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May 24, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Hi @Independent
No, that isn't what happened at all, is it?
Corbyn correctly stated that the 'scale of the problem' had been 'dramatically overstated for political reasons'.
That's what happened.
You need to issue a correction.
#ItWasAScam Image @Independent Starmer's NEC motion disbarring him makes no mention of antisemitism:
Feb 7, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
There will be no 'big bang' apology for the antisemitism smearing war. Our polluted media will never admit that they lied or why they did. They will simply stop talking about it, as Starmer has already done. It will disappear into the most capacious and forgiving of memory holes. The damage done to our polity and our people is unquantifiable. The carnage inflicted as a consequence of the war against Corbyn and the left has left the county hollowed out, shattered, broken on the wheel of corporate capture of all institutions.
Jun 3, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Ken Loach claims antisemitism is being used to oust Labour left politicians… via @Yahoo 'Mr Loach, who was expelled from the party amid efforts to tackle the antisemitism experienced during Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership...'
Note how tortured the language is here. Not, 'He said this antisemitic thing', but 'expelled.. amid efforts...antisemitism experienced...'
Jun 2, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
We hear a lot about what ‘many Jews believe’ about Corbyn and the left.
This widely cited Jewish Chronicle poll, for instance, found that 85% of UK Jews thought Corbyn himself is antisemitic.… Now. Anyone is of course at liberty to ‘believe’, or claim to ‘believe’ anything they like.
I could claim to ‘believe’ there are tiny invisible rabbits that live in my beard, for instance.
Does that make it true?
Does that make the tiny invisible beard-rabbits real?
Apr 3, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Let's take this line by line, shall we? LN: 'There was this moment after the EHRC report was published when the full shame of what the Labour Party had become during that era was laid bare'

Reality: The EHRC found 2 cases, both now subject to judicial review.
Apr 2, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Our corrupt and stupid media are letting them get away with it, as Starmer must have known they would. Corbyn was disbarred because 'he lost 2019', not because of 'antisemitism'.
They keep saying EHRC report, they keep saying apologise.
via @YouTube So we have twin tracks now: the 'official' track, the Starmer NEC motion, which explicitly does not say 'antisemitism', and the unofficial track, which is his MPs going out on telly and lying that it does.
Mar 17, 2023 11 tweets 5 min read
This is a complete list of my ten video explainers about the 'Labour antisemitism crisis' fraud.
Links in the thread.
#ItWasAScam 1. Chris Williamson - 'Too apologetic'
Mar 15, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
I've done seven of these short videos now.

1. Chris Williamson - 'too apologetic'
2. Jackie Walker - 'slave trade'
3. Corbyn - 'irony'
4. Corbyn - 'wreath'
5. Baddiel's Leaflet
6. The IHRA definition
7. The EHRC report.

Links in the thread.
#ItWasAScam Chris Williamson - 'too apologetic'
Feb 25, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
She wasn't 'forced out' at all, Wes, and well you know it, you ridiculous liar.
Did you honestly think you were going to get away with any of that old cobblers on here?
Why would you think that?
Feb 23, 2023 13 tweets 2 min read
I'm being informed our media are never going to admit to what they did, and so there's no point doing what I'm doing with #ItWasAScam.
I’m ‘wasting my time.’
Some thoughts on that. Whilst there’s much obvious truth to the first part of it - our media can never and will never admit to lying to us for seven years, how could they possibly? - I would take issue with the second part (‘wasting my time’).
Feb 21, 2023 18 tweets 3 min read
Why Can't I Own A Canadian?

In her radio show, Dr Laura Schlesinger said that, as an observant Orthodox Jew, homosexuality is an abomination according to Leviticus 18:22, and cannot be condoned under any circumstance. The following response is an open letter to Dr. Laura, written by a US man, and posted on the Internet.
[NB: this is NOT my own work.]
Feb 20, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
The ‘Labour antisemitism crisis’ narrative is itself in crisis.

