K Agbebiyi - #StopCopCity Profile picture
K/Toyin. Organizing/writing against private equity + PIC. Proud lesbian, union member, avid reader. On insta, not here. Mgmt: @OdomMediaMGMT
Jun 7, 2023 18 tweets 5 min read
Feeling really conflicted and confused post the #CopCityVote about where to go from here and also my feelings on the referendum. Grateful to people like @DaShaunLH with whom I can share my thoughts, but this thread will hopefully summarize some more. The vote happened FIVE SECONDS ago, but we got so much national and international attention so it makes sense to want to capitalize off of that but also it is difficult to balance that with moving on the state's timeline. People need time to decompress and debrief
Jun 5, 2023 21 tweets 5 min read
Okay just making a thread for the city council hearing so I don't clog everyone's TL #StopCopCity Why is this guy making sense rn
Jun 5, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
So yes I will not be going to City Hall tomorrow. No matter what happens I am so incredibly proud of the city that I call home. Everyone has worked their ass off and done so much labor (most of it unseen). I have met so many smart and dedicated people through #StopCopCity and will forever be proud of what we have accomplished. To everyone who may be discouraged if tomorrow doesn't work out how we want it to, some affirmation is that soon you'll have been organizing so long you won't even remember all of your wins and losses..
Jan 21, 2023 20 tweets 4 min read
As an immunocompromised person (who has COVID for the second time), I think the responses to this are really interesting, and mostly unhelpful or generative. I think that Mindy and others have a lot of good questions for how we could be communicating to others about COVID, and safety, and also the efficacy of that communication. Because while I can understand the responses to the word "fearmongering," simply giving people on twitter
Jun 27, 2022 18 tweets 3 min read
I have been quiet on here because I'm devastated about Roe and have needed a couple of days to really put my thoughts together, especially as someone who just left repro last week. So many great thoughts and resources have been shared. I'm seeing debates on here about who this ruling impacts, along with talking points like "rich people will be able to have abortions" but also "EVERYONE is screwed."
May 22, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
How about this, no more making up rules for how other people engage in organizing until you’ve door knocked in freezing temperatures, phone banked until you were screamed at :) had to choose between meetings and going to work, and actually know your neighbors. yall Don’t even know the first rule of creating, completing and winning campaigns. Or connecting with people who completely disagree with you over a common political goal. But you’re very concerned that somewhere at sometime, someone may be smoking a blunt
May 22, 2022 7 tweets 1 min read
I was over the organizing while high tweet but actually Now I’m not because people won’t shut the fuck up about it. I just saw something that said if you disagree you’re a reformist. Making generalized assumptions over people’s political motivations due to their relationship with drug usage is actually really fucked up.
May 20, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
People without chronic pain actually dont get it. It’s not just the fact that you’re in pain constantly, it’s the fact that it impacts your sleep, and literally every thought you have. Imagine how radically different you would show up if Everytime you spoke, ate, thought, even relaxed, you were doing so while in pain. Now imagine that for days, months, years. Now imagine that you couldn’t take medicine for it because it didn’t work, or the side effects were too bad. And you just had to exist, and be expected to function like everyone else. IMAGINE.
May 20, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
It’s kind of fucked up that people are saying that if you disagree with this you’re uncommitted or unserious. I’m going on year 9 of organizing and feel confident about my commitment and seriousness and dedication. My work speaks for itself. If y’all can find a way to make healthcare free, or research the chronic pain that comes along with autoimmune illness, then I would most likely never be high. But we don’t live in that world.
Apr 19, 2022 7 tweets 1 min read
I just want to say that when I logged on briefly I was able to observe that once again, someone made a mistake and the person harmed by their mistake rightfully called them in. But because we live In A Society, other people who are white (like the person who made the mistake) have to chime in and chastise the person who made the mistake in an effort to distance themselves and their actions from theirs.
Dec 16, 2021 7 tweets 1 min read
Sorry for talking about this but I don’t think Ben Affleck said anything wrong or malicious. He just pointed out a fact that was obvious to him: he was unhappy in his marriage and that contributed to his alcoholism. Alcoholics or addicts in general have a right to say that??It didn’t seem like he was blaming *her* just talking about a trigger (marital stress)
Dec 15, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
I think people should get the booster if they are able AND it's so frustrating seeing ableds talk about how easy it is, how it's like not big deal it actually fucking is lol I have not been that sick in a DECADE. I had to have my parents take care of me for several days. I was literally delirious from the fever, and also my mental health was so low but the worst part
Dec 15, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Wow I just heard bell hooks died. This is devastating. She wasn't a perfect person (none of us are) but her work was so meaningful and impactful. It truly changed the landscape of feminism, and her work gave me such pride to be a Black feminist. She will be really missed.
Dec 15, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
After a really awful hospital experience @atypewritersing said something that really stuck with me. I'm paraphrasing but they said "part of disability justice is realizing that the medical industrial complex can never give us the care that we actually need." Up until that moment I literally expected doctors and strictly western medicine to fix me or at least provide adequate care. But now I'm realizing that that's not what it's going to do for me, and I feel better about my disability when I'm seeking out
Dec 14, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
I don't think a lot of people know this (lol no one really cares) but my partner and I are long distance! We've almost been together for 2 years! That is incredibly hard! Anyways we are closing the gap in 4-5 months and I'm still in denial lol. Does anyone have any advice? I'm just thinking it will be really different to be able to see each other so often
Dec 14, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
TW ED mention

Since realizing I have an ED, my world has really opened up. Through my therapist I just realized for me the main thing that helps is making sure I’m in a good space emotionally, in touch with my feelings, and observing the thoughts and actions that come up naturally for me when I’m upset. Its really hard work but I’ve made a lot of progress since just even being aware of my disordered thoughts.
Dec 13, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
A key way for me to lose respect for you as an organizer is to quit mid-project as a way of making a statement, without handing off whatever ongoing projects you’re working on. It’s good and fine to quit stuff, but purposely trying to make the work suffer because you’re upset with your comrades really makes me feel like I will never trust you or view you the same.
Nov 9, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
I wish that the right hadn't monopolized conversations surrounding "cancel culture" because while I don't think it exists in the ways that they're using it, I DO think people on the left have difficulty forming and maintaining relationships that align with our values. So many of my friends and comrades and I have discussed how we are all virtually afraid of being abandoned by people we care about for saying the "wrong" thing, but if we name this then we are all lumped together with abuse apologists.