SidewaysKoyote Profile picture
e/rebellion - Post-industrial Shaman. Free-associative logistician. Freedom in a package. Substack:
Potato Of Reason Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jul 30, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
@eigenrobot having a great thread about tax rates. Alpaca asks a good question, one which I have an answer for.

note: I've done finances for non profits on a local level. I know something of the costs involved. TRUST my percentages
short thread! 1/ if a non profit provides charity- whatever way it does so (but tangible and measurable) - then it qualifies as completely tax exempt, REGARDLESS of ideology, preaching, political statements, other first amendment behaviors, etc.
Jul 29, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
Okay, this isn't research, nor is the WaPo article this guy mentions, research. Nor is it "science"

Steve has a Narrative Agenda- as does the WaPo-

Let me explain what's going on here, since I'm reading the original original source paper.

thread 1/x Steve hates bikes, and found something that supports his views.

he didn't say "hey, i wonder what reality looks like?" and then go gather data.

he found something that appears to support his BELIEF.
Apr 14, 2022 16 tweets 3 min read
I love Jason, but I think there's some room for discussion in here. And we both are probably stating things in less than objective terms.

The first thing to consider, is timeline:
1/ I think that if you are being introduced to cottage core or getting your thoughts together about it in 2022,  All you are seeing is the consumerized version of cottage core. 
Apr 13, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Doomer time! - Depending on your iedology, inflation is either 8% and all the fault of Putin sabotaging the US, or closer to 19% (more like 30% over two years) and caused by lockdowns, labor market reductions, wealth centralization. 1/ (notice how every time there's a public health or economic crisis, the actions "for the benefit of the population" increase the wealth gap???? small business never wins. and yes, your 2 acre farm is a small business)
Apr 13, 2022 17 tweets 4 min read
OH HELL YEAH. Look, this is more important than people want to admit to- but our psychology is, truly, more important than even our bodies, in the end.

Ready? Let's go for a ride in hippie land.
1/x Clean up.

Look, the first and foremost thing about OTG (off grid) or "homestead" aesthetics is to clean up. pull the weeds, make the piles neat. If you have junk? fine- but don't let trash and stuff take over. Keep it neat.

Clean up.
Mar 10, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
Okay. Electric tractors. Dooooomer optimism time:

This is one of those things, like with distributed wind energy, where people don’t know what they don’t know.

THREAD 1/ (distributed wind is based on lots of smaller, FRU, reusable material (steel, brnxe, copper) wind generators spread out along the grid to provide a chaotic steady energy supply. And the vast majority of you will have missed at least 3 key elements in that short explanation)
Mar 9, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
This is not the 1st time I've run into this week. There was another guy a couple days ago who is supposedly a veteran and shares a lot of mutuals with me... Who States flat out that his intention if things go sideways is to make food producers into slaves... 1/3 And now we have this guy who thinks that any effort a effort in independence is doomed because the marauders will come and take your stuff. ( He mentions something about firearms in a context that only proves that he doesn't know anything about firearms) 2/3
Apr 28, 2021 12 tweets 2 min read
🧵lots of people on libertarian twitter are very upset about increased deployments, especially of AIR assets, in the preparation to end our presence in afghanistan.

gonna lay down some truth on yall.… first, I don't trust the politicians, or the established interests. So I'm very... untrusting of the future of the drawdown and exit. 

However, I also understand a little bit the risks involved in an exit.
Apr 28, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
🧵This account is my activist/public marketing account. I have a small youtube channel and some other media/video projects.

This account is here for spreading that, talking weird philosophy, and philosophical/psychological activism. BUT. there are numerous people who know me in person, and so this account is, for them, my PERSONAL account (I have one, incidentally, I don't use it much. because it's PERSONAL)
Apr 25, 2021 19 tweets 3 min read
🧵covid thread time. we have death numbers and NYT lies 🧵

okay, I found some data. Let's start with the NYT "not data" article… before you look at the trest, make some notes about what sorts of questions this raises for a critical thinker. percentages instead of numbers, scaling of histograms, rapid switching of types of data.