How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App, the periodic table has a lot of periodic structures. These come from the electron shells filling up. There's some beautiful maths behind that indeed. But no, that doesn't mean they have audible frequencies. And, yes, physicists understand where these structures come from. In the original meaning dark matter was a simple hypothesis (some kind of energy density) that explained a lot of data, hence an excellent idea few comments. First, note I carefully wrote "most of them". Of course there are exception. And now each of you can believe they are the exception... 2/ of people have asked me to comment on this, but I have talked about this dozens of times before. I even made a joke about how the "wormhole" nonsense made it into a document of the US government in my Quantum Hype video, after looking up "malarkey" in the dictionary, let me just say this is an incredibly ill-informed comment. Superdeterministic hidden variables models are the only known way to complete quantum mechanics while respecting locality. best example is indeed the position of a quantum particle -- it remains continuous in quantum mechanics. For the same reason, if gravity was quantized this doesn't mean space (and/or time) would be made up of discrete units.'ve worked on this question, how to find experimental evidence for quantum gravity, for about 10 years after my PhD. Eventually stopped simply because I couldn't get funding for it. The usual problem with academia.