Parker Singleton Profile picture
goat farmer is the back-up plan. studying psychedelics and the human brain connectome - @WeillCornell postdoc with @amykooz
Oct 3, 2022 9 tweets 5 min read
Out at last..!

Receptor-informed network control theory links LSD and psilocybin to a flattening of the brain's control energy landscape.… Image Here we reanalyze old fMRI data from @Imperial_PRG, using an emerging framework for modeling dynamics in the brain (network control theory). The opportunity psychedelics provide is in vivo stimulation + model incorporation of receptor spatial distribution (site & extent of stim). Image
May 17, 2021 17 tweets 9 min read
New preprint!…
Excited to share my first paper with @amykooz and others.
@loopyluppi @RCarhartHarris @josecruzat @LeorRoseman Gustavo Deco, Morten Kringelbach, and @estamatakis
@CompPhd @WeillCornell @ccig_cambridge @Imperial_PRG

Here’s what we did: 🧵 Some background
The RElaxed Beliefs Under pSychedelics (REBUS) model by @RCarhartHarris & Friston proposes that increased neural entropy observed under psychedelics (psychs) relaxes the brain’s prior beliefs & their influence over incoming info. These priors shape our perception. Image