Diana S. Fleischman Profile picture
Evolutionary Psychologist. Married to @primalpoly. I left academia so I can say whatever I like here now. Account private while I finish my book.
4 subscribers
Jun 30, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Childless people invented the idea that it's problematic and an invasion of privacy to post pictures of your children online because they didn't want to lose out in online status games against parents with cute kids. I enjoy and collect cynical explanations for otherwise puzzling phenomena, this one about posting pictures of children online comes from a fan of @SimoneHCollins and I think it's plausible
May 31, 2024 21 tweets 9 min read
Recently there has been a reckoning about whether scientists, like evolutionary psychologist and population geneticists, are responsible for the "bad" beliefs and violence of people who read and cite their work.
I don't think they are 🧵 One of my colleagues @dconroybeam (henceforth DCB) wrote a piece for the Boston Globe lamenting that evolutionary psychology is commonly cited by manosphere and incel groups whose unpalatable attitudes include desire for a traditional foreign born wife, the belief that women are feckless sluts for highly dominant men, and that feminism and wokeness have had a dire influence on heterosexual relationships.

May 27, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
The Guardian: Why does the racist idea persist that Black people have thicker skin than White people?

Meanwhile: Black people have thicker skin than White people.

Next the scientific racists will tell us that Black people have darker skin, on average.
Apr 5, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
Singapore's greatest asset is a relatively educated workforce. In the 80s Lee Kuan Yew implemented selectively pronatalist (aka eugenic) policies , like priority daycare, romantic getaways for educated singles and money for sterilization, to try to increase the number of children born to educated women. These were targeted at the better educated Chinese majority. They were both unpopular and ineffective- failing to bring Chinese birthrates up or the age of marriage for Chinese women down.Image
A couple of posters from Singapore's pronatalist era- 1986
Jan 9, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
A @sciam article concluded that women have an "endurance activity advantage" and that, therefore, women are as adapted for hunting as men. The piece didn't make a strong case & authors Ocobock and Lacy were pilloried.
Did they respond to criticism in a later online seminar about the pushback they got on their paper? Not really- 1/4
Image They responded dishonestly to this tweet saying that there was no "evidence for women doing high-risk cooperative big-game hunting in any hunter-gatherer society"

Ocobock countered this by saying there was "no evidence" of "only males" doing big game hunting among Neanderthals (not extant hunter gatherers) or "anatomically modern humans"- pushing the burden of evidence back, rather than tackling the claim directly 2/4
Dec 20, 2023 20 tweets 8 min read
Sex differences are a central theme in the culture wars- endorsing evolved sex differences, or even a sex binary can get you in trouble. That's why #TheBigConversation - a conference bringing together some of the most prominent voices on either side of the debate was such a rare event- I wrote about it for @RealLastStand
Here are some of the highlights of the article
🧵 1/20

realityslaststand.com/p/the-sex-wars… The conference consisted of 16 talks and 5 discussion sections- see a recording of the whole conference at the link below.

Some of the attendees were Cordelia Fine @hoovlet @DaphnaJoel @ginarippon1 @PsychoSchmitt David Geary @ProfDavidBuss @CostelloWilliam @TaniaArline Marco del Guidice @sbkaufman David Puts @Lise_Eliot and Maryanne Fisher 2/20

Sep 30, 2023 11 tweets 5 min read
This weekend I'll be posting from the #thebigconversation an event with opposing voices on sex differences like @Lise_Eliot @PsychoSchmitt @hoovlet @TaniaArline @ginarippon1 @SwipeWright @CostelloWilliam @DaphnaJoel @ml_fisher @sbkaufman & David Geary!
santafeboys.org/why-the-big-co… #thebigconversation on sex and gender differences is going to be livestreamed- you can attend for free at this link form.jotform.com/232276404966159
Jun 11, 2023 15 tweets 4 min read
A thread of interviews I've done for @AporiaMagazine. 🧵 .@AporiaMagazine interviews me on behaviorism and evolutionary psychology aporiamagazine.com/p/make-behavio…
Mar 2, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Women on internet forums are constantly encouraging one another to escalate small or nonexistent misdeeds into existential relationship threats. It's incredibly toxic- a few examples: Woman- my husband hasn't initiated sex since I got pregnant and it's making me feel self conscious. During an argument I said "do you think of me as an incubator?" he said "well, you kinda are an incubator" I didn't talk to him for 2 days.
Replies: You go girl!
Sep 27, 2021 11 tweets 5 min read
I polled men on Twitter about if they would prefer to be slapped or to get silent treatment, get yelled at, have a long discussion or go to couple's counseling. A thread about punishment, silent treatment and romantic manipulation 🧵 Do people often manipulate each other in relationships including punishment? You might think it's dysfunctional, unhealthy, or even abusive but you can't say that interpersonal manipulation isn't common. Psychologists have been thinking about this for decades.
Sep 27, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
Summary of polls I ran asking people to take perspective of person dying & asking how much grief they'd hope their partner would experience, how long they would want their partner to wait after they died to date again and whether they would help their partner find someone new 🧵 How much grief would you hope your partner would experience after you die?
21% of people wanted their partner to experience "no grief". Some people in the comments said they wanted their partner to experience intense grief for a short time.

