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Decolonial Strategic Comms | Created #BeingMicronesian & #ThePIIsntSilent | Professional #RabbleRouser | Olo Oshun | Opinions = Mine | RT/Like ≠ Endorsement
Dec 5, 2018 65 tweets 36 min read
What follows is the true story of the most bizarre employment situation I’ve ever found myself in, to-date. Some saw me tweet a chunk of this story elsewhere, but it’s since been deleted. This time, I’m owning my story. This is my tale of the #OldAndTheRestless. I guess we’ll start from the beginning: At the end of 2016, I accepted a job working as a personal assistant to a wealthy, middle-aged white man. I’ll refer to him as #MrB throughout my tweets. 👨🏻‍🦳
Sep 16, 2018 63 tweets 52 min read
In lieu of creating a whole new account/blog documenting the anti-Micronesian hate I see online, I’ve decided to just make a thread of it. I encourage everyone to read through it, share their own, contribute, and RT. Will be using the hashtag #BeingMicronesian with this thread. Here’s my previous pinned thread about some of the anti-Micronesian hate I’d recently seen in a #StolenStuffHawaii post. #BeingMicronesian
Jun 16, 2018 27 tweets 6 min read
1: A thread about the older people in our lives and what they’re capable of, thanks to my amazing parents and in honor of #Pride month. ❤️ This is also the first time I’ve shared my full #ComingOut story. 🌈 (P.S. They’re also @islandirie’s parents! 😊) 2: When I was 8 y/o, I was watching [early] Oprah with my dad. Her guests were middle-aged women who identified as lesbians. I’d never heard that word before, so I asked him: “Papa, what’s a lesbian?”
Mar 5, 2018 6 tweets 2 min read
To the white folx out here, always reminding us that you’re our allies: you can stop now. In case no one took the time to let you know this tiny detail, let me tell you now: WE KNOW OUR ALLIES BY WHAT THEY DO, NOT BY WHAT THEY SAY. Don’t do this work looking your invitation to a barbecue, cookout, fiesta, luau, blengur or any variation thereof. WE WILL NOT BE HANDING OUT GOLD STARS AND TROPHIES TO OUR MOST “WOKE” WHITE SAVIORS.