Omer Shatz עֹמֶר שָׁץ عمر شاتز Profile picture
int'l 🥑, legal director @front_LEX, doctor @YaleLawSch, counsel @intlcrimcourt, lecturer in int'l law @sciencespo, fellow @CEUDemInst, expert @J_RapidResponse
Dec 10, 2024 14 tweets 4 min read
Some say Genocide is difficult to prove. But #incitement to genocide, a separate crime, is not.
Our @sciencespo clinic, 'International Law in Action', filed a case @IntlCrimCourt, seeking the prosecution & arrest of 8 Israelis for #incitement to Genocide in Gaza.

This is why 👇 Image (1) Many think there are 4 ICC crimes, including Genocide. But there's a 5th: incitement to genocide

Incitement to Genocide is the ONLY mode of liability that can (must) be prosecuted WITHOUT having to prove the primary crime, genocide, has been committed…
Jun 17, 2023 35 tweets 8 min read
#Pylos. What to say that hasn't been said +25,000 times before. That won't play a role similar to the feeling the culprits express for the poor fates of their victims. We know the truth. We know that we are being lied to for years. They know we know. They also know victims and journalists will reveal their lies at some point. They know they can't detain the survivors forever.