S.E. Cupp Profile picture
JOBS: Author, CNN, NYDN. LIKES: John. RELIGION: Jack. SIGN: The one no one gets along with. SKILLS: @jeopardy winner. @inaraorg
Scott Phillips Profile picture Ms. Mary Profile picture 2 subscribed
Jun 25, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
It’s taken me a minute to decide whether I wanted to share this. But ultimately, iI felt like I had to.

Yesterday, @ananavarro, you made an argument that one of the reasons you were pro-choice was because you knew children with special needs, in your family. So do I. You said you have a step-grand daughter with Down’s syndrome, and a “step-grandson who is very autistic.”

And that “there are mothers and people who are in that society or in that community will tell you they’ve considered suicide because that’s how difficult it is to get help.”
Apr 7, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
A thread, about “freaks and predators.”

I grew up dancing ballet. I did it every day, 6 days a week, starting at 6, in a very strict Russian Vaganova school. Eventually got into the Boston Ballet school. My community of male dancers was mostly gay. I didn’t know anything different. My gay friends were NORMAL, TYPICAL, just like me. I was exposed, very young, to a world that was open to me but very much still closeted to the rest of the world.
Apr 5, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
This is weird. A thread:

NASA selected Canoo — a company under SEC investigation - to carry astronauts to the launchpad. It’s a small promotional job, but as one source tells me, still part of a team that needs to work smoothly. bloomberg.com/news/articles/… Last month, Oklahoma inked a gov contract with Canoo, without taking competitive bids, knowing it’s under SEC investigation, and despite insiders acknowledging, “there’s no product” yet.

Mar 5, 2022 7 tweets 1 min read

If you think Putin’s invasion of Ukraine seems so cruel, unnecessary and pointless, let me tell you how Syria started.

A few kids in Dara’a sprayed anti-Assad graffiti on a high school wall. 15 kids were arrested, beaten, tortured, had their fingernails ripped out. Parents in the town demanded to get their children back. They were told by Assad’s regime, “Forget your children. If you want children, make more children. If you don't know how, bring us your women and we will make them for you.”
Jul 4, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
July 4th thread: My mom’s parents came here from Italy before the war. Her 6 yo dad got off the boat, was given an ice cream cone and promptly put it in his pocket. He said he learned to count with orange slices. They had nothing. People told them to go home, to leave this country. They were called Wops and Dagos and Guineas. They were discriminated against and punished.
Nov 19, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
THREAD: I hate to let the air out of these #fartgate theories, but the inimitable laws of physics clearly point to Chris as the culprit. For one, Swalwell’s mic wouldn’t likely have picked it up in the noisy liveshot location... Second, the fart conveniently manifests when it goes to a one-shot, where Chris is off camera to let it rip without anyone seeing...