SK Tedeschi Profile picture
Middle Eastern historian. Each new generation of antisemites believe they are the ones who *finally* found a justified and moral reason to persecute Jews.
Dame Chris🌟🇺🇦😷 #RejoinEU #FBPE #GTTO🔶️ Profile picture Treehugger 🇵🇸💙💚☮️🌱🌍🔆 Profile picture Gavros Garlek 🇺🇦 Rejuvi-sleet™️ 🗿🌸🎯🕵️‍♀️🍄七七 Profile picture helenthesocialist Profile picture 4 subscribed
May 18 17 tweets 3 min read

but... to what?

Here's the 2023 report from Amnesty on exactly what that "freedom" might look like in practice....

Homosexuality is illegal in Gaza. UNRWA published guidance to staff regarding treating LGBTI people equally and the Hamas authorities accused them of promoting “deviance and moral decay”. There are 336000 homosexuals in Israel at the lowest estimate.

May 17 18 tweets 4 min read
What is happening in Gaza right now includes the following key factors.

1. There is a war, that was started by Gaza with a particularly brutal attack on Israeli civilians 2. The attacking "force" was Hamas, who carefully planned it - likely over years - and who have committed thousands of attacks previously. They have proven history of exploiting the "rules" of warfare with actions such as using juvenile combatants or even child suicide bombers.
Apr 29 11 tweets 2 min read
I'm a left-wing Jew. I've never been to Israel. I've abhorred Netanyahu for years. I've always wanted peace to prevail. And here's how 7/10, yhe war, and the way "peace protestors" have changed the way I see things permanently....

I was idealistic before and was even open to a one state solution because I believed *most* Palestinians surely didn't actually want to kill Jewish people. After watching them join in on and celebrate the massacre of 7/10 - I now have serious worries peace can ever happen.

Jan 30 12 tweets 3 min read
How I got to zionism in 5 questions:

1. Is it reasonable for people, generally, to want to live in a part of the world correlating with their history, archaeology, religion, culture and heritage?

Yes. Therefore it's completely reasonable for Jews to want to live in Israel 2. Is there evidence to show that Jews were able, ever, including now, to live in this area with equality to Muslims without religious or racial persecution?

No. They have never been able to do that. They were always second class citizens and subject to persecution.
Jan 15 19 tweets 4 min read
Iraqi, Nazis, Israel & the exodus of Jews... the history...🧵
(1) Image I'll begin in 1933 when Radio Berlin began broadcasting hate messages in Arabic, including false reports about terrible things Jewish had done in what was then British Mandate Palestine. They were Nazis, so you can imagine what those broadcasts were like

Oct 27, 2023 36 tweets 6 min read
This post is something people might find interesting about the crossover between left-wing extreme ideas, and antisemitism. I'm a socialist myself, but the history of this is quite interesting and sheds light on the unique construct of modern antisemitism and liberalism

Travelling back to Tsarist Russia: antisemitism was significant. The Pale of Settlement was a western region of the Russian Empire with varying borders that existed from 1791 to 1917 and in short, this was more or less where Jews were ONLY permitted to live

Jul 14, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
This is not a hissy fit, but for my mental wellbeing I've decided to delete Twitter. I am on twitter because I'm left-wing, a Corbyn supporter, and I wanted to discuss politics and connect with people on that.

@BabsSheKing @Julian1649 Like this morning, I woke up to that pretty disgusting post and two people had liked it. Both followers of mine. Both lefties. So they saw me getting racist abuse and thought "yep, I like this". And that's honestly not uncommon. Image
Jul 7, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
We talk a lot about privatisation, and Starmer is clearly on track to privatise what little we have left. Here's a big list of once public owned companies that we sold off. Worth thinking about all the profits the taxpayer might have if the country hadn't been asset stripped Cable & Wireless
British Aerospace
Aston Martin
British Telecom
British European Airways
British Transport docks
British gas
British Steel
British Petroleum
Rolls Royce
British Airways
All the regional water companies
British Coal
National Power
Jul 7, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
Here's some interesting things about Wes "dry your eyes" Streeting's seat in Ilford North where he won a majority of 5198 in 2019.


It's mostly been a Conservative seat. Although it was won by 778 votes to Labour in 1974.

Jul 6, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
Right. Kate Andrews. Chosen by the BBC to discuss our NHS. So let's have a little look at what Kate envisions as a better healthcare system. Australia!