There's been an avalanche of press reports of late, all screaming that:

1. Labour under Corbyn was antisemitic, and that
2. Starmer has ‘turned things around’.

Both elements of this narrative are provably false. 1. There exists no statistical evidence the Labour Party was antisemitic under Corbyn. The only available evidence - two YouGov polls commissioned in 2015 and 2017 by the Campaign Against Antisemitism (CAA) but never published by them - shows the exact opposite.
Feb 19, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
The avalanche of falsehood we've witnessed over the last week about Corbyn and antisemitism is like nothing I've seen before.
It's beyond horrifying that obvious frauds are being peddled as if they were unarguable truths.
It's dystopian and chilling and nightmarish.
#ItWasAScam It's as if we as a society, as a culture, have rejected reality, as if some sickness has infected us such that we are no longer capable of distinguishing fact from fraud, nor even have the wish to do so. As if we have regressed to some primitive state where myth replaces truth.
Feb 19, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Guardian, your whole shitty little fraud has been comprehensively busted.
You make yourself ridiculous continually screaming about *something that never happened*.
You're like a car alarm that keeps going off for no reason.
Annoying, but also unavoidably comedic.
#ItWasAScam Image Hi @soniasodha
No, the EHRC did *not* find the party 'institutionally antisemitic' and you squawking that it did does not, and will never, make it true.
You don't get away with any of that old cobblers on here, and you should know that by now.
Try to *learn*.
Feb 5, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Corbyn has 'unconscious bias' claims Baddiel, neatly encapsulating the sheer absurdity of the hate campaign against Corbyn.
How does Baddiel know what's in Corbyn's head?
It's almost as if Baddiel has 'unconscious bias' against Corbyn...
It all just gets sillier and sillier. Baddiel's nonsensical claim of knowledge of Corbyn's 'unconscious thoughts' precisely mimics 'Sideshow Lou' Ellman's 'antisemitic thoughts' hilarity, in which she solemnly 'suspects' she can read Corbyn's mind.
Jan 24, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
I may not be bothering so much with #ItWasAScam from now. The evidence is clear, consistent and damning: Starmer and his bloodless assassins performed one of the most brutal political executions in UK history, and we will all be paying for it for generations. Our media were willing helpers, dishonest, hateful and speaking with one voice, the bludgeoning voice of the UK state.
No-one who witnessed this and knew what they witnessed will ever trust anything our media tells us again. Those days of innocence are over.
Oct 30, 2022 15 tweets 2 min read
Everyone knows the story: Corbyn was an antisemite. There was that mural, wasn’t there, and some business about a wreath? And didn’t Ken Livingstone say something about Hitler? The echoes and ripples of this story are confused now, like old memories. Was it Ken Livingstone who said the thing about Hitler or Chris Williamson? Did Corbyn say it was Jews or Zionists who don’t get irony? And didn’t someone say Jews controlled the slave trade or something?
Oct 28, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Obviously, as adults, we understand that journalists work for businesses which have editorial agendas, and are not free to just say anything they please.
Journalists have careers, mortgages, commitments. They’re not going to jeopardise all that. But they’re now in an unenviable position, the honest ones I mean (if such exotica exist at all). In being required to peddle a narrative that has been wholly discredited, they’re being required to sacrifice their integrity: their self-respect.
Oct 25, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read

The comment by Chris Mason that one of Starmer’s tasks is ‘getting rid of hostility to Jewish people’ is false.

There is no evidence Corbyn’s Labour Party showed any ‘hostility to Jewish people.’ The claims made by you in this regard have been comprehensively falsified. One example of this falsification is the Al Jazeera documentary series ‘The Labour Files’. This contains hard evidence of fraud in your Ware Panorama.
Oct 23, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
I watched an old episode of Twilight Zone last night. The story was a man who starts to notice people using words wrongly - 'dinosaur' instead of 'lunch', for instance - which accelerates until he can understand no-one and no-one can understand him. UK politics is like this now. Nothing actually makes any sense, and those attempting to make it make sense are using language that means nothing.
Oct 10, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
'Far more powerful is Berger’s chilling account... of buckling under the weight of anti-Semitic abuse as an MP in Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party.'
Come on here and try that old cobblers, @FionaLondonarts. See how far you get. Dare you.
#ItWasAScam… That whole 'Labour antisemitism crisis' narrative beloved of Freedland and Oberman and the rest - and, apparently, you also - has been so comprehensively debunked that clinging ono it starts to look pathological.
Here's some hard, cold evidence of fraud: