Sigh (
Why are people like this? A female mathematician in training seeks logic in an illogical world. And doesn't find it. But at least there's coffee. I have a BF.
Jan 27 β€’ 10 tweets β€’ 2 min read
@Ghostface_Chilr @Industrial_GC @EndWokeness "It’s the fruits and veggies that will be harder to come by."

Briefly, at most. There is no shortage of people desperate for work in this country. There hasn't been for a long time.

Instead of hiring illegals, offer jobs to people in the inner city neighborhoods. @Ghostface_Chilr @Industrial_GC @EndWokeness People didn't stop working in them because they didn't want work. They stopped because they couldn't find work, and eventually lost hope.

This is Society's chance to give some of that hope back to them. Would you be opposed to that?
Dec 31, 2024 β€’ 28 tweets β€’ 5 min read
@TheeeeChad @Wilddeplorable @Trump_Regrets @realDonaldTrump Have some talking points memorized, Chad?

In real life, that program has been used to bring in cheap labor, while skilled engineers and scientists with experience have been laid off. @TheeeeChad @Wilddeplorable @Trump_Regrets @realDonaldTrump STEM graduates coming out of their degree programs with sterling credentials have found themselves trapped in the "no experience, no job" cycle for years, decades, even.
Dec 15, 2024 β€’ 11 tweets β€’ 2 min read
@batsandcupcakes Not sure my handful of stories makes me a writer, but for what it's worth, I'm still here. I'm also on Bluesky

and am about to set up accounts on Mastodon, Minds and Gab. Not sure about… @batsandcupcakes Eggs, baskets ... if Musk does manage to drive Twitter into bankruptcy, I'll still have established (and known) presences elsewhere, and my followers should have no trouble finding me.

Also, Bluesky has a much better blocking function.
Nov 3, 2024 β€’ 20 tweets β€’ 4 min read
@brief_fiction @eleven_christin @artfanszone Thank you, NQA. Christin Eleven just tried to give herself the last word by blocking me in response to a correction of her poorly thought out ideas.

Continuing from where I was, before I was so rudely and abusively interrupted ... @brief_fiction @eleven_christin @artfanszone "I can tell that you're not doing that either!"

In fact, I am a PhD student who already has her masters degree in Physics from a school that you've definitely heard of, Christin.
Oct 16, 2024 β€’ 7 tweets β€’ 2 min read
@mtracey A few hours later, your tweet was spoken of by somebody who didn't seem to want you to know that he had done so. I'll link to the tweet

and then quote his words of "wisdom." @mtracey Wilson writes

"The through line is caring about people dying senselessly.

Really not that difficult to figure out, unless you're a creepy little contrarian sociopath, who thinks everyone is like you, without any morals."
Oct 13, 2024 β€’ 8 tweets β€’ 2 min read
@Southpaw018 @clapifyoulikeme @coffeespoonie And? TERF doesn't mean homophobe. It simply means that I don't agree with what I guess is your definition of gender.

If you want to create drama about that non-issue, I'm just going to block you. Bye. @Southpaw018 @clapifyoulikeme @coffeespoonie I don't hate transwomen, I just don't agree that they're really women.

* shrug *
Oct 12, 2024 β€’ 13 tweets β€’ 2 min read
@PennyFarringt14 @DrJBhattacharya Science and Medicine had little to nothing to do with this. The fear mongering campaigns in Britain were planned and implemented by "behavioral scientists" (read: psychologists) who admit to having become "drunk with power" as they manipulated the public will.

It was a PsyOp. @PennyFarringt14 @DrJBhattacharya Real scientists and physicians who spoke out against the campaigns of misinformation were silenced on social media and, thanks to the lockdowns, unable to meet in person.
Oct 10, 2024 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 1 min read
@phenomspeak @kevinnbass Unpopular opinion, but I'll stand by it: you shouldn't have the freedom to post that talking point. Dying with Covid vs. dying from Covid has been explained to your crowd, repeatedly, and you keep doubling down on debunked numbers, seemingly hoping to win through persistence. @phenomspeak @kevinnbass As your faction has a history of acting to deny freedom of speech to others, it has forfeited any moral claim to that freedom for itself.

I am absolutely in favor of censoring the content posted by your faction. Yes, I said. Yes, I meant it.

Enough is enough.
Oct 10, 2024 β€’ 5 tweets β€’ 1 min read
@Think_Reed_Line @BexBookaholic OK, you're not getting it. Chicago is really big, bigger than you probably think it is, because unlike European countries, the US doesn't count the suburban population when listing the number of people in its major cities. @Think_Reed_Line @BexBookaholic If we computed city populations the way that Europeans do, Chicago would jump from 2.66 million to 9.44 million, while New York would go up to 20.1 million.

There's a massive light bubble raised.
Oct 10, 2024 β€’ 6 tweets β€’ 1 min read
@AzatAlsalim Why do this? If the UK doesn't want to accept immigrants from some part of the world, or at all, either way, that's its right. I will support that right to do that.

But to let people in, and then force them to abandon their ideas of modesty seems uncivilized. @AzatAlsalim In India, women used to routinely go topless. Let us suppose that India had maintained that tradition, accepted some European immigrants, and then told all of the White women in the country that they now had to go topless, too.

That wouldn't be right, would it?
Oct 10, 2024 β€’ 5 tweets β€’ 1 min read
@Eisenfaustus @CreatureHabit2 @AzatAlsalim "3rd world immigrants bring the 3rd world with them."

