How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App article calls a spade a spade, and doesn't engage in silly both sides-ism. Imagine if all political coverage was like this. Arizona, two days ago: was absolutely an F-up here, don't get me wrong. But trying to ascribe individual blame without all the facts is inappropriate. These are public servants putting their lives on the line for the protectee. Let's just let the facts come out before throwing them under the bus., it suggests that the CIA should have stopped the letter even though it didn’t contain classified information. This would violate the 1st Amend rights of these individuals. If it doesn’t contain classified information, the CIA cannot stop its publication. See Constitution., Smith's team should have taken the time to provide that declaration, even if it meant waiting until Monday. Maybe we'll see it in a reply brief. the motions would mean DOJ would have to search for add'l records, review them, & work with agencies on CIPA protections. That would take well more than a month. Trump's team would want to see these records before issuing its Sec. 5 notice (info it wants to use at trial) Obviously DOJ hasn't appealed anything to date. Frankly, there's been nothing to appeal. DOJ is not going to appeal pre-trial & trial scheduling issues, as a court of appeals is EXTREMELY unlikely to second guess how a judge runs their docket. Being bad on scheduling, and... least this avoids the scenario @JoyceWhiteVance worried about, where Cannon reserved on these issues until after the jury was impaneled, when a dismissal might be non-appealable due to double jeopardy issues. Better to find out where she's at now. we eventually get to Trump's presidential immunity assertion, even if Cannon denies it, she will stay the case unless she finds that the assertion is "frivolous." So today will be the early tell as to how she's leaning on this question., giving the briefings also sets a bad precedent. How can you deny clearances to rank & file employees for minor transgressions while treating Trump as if he's cleared after he absconded with 100s of classified docs, refused to give them back, & obstructed the investigation.