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I retweet NSFW anime stuff! Be aware! Pixiv (https://t.co/KUl33otUBa)
Apr 9, 2021 24 tweets 4 min read
Demon Slayer, Jujutsu Kaisen... The convincing reason of why only Jump is "the absolute sole winner".

It's an interview of Yuu Saito and Yuta Momiyama.

It's too much to translate alone so I will try to make a gist(?) of it.
And it's just the first part.
gendai.ismedia.jp/articles/-/814… Jump is trying to get the talented rookies that did not thought about sending their manga/works to rookie awards. They do a lot of award while most of magazines have 3 or 4 at max. They spend every year hundreds of millions yen in awards and manuscript.
Apr 8, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
Some people say "if you don't like it do it yourself".

I begun it by trying to make an Tabletop RPG that can be playing completely alone with many d6. Maybe I'm reinventing the wheel since there is gamebooks.

Anyway, this comic is my test run of it.
Mar 21, 2020 69 tweets 22 min read
I updated the list of feminist pressure against expressions. I added the AI Sakura case on it. The pickyness is extremely high on this year's pressure cases. You can see the threshold is going down every year. 翻訳Translation:
Feminists says as public stance that "We are not taking over the liberty of expression! There are liberty of critic and the discussion is important!" but If you form a faction to conspire and attack in waves like that sure the ...