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Independent researcher & Dave's right hand | Co-owner: Own Your Labs | Board member: Citizen Science Foundation; Research Specialist: Lipedema Project
dr roth β“€β’Έ Profile picture 1 subscribed
Apr 26, 2021 β€’ 13 tweets β€’ 3 min read
Keto is going to look different for different people depending on need:
* Some people have money to buy avocados, ribeye, specialty keto products, sweeteners, coconut oil, etc
* Some people have enough money to buy eggs, tinned fish, frozen veggies, butter, and minced meat
* Some people enjoy LOTS of variety, including fancy meals with multiple sides, beautiful sauces, and a touch of garnish
* Some people are happy with simple meals that don't require much time to prepare. Or, simply don't have the time or mental bandwidth to spare.
Nov 26, 2020 β€’ 27 tweets β€’ 9 min read
1/ I don't typically comment on COVID-19 stuff because it's not really something I want to involve myself in, but recently I was linked this article by @JoePinkstone via @MailOnline and after reading through I decided to comment.
dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/ar… 2/ You can find an archived version of the article here in case the original is revised or updated, so you have context of what I'm commenting on. I'll also have screenshots throughout the commentary. I have also saved a PDF of the original.
Oct 3, 2020 β€’ 11 tweets β€’ 5 min read
@StreetSmartRD It sounds like we actually agree on many points, and likely - many in the low carb/keto/carnivore space would agree as well. I'm technically still "overweight" but honestly don't care because I'm also the healthiest I've ever been. For me, yes it started as weight loss but... @StreetSmartRD ... I quickly realized that the health benefits of what I was doing (depression management, energy, resolution of chronic pain, improvement in blood markers) quickly outweighed this (no pun intended). I think the same is true of many others in the keto (etc) community...
Sep 22, 2020 β€’ 7 tweets β€’ 2 min read
Just a side note about my fast, because I think it needs saying:
There are many things going on behind the scenes that you guys are not privy to during this water fast. I'm checking in and sending updates to my doctor, I'm in contact with someone else who has experience... ...with longer fasts, I'm constantly checking in with @DaveKeto on how I'm feeling, I'm always checking out for hard stops or anything feeling "off", I'm being sure to stay on top of electrolytes, getting plenty of rest, have my doctor on the ready for emergency labs if I need...
Sep 19, 2020 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 1 min read
Can we straight up stop mocking people's looks in order to make some sort of point? It's so easy to make similar points, based off of scientific evidence, or positive examples, or clinical case studies without resorting to that.
Be nice to each other even if you disagree ffs. To note you have no idea what context that person is even in. Perhaps they've improved recently, perhaps they're in the middle of their health journey, perhaps they're dealing with non-diet issues.
I've been on a ketogenic diet for four years and I'm STILL improving, for example
Sep 5, 2020 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 1 min read
As you guys probably know Caoime (my cat) is a rescue and was previously neglected. As a result of the neglect she had to have multiple tooth extractions and this has resulted in chronic pain despite being healthy now. I wanted a pain relief option that wouldn't inhibit... ...inflammation in case there's a possibility of gradual healing over time with species appropriate diet so ended up getting pet friendly CBD for her.

Does anyone have experience with CBD for cats and if it helped with similar or other issues at all?

Never figured I'd...
Sep 2, 2020 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 1 min read
Much to my surprise I've had a couple offers to contribute resources to this upcoming #EpicFast (doctor's description).
These will be listed in the final experiment write up of course. One contributor I can mentioned right now is my own doctor/the clinic. Today... ...during my appointment to review my plan for the experiment my doctor/the clinic offered to loan out a bioimpedance scale during my fast. This is not as precise as a DEXA but should afford me general trends on bone density, water weight, fat mass, and lean mass. I'm honestly...
Aug 26, 2020 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 1 min read
It was recently brought to my attention that it may come off as me ignoring you if I don't respond do your DM - please let it be known this is not the intention. If I don't follow you, DMs go to a DM request section which I don't often notice. If you have a lipid question... for best response please put it on cholesterolcode.com/questions and you will be guaranteed a reply. If it's something else (e.g. for a podcast interview, knitting question, or anything else!) if I don't respond to your DM assume it went to DM requests and ping me publicly so I see it.
Aug 21, 2020 β€’ 5 tweets β€’ 2 min read
Got an email from a farm in CO - they now do direct sales to consumers country wide after being impacted by pandemic. Seems orders have slowed way down (after initial higher demand). Might be a good chance to try bison, or just to support.

rockriverbison.com I'm not affiliated with these guys at all, but it definitely seems like something my followers might be interested in. I'm likely going to place an order with them especially since they said they have bison skulls at the end of the month which I want to nab for decoration.
Aug 12, 2020 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 1 min read
Deleted prior tweets to better clarify my thoughts.
1) Yes, if overfeeding or fasting insulin can dynamically change, but from my own high frequency testing it doubling *for no reason* under baseline conditions (unless already very low)- -would be something I'd find a little odd. Certainly there's a chance someone may have indulged more than usual right before the test, and that question is worth asking, but I don't think it warrants dismissal from that assumption alone. Many, many, many tests fluctuate rapidly-
Jul 25, 2020 β€’ 9 tweets β€’ 4 min read
@Caro07448017 @KetoCarnivore Physiological insulin resistance is sometimes called "adaptive glucose sparing". It's the system state of peripheral tissue becoming resistant to insulin in low exogenous glucose states (e.g. low carb/ketogenic diets or fasting). It is paired with low insulin. @Caro07448017 @KetoCarnivore Pathological insulin resistance is the system state of peripheral tissue becoming resistant to insulin and is paired with high insulin and variable exogenous glucose (e.g. could happen with high carb diets, or could happen from infection - it depends on what's causing it).
Jul 14, 2020 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 1 min read
For the first time in quite a long time I'm back in the (high) 140s.

I did temporarily gain early last week from controlled dairy intake due to a stressful event (knowing it'd temporarily set me back) but after a while started losing again.

Still trending down. 😎 For reference at the end of the KetoAF experiment I was at 138.
The baseline for the high carb experiment was 145 or so (need to double check).
And prior to eliminating dairy I'd been floating around 155-158
Jul 3, 2020 β€’ 5 tweets β€’ 1 min read
Today is my 10th anniversary with bf. We were supposed to be together, planning for a Tame Impala concert, and going on hikes together, all of which got canceled due to current events. Even if we can't spend it together, it doesn't lessen how grateful I am for what I have... For a frame of reference, my boyfriend has been with me through it all. He was with me when I was depressed, even though I'm sure it was difficult, and he's with me now with my good mental health. When I first started losing weight, I actually got more worried - I said...
Nov 29, 2019 β€’ 7 tweets β€’ 2 min read
Something that I've come across a lot lately, even outside of lipids, is the concept of expected variation within a system.
I'll be using lipids as an example here, but note that I am not a doctor and this isn't medical advice! Just me recounting my own (and others) experiences.. With lipid measures (LDL, HDL, triglycerides) there is some amount of expected variation week to week, day to day. This is based off of the input that influences the system in enough capacity to result in shifts of these markers - in this way the markers reflect the environment.
Sep 17, 2019 β€’ 18 tweets β€’ 7 min read
I have new followers. Let's discuss my prior health history, shall we?
What a fun adventure.
From a young age I was interested in gymnastics, swimming, climbing trees, and reading. I was active, and for the most part happy. Here's me in my early years. The first time I noticed I was gaining stomach fat was when I was 10 years old. Around this same time, I started to get what I would later realize were symptoms of chronic depression. I felt uncomfortable in leotards and swimsuits and dropped out of gymnastics and swimming.