Sudeep Agarwala Profile picture
Microbiologist, ruiner of jokes, orchid killer, dad. I love all things yeast & fungus. Synthetic biologist at @Ginkgo.
3 subscribers
Apr 18, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
I've been told there's a general panic about the shortage for flour in the grocery stores. But I must ask: have you met lentils?

I hate to be one of these awful bores who believes the stuff they say, yet here we are, I guess: yeast is technology, flour is culture. Gram flour/besan comes from the mighty Bengal Gram aka chana dal (in a pinch, chickpea flour works too). It's one of the cornerstones of Indian food. It's also plenty available in your local Indian store. Buy a big bag, soak some when you're feeling lonely and grind it up!
Mar 29, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
Friends, I learned last night over Zoom drinks that ya'll're baking so much that there's a shortage of yeast?! I, your local frumpy yeast geneticist have come here to tell you this: THERE IS NEVER A SHORTAGE OF YEAST. Here's where I'm a viking. Instructions below. Scour your kitchen for any dried fruit: grapes, raisins, prunes, apricots. Fresh fruit works too, but it's best to leave it unwashed, and given our current situation this is probably not a wise thing to do unless you've grown the fruit yourself and trust it.