Deplorable Subtard Pepe Profile picture
Description is in honor of Adrian, aka @sirshadilay: Deplorable Pepe Entertainment is a division of the Putin International Corporation.
Feb 7 16 tweets 3 min read
Ever wondered why the Red Cross is the preeminent charity in the United States despite it actually doing very little for actual disaster relief? Buckle up fam, it's time for a Pepe Thread. Image 1. When World War II ended, Germany was divided up into four occupation zones, with the Western nations of France, UK,and US controlling West Germany, which was the richer part of Germany, while the Soviets controlled East Germany, per the Yalta Agreement.
Jan 7 64 tweets 10 min read
I've noticed lots of y'all never lived in the world of a high trust society without the Internet. I was lucky enough to have been born and raised in that society, only to watch the Internet boom while I was in high school and college. Buckle up fam, thread time down memory lane. Image 1. I grew up in the Midwest, right on the border with what the civil war would dub a border state. Good chunk of my dad's side of the family still lived in the border state, and they were here before the American Revolution. My mom's side of the family was German.
Oct 4, 2024 14 tweets 5 min read
Buckle up fam. It's time for a Pepe thread in North Carolina, and the root causes for all the devastation in Appalachia. Right when you thought you couldn't hate your government enough, you'll hate them more. Image 1. Ever heard of a company called @DukeEnergy? Well, they supply electricity to North Carolina, among other places, and they use quite a bit of hydroelectricity. They also keep their water at levels well above what it should be (their own data).

Mar 4, 2024 20 tweets 8 min read
Time for a Pepe thread on how to deport a shit ton of illegal items within a short period of time. Everyone is saying we're stuck with them because the task ist too hard, but the task is actually pretty easy given the resources available. Buckle up fam, it's thread time! Image 1. Delta, one of the largest domestic air carriers, has a fleet of 978 planes, which serves 190 million customers annually. They operate on a $53 billion budget, rounding up. If Delta can do this, so can the federal government. Image
Oct 14, 2023 19 tweets 4 min read
Okay fam, I'm getting really annoyed with all of this #IsraelPalestineConflict bs. So, I'm just going to lay out the facts I know,and explain this in the context of what our security interests should be. Buckle up fam, its thread time. Image 1. There's no doubt that the Hamas attack was a terrorist attack on Israel that intentionally targeted civilians for murder, rape, and kidnapping. Whether or not Israel should have been on a higher alert is moot. This is what happened.
Jul 9, 2023 25 tweets 5 min read
Ok fam, it's been a while since I've done a Pepe thread, but with this and the cops in New York wasting the manpower of 10 cops to arrest someone for lawfully smoking a cigarette while their city is in fire is enough. Buckle up fam, here goes: 1. My Uncle was a cop for 40 years in a Midwestern city, pretty good cop too. He came down to my cabin yesterday to do some fishing and we talked for quite a bit, and yes, he finds these two incidents very disturbing.