seiri // 星莉 // 🔞 new thread! Profile picture
✿ she/her ✿ level 33 ✿ 🇨🇦 🇭🇰 ✧ check my site byf ✧ canon wangxian enjoyer 💙 ❤️ ✧ ⛔ mdni ⛔ H: GEAROUS // Pfp: Me! 💌 DMs open~ 📦 Group Orders #seiriGO
alemireth Profile picture 1 subscribed
Oct 15, 2022 16 tweets 3 min read
⛧•┈ day 15: royalty au // wangxian
✧ princeji x guardxian, alphaji x omegaxian

“Shhhh! Be quiet!” Wei Ying pressed his little finger against his lips.

He looked over at the smaller boy with pretty gold eyes and smiled.

“You are the one talking,” he retorts. “Aiyo, is that how you speak to someone who you want to take you to see the bunnies?” Wei Ying teased back.

The young prince frowned at his point and looked away definitely.

“That’s what I thought,” he grinned and peeked out of the bush he had shoved them into.
Oct 15, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
⛧•┈ day 14: cloud recesses era // wangxian

Wei Ying had yet to get so close to *the* Lan Wangji without suffering the consequences of his icy gaze.

But with him passed out drunk after a single sip of Emperor’s Smile, he was granted the time to observe him to his content. It wasn’t anything weird!

He just had a hard time figuring out how one person could look so beautiful. If there was truly such a thing as perfection, Wei Ying was sure it would be Lan Wangji.

Not a single brow was out of place.
Oct 12, 2022 31 tweets 6 min read
⛧•┈ day 01: #gusuxian // wangxian

Wei Ying peered into the library carefully, trying to make himself as scarce as possible.

He wasn’t *avoiding* anyone—he hadn’t done anything wrong—not this time at least. —okay, so *maybe* he had snuck in some Emperor’s Smile *again* and maybe this time he *did* have too much and maybe he *might* have accidentally let slip a confession to his bestest best friend and is absolutely mortified it even happened.
Oct 11, 2022 26 tweets 5 min read
⛧•┈ day 09: #bunxian // wangxian
✧ alphaji x omegaxian, nsfw 🔞, mildy dubcon

“W–wait—” Bunxian helplessly tried to grab onto something to steady himself.

“Wei Ying’s fault,” Bunji growled and canted his hips roughly against Bunxian’s rump. His thumb was pressed firmly above his tail on a spot to the side of his tailbone, causing Bunxian to arch his back beautifully for Bunji and pour out mouthfuls of squeals.
Oct 11, 2022 24 tweets 5 min read
⛧•┈ day 08: time travel au // wangxian
✧ wwx slingshots himself wayyy too far into the future--

He had just wanted to take a glimpse into the future—to see what the outcome would be—if he was making the right choice—

But he had bitten off more than he could chew. Wei Ying landed on cold stone—too smooth and too glossy, for where he had been previously. His head was throbbing and he reached out a hand to grab at anything to stabilize himself.

Whatever he managed to get a hold of turned out to be not entirely sturdy and tipped onto him.
Oct 10, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
⛧•┈ day 07: #merxian // wangxian
✧ admiralji x merxian, mentions of blood & illegal trafficking of mystical creatures

The soft melody echoed over the quiet waters Lan Zhan peered out upon. The Gusu branch of Marine Protection had been alerted of a pirate company headed in their direction.

Lan Zhan wasn’t sure at first, but after hearing the same song the fourth night in a row patrolling these waters, he had a fairly good idea of what the pirates were after.
Oct 7, 2022 28 tweets 5 min read
⛧•┈ day 05: #dadxian // wangxian

“I’m so sorry!” Wei Ying bowed deeply as he stepped through the doors.

Lan-laoshi held his finger up to his lips in a motion towards A-Yuan wrapped in a warm cardigan slumbering away on a makeshift cushion pillow. “I’m so, so sorry, Lan-laoshi—” he apologized again, this time in a hushed whisper.

The other rose from behind the desk and met Wei Ying half way. “It happens. Do not worry about it,” he reassured Wei Ying.
Aug 22, 2022 36 tweets 6 min read
✧ wangxian vamp hunters au
✧ vampji x humanxian
✧ blood/feeding, venom with aphrodisiac properties, semi-exhibitionism, non-con elements, unreliable narrator lwj
✧ nsfw 🔞

“lan zhan?” wwx poked his head through the door to lwj’s study. wwx had fallen asleep on the couch after the two of them had spent hours pouring over their latest case. at this point, they were sure the rogue vampire was being sheltered by a larger collective, otherwise they would’ve found them long ago.
Aug 4, 2022 23 tweets 4 min read
✧ wangxian, canon dynamics
✧ nsfw
✧ post-canon, (im)proper use of the lan forehead ribbon, minor restraints, cockwarming

“do it yourself,” lz says after pulling his fingers out of wy’s slicked hole. wy may or may not have spent most of the day teasing lz--from the early afternoon since they had departed for a night-hunt, until the time they returned to the inn. a quick kiss here, a lingering slide of his fingers along lz’s waistband there--