Segen Y. Profile picture
Dec 18, 2024 17 tweets 3 min read
Ok enough is enough!!Many of us are watching from distance thinking things would come to sense, but then it’s just getting ridiculous and scary by the day with no return bombarding us with press releases … well in that case I want a platform for my own press release saying, (1) ካብ ቤት ስነ አእምሮ ሰገን የተሰጠ መግለጫ

“We the people insist you stop pretending to know and fighting over how to lead us best. We are adults. Just make us choose 🙄.Stop acting like you’re doing this for the public while all signs show it’s not! (2)
Nov 27, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
"Meetings Are Toxic🤭," according to Fried and Hansson in their book “Rework”. It’s the single and major source of waste and inefficiency leading to disruption in workflow, killing creativity and arriving at a poor decision! 1/n Meetings are more of concepts and abstract words than concrete actions. Usually they are stranded with unclear agendas resulting in confusion and hinder effective discussion. And during this time the information exchanged is minimal compared to the time spent. 2/n
Aug 21, 2023 18 tweets 3 min read
I left Addis Ababa after few days visit, with a mixed feeling of pride and sadness. I feel honored to have been able to walk with my chins high and alive after surviving a genocide. And this is possible, because of our brothers and sisters who paid a price with their life, limbs and traumatic experiences. This same thought brings me sadness as the price is too high and irreversible. The youth didn’t deserve to have lost their life while city dwellers are all warm and comfy in their homes.
Apr 24, 2023 19 tweets 5 min read
When war broke out in Tigray, my kids with their father were stranded in Mekelle while I was in AA. In the morning when I woke up to the news on the internet, my then friends started calling to break the news one at a time at which point my body was shaking.1/n I spontaneously lashed out on my Facebook wall, as if the world could hear and do something, including God! I continued receiving mixed phone calls throughout the day, some asking genuinely if I am ok while others were only prying if I knew some intel!2/n
Apr 10, 2023 20 tweets 5 min read
In some countries it is common for students to have what they call a 'Gap Year’ after finishing high-school, in order to help them figure out what they want before college year. This gap year has been forced upon students in #Tigray in all age group and for over three years.1/n Around February 2022 “Education in emergency” was in effect for Kg-6th grade where the grades was revised to fit a compressed calendar while textbooks and teaching methods remain the same. The overall situation is a critical topic for research in education. 2/n
Mar 27, 2023 16 tweets 4 min read
Significant portion of #Tigray population with an enormous potential for change is YOUTH (age 18 - 29 for this context; However without a census for over 2 decades, exact figure remain obscure 😏). Currently war, siege and previously Covid-19 have affected their lives immensely. Many had to grab arms and fought to defend their sovereignty during the two years long war, disengaging from their daily life and aspirations. Others if they escaped being arrested or killed by forces of 🇪🇹 , 🇪🇷 and Amhara, they have been displaced,
Mar 25, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
Finland’s War with the Soviet Union. Extracted from “Upheaval:Nations is Crisis” book summary. A good reflection point if you read through!

As you probably know, Finland is a Scandinavian country of about 6 million people which borders Sweden to the west and Russia to the east. We’ll be very surprised if you know something more than this, however: Finland wasn’t even a free country for most of history.
From the 13th to the 19th century it was considered a part of Sweden, but after 1809, it became a part of Russia. It remained so for the next century:
Mar 20, 2023 16 tweets 4 min read
The one thing but the most important we have lost and destroyed in our community is Trust! Trust in ourselves, relationships, organizations, government or even on humanity has been shaken to its core. I believe lack of trust at all levels has caused us friction, hidden agendas, conflicts, rivalries, win-lose thinking, defensive communications which later led to the unprecedented crisis we are in.
Mar 6, 2023 17 tweets 3 min read
My biggest fear for post war #Tigray was to return to where we were, or somewhere worse. And every time I shared this thought, everyone would respond “ካብዚ ንዳሀር እማ ከሙ አይከውንን”; “Nothing will be the same again”. But I ask what has CHANGED? When one faces a crisis, the way it responds and changes will definitely determine if it may or may not resolve it successfully. But it has to make some kind of effort!
Feb 27, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
“መስመር እዩ ሃይልና” I have taken this phrase to mean VALUES are what we stand for and builds our PRINCIPLES as #Tegaru. Similarly “መከተ” is protecting it from any oppressors that tries to disrupt it.
But now am asking what are our values and principles? 1/13 To put a working definition for this two words, I will quote the book “Principles” which explain them as, “Your values are what you consider important and they define who you want to be. However, they are not practical to use when you are faced with tough decisions. 2/13
Feb 17, 2023 20 tweets 3 min read
As I grew up in Addis Ababa, I didn’t have a unique relationship with #ለካቲት11 until I came to Mekelle and attended the 35th year anniversary and there after. Since then I started to understand the history and was fascinated with the stories I learned. Even if the day symbolizes the birth of TPLF, most #Tegaru would argue it’s a day of freedom and a symbol of the culture where Tegaru wouldn’t accept subjugation and pay any price for their self determination.