/1 Let's begin with the starting point that people in Australia earn much more money than we do.

The average salary is £46,800
Ours is £27,700.

Jul 2, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
We sold off almost all public services.

We cut a TRILLION pounds of public spending.

We implemented tuition fees.

We brought in "private partnerships" to the NHS

We did all this with great productivity. Vast GDP. High investment. All the buzzwords.

We've followed the Blair, Thatcher, press approved idea of capitalism to the letter.


Jun 25, 2023 19 tweets 3 min read
It was disturbing but not surprising to see all our front bench politicians from both Labour and Tories at Rupert Murdochs party. And I honestly think it's symbolic of why this country is such a mess.

The only time in my lifetime we got anywhere near a government that would have governed for the benefit of regular people was Corbyn. And look at how they reacted.

Jun 21, 2023 28 tweets 4 min read
I'm going to post today a short history of Jewishness for anyone interested. It's not a sob story. Just informative, brief, history. I know humankind has been brutal to many and many people have experienced all manner of atrocities.

But I saw a tweet this morning directed at an Israeli that said "why don't you go back to where you came from like Hungary or Poland". Which I thought was just interesting. Jews originated as an ethnic and religious group in the Middle East initially.

Jun 20, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
I blocked this individual weeks ago for saying, amongst other things, that all zionists are racists, insulting me deeply in a way I found antisemitic and asked if murder and rape tarnished my son's enjoyment of his Jewish beliefs.

/1 Image I have ignored him, but he keeps shitposting me, so today I responded to the lies he was telling. Very quickly he again tried to prescribe his views on Israel /Palestine as right and implied ny family required his education. And he said this about my son..

/2 Image
Jun 20, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
I posted yesterday about my dismay at how this antisemitism/Corbyn situation has led to the blame being pinned on Jews.

/1 Image Immediately, as always, some leftie perceives this as an attack and immediately starts giving me the third degree

/2 Image
Jun 19, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Yes, I believe a large number of people participated in a coordinated attack on Jeremy Corbyn to prevent him being Prime Minister.

No, I do not think the "Israel Lobby" paid off our media, most of our MPs and organisations from the EHRC to the BBC to bring Corbyn down.

That is loco. What I do think is that right-wing people control almost every institution or media outlet in Britain and that's largely why we keep electing right-wing people. What happened to Corbyn was just a blown up version of what always happens.

Jun 18, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
I think Ben is trying to analyse this from a position of good faith. Because Ben is a good faith player. But this is where I've come to in terms of Labour Party antisemitism and those who screamed loudest over it.

/1 If an individual, organisation or publication has mentioned the EHRC report many, many times to condemn one man, but has never mentioned the Forde report - they are a bad faith player and are probably guilty of weaponising antisemitism.

Jun 17, 2023 17 tweets 3 min read
I've thought about this a lot today. After amateur investigations of so many Labour MPs these last few months - their backgrounds, their funding, their links; and what I've concluded is this.

On the right, you have the traditional "elite". These are the ones from the old skool of privilege. They tend to attend Eton, then go onto Oxbridge, then they end up typically in journalism, politics or finance.

Jun 17, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
This kid is the absolutely epitomy of nepo baby being touted as a huge success.

He goes to Bristol Uni and Mummy and Daddy buy him a £260k flat as "digs". Property has risen 600% in Bristol since then so I can't imagine what this flat was

/1 He gets a 2nd class degree in ancient history but somehow gets A $100K scholarship to study international relations at Yale.

And somehow in this gets internships in US Congress and British Parliament.

Jun 15, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
I've read a detailed background on Tony Blair and I'm mystified as to how he's worth up to £100m? All I can find is a well paid investment bank job and allusions to property investment. Anyone? What I have so far, is that the man who presided over 0% deposit mortgages and buy2let schemes, as sell as a doubling of house prices - personally benefitted by buying TWENTY FOUR rental properties.

Oh, and the man who also invaded Iraq profited personally from oil deals.
Jun 15, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
"Don't surrender to the idea that there isn't a knowable truth". Interesting clip discussing that it's very psychologically hard for Trump supporters to admit to themselves that they've been defrauded by a charlatan.

/1 This was something that happened here in a really obvious way with Brexit. As each lie became blatantly obvious, the majority of people weren't able to do the healthy thing and say "oh. Well, I've been suckered"
