🪻bosco🪻 Profile picture
dishrag psychopomp; zesty timewaster
fche Profile picture Potato Of Reason Profile picture 2 subscribed
Aug 11 13 tweets 2 min read
I was under the impression that a "no soliciting" sign implied "no political canvassing," am I wrong here, do I need to get another sign I also assume it covers "no religious proselytizing" so if I'm wrong about that too I need to know
Dec 24, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
shortly after I got married at 19, I traveled down to the Oregon coast with my now-ex, and we did the tourist thing, looked at a few vintage shops, etc

I bought a violin from one of those shops for $100 I had just been looking into what it would take to pick up the violin again after playing VERY briefly as a child

and then I found this one

I had the money, so I got it

I knew it probably wasn't a fantastic instrument
Dec 17, 2023 13 tweets 2 min read
some things that, in some very important sense, you never have to do and especially do never have to do in the context of an online social scene where nobody is directly capable of using force to fuck with your housing, money, food, physical safety, or autonomy 1. pick a side when people are riled up at one another, publicly or privately
Dec 12, 2023 55 tweets 10 min read
😘 so

I am ofc very flattered by that thread and in agreement with eigen's take

and I have my own thoughts on the weird "poly vs monogamy" discourse that crops up every so often here

gonna take a sec to organize my thoughts a little bit, or at least collect them, in a thread
Oct 12, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
for the past few weeks I've been taking kiddo out on occasional drives at night while her sleep schedule adjusts

and I've made a point of looking at the stars but the sky hasn't been terribly clear yet

last night, it was I saw a particularly bright star and I used the stellarium app to identify it


I know a few constellations but haven't had much interest in the sky until recently, but that moment...
May 23, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
some guy fixes his acid reflux by swallowing food upside down for several months:

ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/P… Image I wonder how many involuntary bodily processes are like this

where you can kind of nudge them to improve/strengthen just by putting them in situations where they need to function slightly better

obviously exercise in general works a lot like this
May 21, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
what was up with that unspoken campaign in the 90s and 00s to render lucky charms impotent

every show had an episode where someone lost their lucky whatever right before their Big Day their friends would provide them with a fake, only to reveal the subterfuge at the end of the episode because the power to Win was in the main character's heart all along
May 17, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
sometimes when my kid is making a mess that I theoretically don't have any objection to, I leave the room or stop watching bc it's easier to cope with a mess I stumble upon than a mess I witness from start to finish this seems suboptimal (tho not a huge deal) bc I would rather just cultivate equanimity about my kid making harmless messes as she goes about her day...
May 16, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
thinking about that elderly woman who approached me in a mcdonalds when I was ~16 and told me that I had psychic abilities*, and she wanted to talk to me if I ever had the time

*I think that's what she said, it was along those lines she gave me her business card (fortune telling) and told me to get in touch

I was spooked so I never called her and put it out of my mind
May 15, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
type of girl who got really into The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock in high school
Feb 15, 2023 21 tweets 4 min read
ok guys

we're all weirdos here

and you need to know:

being neurodivergent may make you much less of a mark for many common types of parasitic con artist

but... ...it makes you way more likely to be a much rarer type of mark that a much rarer type of parasitic con artist can smell from a mile away
Feb 15, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
tonight I will be talking about some different kinds of Faces, and why I find them repugnant I like to watch instagram reels before bed

and it turns out that there are trends in facial/vocal expressions and muscle tension patterns

for the most part, I do not like this
Dec 30, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
listening to the dresden files again after a decade+

I think I really appreciate harry dresden as a character in ways I didn't back in high school for one: he just. really likes women. likes them as people and as women. no woman is really ugly to him, he always finds some detail to be charmed by
Dec 24, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
something about "settling down and raising a family" has been tricky for me to figure out

like...how do I orient to the long term, make necessary plans and preparations, without losing playfulness or spontaneity but I think I'm starting to Get It

like: christmas happens every year. every month I could find an hour to do something that actually facilitates something I want to happen at that year's christmas. so that when christmas comes, so much of it is already in place
Dec 24, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
every year I want to be the kind of person who makes Christmas really Happen but my plans are all way too involved to realistically enact during the christmas season it's always confusing like, how did my grandma manage it every year

and then I remembered that she always finished her christmas shopping in july

she had her christmas meal planning done by thanksgiving
Dec 22, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
ok so if I rate "difficulty getting out the door and going somewhere" on a scale from 1-10

"having no responsibilities or children on a nice spring day" is a 1

"having a toddler" is a 4

and this blizzard/temp situation is an 8

...how often does this shit happen in Minnesota? I know things will get easier as I learn to deal with it but tonight I am feeling incompetent and blocked and overstimulated and uncomfortably reminded of early covid lockdowns and I used up all of my toddler entertainment ideas before 1pm today
Dec 22, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
kinda wish our house still had a boiler system

the victorian homes we toured last winter were so fucking cozy despite all the windows, I suspect forced air just doesn't cut it for this layout I think, on day three of these stupid temps, I'm finally starting to adjust to the ambient temperature downstairs

btw did you know that stimulants can make you colder (including caffeine)
Dec 21, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
a thing I think is going on with a lot of weird health stuff, alternative remedies, placebo, etc: the "bodymind" is a system, everything is relevant to everything else in some way, and a ton of "health problems" have dozens (or more!) intervention points that you could poke intervention points being "a place where you have the flexibility to try something different in a way that plausibly affects other pieces of the health problem"

like: maybe fixing one resource-draining feedback loop is enough for your body to take the wheel and "get better"
Dec 19, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
you know the scam where someone gets a guy to send explicit pictures to "a woman" (or just accuses him of doing so) and then "reveals" "herself" to be "underage" and has "her dad" blackmail the guy?

there's a new twist on it in my hometown now it includes searching court records for people with some sex-related criminal charge and then spoofing the number of the local police department

the "cops" call the mark and tell him to "work it out" with the dad or they'll "press charges"
Dec 18, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
drove around this morning acquainting myself with a whole new type of weather

sunny, single digits (barely above 3 degrees at best), lots of snow on the ground

it was...crunchy saw one of these for the first time (not my pic, I didn't take one)

very disappointed to learn they're called "sundogs"
Dec 18, 2022 16 tweets 3 min read
not gonna QT bc lord knows the dude doesn't need more of that

but someone posted about how he's struggling with fatherhood

and the same Types of Guy handwringing about birth rates are dogpiling him

criticizing him for daring to openly grieve the ways his life has changed there's this dynamic I see a lot -- it comes up really dramatically when people (maybe especially men) express that they're struggling with something hard