Nikita S Profile picture
helping the 90M on Medicaid at @hifortunahealth 👩🏾‍💻 play @otherinternet__ 💭 exploring spaceship earth 🌏
Jul 16, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Talked about this on Twitter before but Best Buy's healthcare moves could unlock $11B+ in longterm rev opportunity (mentioned health 44x on earnings calls since 2018 and spent $1B+ in hc acquisitions), particularly senior care monitoring supported by 20K+ strong Geek Squad 2017: piloting Assured Living, first attempt at health monitoring for seniors
2018: acquired GreatCall for $792M ("Help I've Fallen and I Cant Get Up")
2019: acquired Critical Signal Technologies for $126M, another RPM company
2019: acquired BioSensics's wearable data + eng team
Apr 18, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Someone said this on Twitter and I can’t stop thinking about it: people don’t want takes that make them think. Tweets are group signifiers, merit badges of “that’s me too, I get this.” Which is not a form of thinking. Particularly with philosophy and literary stuff that I post. Or sci fi aesthetic photos. I always think, hope?, I’m contributing something. But maybe I never was