Simon Ree Profile picture
25yr career at Goldman & Citi | Trader | Speaker | Bestselling author of The Tao of Trading | Jeet Kune Do Instructor | Tweets not financial advice
MERSEYSIDE TRADING Profile picture Stephen Leung Profile picture 3 subscribed
Dec 1, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
"Never short a dull market"

Yeah, yeah, I know the saying. But what if this is a zombie market? One that looks dead but is about to spring back to life as a flesh-eating monster?

Anyway, IMO the risk/reward of going short here justifies a position. I'll explain...

a 🧵 1) The S&P hasn't been able to make any progress at the trendline from the ATH. This coincides with the 1.618 extension from the July highs to the Oct lows Image
Mar 2, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
I'm not a "macro trader" (I leave that to experts like @INArteCarloDoss @PauloMacro, and others who are very good at it)

I've never held myself out as a macro trader/expert, but I DO study macro. So how do I trade, why do I study macro, and how do I use it? First off, I'm a technical trader. I exploit technical setups that give me a probabilistic edge.

Price is always doing one of 3 things:
- reverting to the mean
- accelerating away from the mean
- consolidating

I seek specific circumstances across these conditions
Mar 1, 2023 5 tweets 4 min read
I prepared a deck to help some of my members understand the #bigflip framework as postulated by @INArteCarloDoss

Sharing here for those interested

Feb 6, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Things I could buy instead of a Bloomberg terminal subscription

1. One case of Luciano Sandrone Le Vigne Barolo, every month 😃 2. A brand new Pinarello Dogma F, every year! 😃
Feb 5, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
If the dollar is set to rally from here, what does that mean for inflation? A short 🧵

Conventional wisdom holds that if the dollar rallies, US inflation will fall. A good narrative, as the US is a net importer, and imports become cheaper when the dollar strengthens

...but note how in 2022 the dollar peaked right at the same time as core CPI peaked. Sometimes narratives don't work so well

2/8 Image
Jan 3, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
The vast majority of the statistics you read regarding the stock market are plagued by small sample fallacy and/or gambler’s fallacy

With that disclaimer out of the way, here’s the “January Barometer” explained

The performance of the S&P 500 in January has predicted the year’s course with 72.2% accuracy since 1950. “So goes January, so goes the year”

15/18 of pre-election years followed January’s lead

Jan 2, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Since 1928, the S&P 500 has only posted back-to-back negative years on 4 previous occasions

So that makes another down year in 2023 highly unlikely, right?

Well, maybe not (a short 🧵) The first time since 1928 the S&P posted consecutive down years was 1929 to 1933

It happened again in 1939-41

Then again in 1973-74 and again in 2000-02