Historian of media, pop culture, and the Middle East. Senior Lecturer @dartmouth; author of "Media of the Masses: Cassette Culture in Modern Egypt"
Aug 30, 2023 • 18 tweets • 7 min read
60 years ago, today, the compact audio cassette debuted in Berlin. Lou Ottens, a dutch engineer and the head of product development for the Philips factory in Belgium, was behind the invention. But what happened once the #cassette traveled well beyond his hands? 🧵
Cassettes empowered an unprecedented number of people to create and circulate new cultural forms. Nowhere is this more apparent than in Egypt, where listeners from all walks of life became cultural producers for the very first time. But how did Egypt's cassette culture take root?
Mar 30, 2023 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
🧵 For anyone working on a book, I thought I would pass along the questions I provided reviewers for a manuscript workshop. Some might be self-evident, but they generated a lot of constructive feedback, and several were not on my mind when I began writing in graduate school.
On structure: How does the manuscript read as a book? What do you make of the narrative arc? Do the chapters logically build upon one another? Would you make any changes to the order of them? Is the use of themes, as an organizing principle, successful?