read
@samccone Alright stop, collaborate and listen @samccone Ice is back with my brand new invention
Jul 12, 2018 8 tweets 2 min read
npm inc are complicit in this👌🏻… npm inc when there was literally a CVE by @samccone about this. only thing that came from it is 2fac. code signing WOULD have prevented this. Over 2 years to do something so the 🤷🏼‍♂️ response is not acceptable.…