Sherjil Ozair Profile picture
🔥 | previously autopilot @tesla, deep learning @googledeepmind, phd, cs @iitdelhi
Dec 3, 2024 25 tweets 7 min read
Very happy to hear that GANs are getting the test of time award at NeurIPS 2024.

The NeurIPS test of time awards are given to papers which have stood the test of the time for a decade.

I took some time to reminisce how GANs came about and how AI has evolve in the last decade. In early 2012, while I was an undergrad at IIT Delhi, I came upon on a deep learning course on Coursera by @geoffreyhinton. Deep Learning was a fringe and niche sub-field of machine learning which promised to be more "end-to-end" and more human brain-inspired.
May 16, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
I'm one of those in-the-trenches LLM researchers. I haven't participated much in the AI or AI safety discourse on Twitter.

After having read and thought through various arguments for and against AI existential risk, here's a summary of my current beliefs. 1. Superhuman AGI can be dangerous, the same way a team of villainous high-IQ scientists would be dangerous. In humans, we've been fortunate that intelligence and goodwill correlate, but this is not necessarily the case for AI.