Sep 25, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
Men in relationships with women: Your wife/girlfriend is angry with you. You can either get two hours of annoyed silent treatment or one hard slap across the face. Both options result in the exact same outcome of her not being angry anymore/acting normally. Which do you choose? (Because so many men seem to like silent treatment)
Men:Your wife/girlfriend is angry with you. You can either get 30 minutes of her yelling at you or 1 hard face slap. Both options result in exact same outcome of her not being angry anymore/acting normally. Which do you choose?
Sep 16, 2021 12 tweets 8 min read
The individual choices people make have both been attacked by progressives as eugenics and are defined by philosophers and bioethicists as eugenics. There are also many contexts where state incentives and individual choices come together-thread🧵 1-In 2019 George Church developed a dating app to match users that did not share the same genetic diseases. The decision to use this dating app is an individual one- but it caused a huge controversy as eugenics. (pic 1 is my essay)
Sep 11, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
If Biden's vaccine mandate is enforced, employers will be incentivized to terminate unvaccinated employees. The vaccine mandate will cause a disproportionate impact- Black employees will be most likely & Asian employees least likely to be fired.
data from kff.org/other/state-in… Because the vaccine mandate will have a disproportionate negative impact on Black Americans, it fits @DrIbram's definition of racism.
Jun 5, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
Here "sin with impunity" is to talk about ideas without prostration to critical theory, disability studies and notions of discrimination.
If you come to a conclusion disagreeable to critical theorists, no amount of handwringing about history or other perspectives is enough. Many have decided to levy a tax on subjects they dislike to impede discussion. The tax is opaque. Is talking for 5 sentences or 2 pages about slavery, the Holocaust or the history of sterilization adequate before you may put forward a controversial perspective?
I will not pay.
Jun 3, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
My interview with @Animal__People forum. Dylan Forest's excellent questions ended up distilling many of my views on an evolutionary perspective on human morality, human animal relationships and my critique of the vegan movement - thread of quotes below 🧵 animalpeopleforum.org/2021/04/29/hav… I became attracted to evolutionary psychology because it readily compares human and nonhuman animals. Considering both human and nonhuman animals through an evolutionary lens led me to take animal suffering seriously, and to ascribe moral status to the experience of animals.
Apr 5, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
When faced with the possibility that soon wealthy people could choose to have genetically smarter kids, it's fascinating that way more people are thinking "oh no! more terrible inequality" than are thinking "oh awesome, more geniuses to figure things out to make life better". One shortcut to equality- put lead in the drinking water of wealthy people's children.
Feb 18, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
From the evidence, it looks like there are going to be more Covid19 variants evolving in the next couple of years in people who are unvaccinated.
My predictions.
I'm happy to be corrected.
thread🧵 1- Many governments will impose a universal vaccine requirement so the unvaccinated don't become reservoirs for the virus to evolve. Even in these countries children and foreigners will be reservoirs. Covid strains will develop that are infectious in the vaccinated.
Feb 16, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
Interesting thread of research showing white people limit interaction with nonwhite people.
The author frames this as structural racism- but I don't think homophily in any other ethnic group would be regarded as racism. 1/2 Can we transcend homophily (preference to interact w others more similar)?
Authors suggest given whites choose to self segregate in diverse areas, we should engineer more contact- but what if all ethnic groups prefer to interact amongst themselves? 2/2

Nov 2, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
My tolerance of alternative moral, philosophical and political viewpoints comes from a history of being a hardcore vegan -a thread 🧵 1- I used to be a hardcore vegan- A little more than 10 years ago I read @PeterSinger's "Animal Liberation" and went from eating meat to being vegan in one day. And, like many new vegans, I had the fervor of the newly converted.
Nov 1, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
And yes, sexual interest is very helpful when it comes to improving your tolerance of diverging views- it's one of the only motivations that's stronger than tribalism. But rather than imagining their stick figure coitus, I like to think that Bob and Sally just like to cuddle.