My parents were third world immigrants, as are the older children in my family. They did no such thing. @Eisenfaustus @CreatureHabit2 @AzatAlsalim "They have no motivation to become better human beings."

Motivation comes from within, and one doesn't have to have white skin to have it. How could an American not know that?
Oct 10, 2024 β€’ 21 tweets β€’ 4 min read
@Eric112499 @BGatesIsaPyscho It wouldn't help America, but I think you know that countries and other collective entities don't really make decisions, individual people do, and some people don't mean well. They are quite happy to have themselves (or their factions) benefit at the expense of their societies. @Eric112499 @BGatesIsaPyscho The HAARP conspiracy theories, much as the conspiracy theorists will deny this, serve as an example. They're absolute nonsense, supported with specious arguments pushed by those who know they're specious, and try to derail any real examination of them.

They want their egos fed.
Oct 10, 2024 β€’ 8 tweets β€’ 2 min read
@rumblevideo Meanwhile, after repeated attempts to upload a profile photo and a backsplash, I still have a plain blank profile, because your system fails to update it after the uploads. This has been going on since March.

I am not the only user with this problem. @rumblevideo When, exactly, do you plan to fix this recurring issue on your system?

It is now October, and your system has still failed to manage to process an update from March. I hope that we can agree that this is unacceptable.

So when will we see progress?
Oct 7, 2024 β€’ 24 tweets β€’ 6 min read
@jordan_can64142 @near_north_side @SaltMoneyOrg Hello, "Pickle Rick." You do love running your mouth off, don't you?

I've met the person you responded to in such a rude manner. In addition to being a graduate school educated electrical engineer (which is to say, somebody who creates technology), he's also ... @jordan_can64142 @near_north_side @SaltMoneyOrg ... a mathematician and a physicist. In addition to designing and patterning chips, himself, he develops the mathematical techniques used by some of his fellow engineers.

I could go on, but I don't want to help you stalk the guy.
Oct 4, 2024 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 2 min read
@DrJordanBCooper I'll link to the man's post

so others can see it for themselves, and also so that Mr. Fischer will know that he's being talked about, here. I see no justification for denying him a chance to defend himself and his ideas

@NateAFischer - did you see this? @DrJordanBCooper @NateAFischer That having been said, he looks like an "interesting" guy.

One who thinks that the end of "this civilizational cycle" will offer awesome business opportunities.
Oct 4, 2024 β€’ 6 tweets β€’ 2 min read
@NateAFischer LOL. See if you can tell why I'm laughing and crying at the same time as I read that.

I'm picturing one of your ancestors squatting in the ruins of Rome as a barbarian tribe wanders by, waiting for his investments to pay off.

OMG. Thank you, I almost needed that. Oh, God ... @NateAFischer Nate, I'm going to TRY to explain this to you. "Ownership" of anything is meaningful only when there is a system of law in which the rights of ownership are defined. When a civilization collapses, that's the end of the government and its laws.
Sep 23, 2024 β€’ 7 tweets β€’ 2 min read
@chicagolandish @ChiHoneyBear Going to the archived copy of Streetervillian's thread unroll

I was able to find a copy of the tweet marked with the words "this post is unavailable." As one can see, it violated none of the rules on X'… @chicagolandish @ChiHoneyBear "As nobody should. After I reported the initial tweet above

which was written with the intention of setting off a dogpiling -

(quote 1/2)"
Sep 22, 2024 β€’ 32 tweets β€’ 5 min read
@RandomQueriant @mike1heidinger @elonmusk "It's a hand-up. Yes, in this, off-the-cuff proposal, people with high-level skills would be treated the same as people who can barely count change."

And that's s t u p i d, in a l a z y kind of way. @RandomQueriant @mike1heidinger @elonmusk You're refusing to take the applicant's individual situation into account, when choosing the plan to impose on him because reasons. Because you're in a contrary, passive-aggressive mood and you feel like it.
Sep 16, 2024 β€’ 8 tweets β€’ 2 min read
@MohammadPatel_ All of that fuss, and all that one has at the end of it is a tossed salad and a cheeseburger topped with the deservedly infamous "American cheese"?

Also, all of that grease left behind in your skillet, while you're out in the countryside? Are you that eager to meet a bear? @MohammadPatel_ You're using cast iron in a place you presumably got to by hiking. It's heavy and brittle, and you're going to put it on a rickety support over and unavoidable uneven heat source (the open flame), stressing the metal through uneven thermal expansion.
Aug 26, 2024 β€’ 21 tweets β€’ 4 min read
@GregRice1411605 @America1st16391 @ProudElephantUS If the only criterion for determining whether or not a "national emergency" that justifies the suspension of civil liberties is whether or not the goverment has declared one, then in practice those civil liberties mean nothing, at all. @GregRice1411605 @America1st16391 @ProudElephantUS The fact that you, personally, had a panic attack during Covid (or at least would have us think that you did) does not serve as adequate justification for declaring such an emergency, @GregRice1411605.
Aug 26, 2024 β€’ 8 tweets β€’ 2 min read
@elonmusk There most certainly is a constitutional guarantee of free speech in the case of "misinformation" and there absolutely has to be. Otherwise, the government is delegating itself the right to decide what the truth is. @elonmusk Gov. Walz, read the Federalist Papers. That's a scenario that the founding fathers specifically intended to prevent, back when they wrote the first amendment. O introduce an exemption to the first in order to allow you to do what you have in mind is to make a mockery of it.