Simon Roux Profile picture
Virus-obsessed bioinformatician, DOE JGI Research Scientist, Decrypting the viral world via #metagenomics and other cool #omics toys. He/him. Opinions my own.
Sep 5, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
🧵Time for a thread about our new tool iPHoP for integrated Phage-Host Prediction (Note: it technically also works for archaeoviruses, but phages worked best for the acronym ^^). So what is iPHoP, why does it exist, and what/who is it for ? Starting from the last question
iPHoP may be useful to you if: you are looking to predict host taxonomy at the ~ family/genus rank for novel phages
iPHoP will likely *not* be useful if: you need results super quickly or need high-resolution (species/strain) host prediction
Feb 16, 2019 17 tweets 8 min read
🦠🚨New preprint 🚨🦠 "Cryptic inoviruses are pervasive in bacteria and archaea across Earth’s biomes".… with @mkrupovic, @reb_daly, @AdairLBorges, @SNayfach, @frederikschu, @joeBondyDenomy, @kcwrighton, @twoyke , @AxelVisel, @kyrpides, et al Full disclosure: this project kind of branched out into many directions. I'll try to summarize it in a few tweets, but please feel free to ask for more info on specific points and/or read the preprint to get the full picture ! 1/n