Shumba Mutasa || Tafadzwa Mukudu πŸŒπŸ‡ΏπŸ‡Ό Profile picture
African, Zimbabwean, Manyika, Entrepreneur, Accountant, Psychologist, Economist, Scholar, Teacher, Husband, Father, Son, Brother, Uncle, Nephew, Friend, Peer.
May 13, 2022 β€’ 9 tweets β€’ 4 min read
If there is a group that has been able to get away with murder in Zimbabwe by hiding behind government issues it is corporates. Because our people have been so focused on government, they have had solidarity with corporates who are doing little to nothing to help them..2/... A classic example is pension funds. Private pensions became worthless at some point. My question is with the majority of pension investments in inflation busting assets (property & shares), why did private pensions become worthless? Where did the inflationary gains go???
May 12, 2022 β€’ 9 tweets β€’ 4 min read
Emotional Maturity 101:
A genuine apology is a selfless expression of empathy, not the expectation of the granting of forgiveness. Forgiveness is not for the perp, it is for the victim to find peace. If you apologise expecting forgiveness, then it's about you, not the victim.2/.. I have observed in relationships people "apologising", begging for forgiveness, asking the hurt partner to stay. That is not an apology. That is a selfish expression of the preparator's desires & not an expression of empathy. So few understand this because of several factors: 3/
May 11, 2022 β€’ 8 tweets β€’ 3 min read
The stigma connected to therapy means many people will walk through life with factors that prevent them from discovering the best versions of themselves. The old-fashioned link to madness & unhelpful words like "Sascam", "has issues", "needs help", etc propagate...2/... We all have "issues" no one is immune. The brain like the body catches a cold from time to time. It can also have long & short term conditions & at times is born with a disability & needs means to help it function in a society where it is a minority. Not seeking help hinders.3/.. Image
Nov 24, 2021 β€’ 11 tweets β€’ 4 min read
A thread on Legacy:
Many people often refer to legacy as leaving wealth for offspring. This thread will explain why that is a misguided notion & recommend more effective ways of creating legacy regards children including intergenerational wealth preservation... Image Cornelius Vanderbilt was once among the richest men in the world alongside the likes of JD Rockefeller, Carnegie & JP Morgan. He died in 1877 worth an estimated $185bn (today). In 1973 120 of his descendants met for a family reunion. NONE of them were worth over a $1m. Image
Aug 24, 2021 β€’ 10 tweets β€’ 3 min read
Why rural areas get a bad rap:
1. Image of poverty
2. Lack of decent services
3. Chirungu
4. Remoteness

1. Technology
2. Education & awareness
3. Modern services
4. Investment

A THREAD: As a kid I was one of the rare ones who loved going kumusha. I would even save to go. While everyone was trying to run from the rural areas, for me it was the opposite. Kumusha has a bad rap. This thread examines the key reasons for the negative image & explores some solutions.
Aug 23, 2021 β€’ 13 tweets β€’ 3 min read
The trouble with MDC Chamisa & why I cannot support them:
1. Insincerity
2. No guiding principles
3. Personal greed
4. No strategy
5. No accountability
6. Supporters (Cult)
7. Wanting Zim to fail
8. No delivery track-record
9. Strange bedfellows
10. No backbone
Thread: 1. Insincerity: There is an underlying record of insincerity from campaign lies about meeting Trump, Kagame's ICT to big ones like the V11s & constitutional violations. I'm still waiting for the website with 10,000 V11s. Even the name MDC Alliance is covered in blatant lies.
Apr 8, 2019 β€’ 12 tweets β€’ 2 min read
My "famous" analogy of the lawn: why the state of suburban yards explain the reason why African economies go down post-independence and why time or an exceptional leader is the only solution...a thread!!! 1/ Before independence, most suburbs had manicured gardens: lush green lawns, flowers that seems to bloom all year round, working flood drains & just well presented gardens. They were straight out of the gardening magazines...