SK Tedeschi Profile picture
Middle Eastern historian. Lebanese / Iraqi. Grandchild of the Farhud.
7 subscribers
Mar 8 20 tweets 4 min read

Picture this: you wake up tomorrow and you're denied the right to vote anymore. Ever. Your leaders are now dictators and if you don't agree with their policies you can do nothing about it.

High-ranking officials and their families will live in luxury - travelling, palatial homes, private jets, some will even be billionares from public money, while ordinary people like you will struggle with poverty and unemployment.

Mar 3 21 tweets 4 min read
🧵 The radicalisation of the left

There's a photo on my office wall of Harold Wilson. I was looking at it last night, wondering how we got from a Labour Prime Minister who loved Britain, valued democracy, and declared himself as the best friend of Israel to where we are now

Wilson was a proud socialist, but he wasn’t anti-West. He saw Israel as a fellow democracy was close friends with Golda Meir. He admired kibbutzim, and defended Israel against its enemies. I wonder how worried he'd be about the Oct 7 attack and the reaction from the world.

Feb 24 26 tweets 4 min read
🧵 What made the Nazis Nazis? A thread on why modern comparisons are often ignorant, misleading, and minimize the horror of what they actually did in order to score points with needless hyperbole... 1/ The Nazis were defined by racial supremacy, genocidal intent, totalitarian dictatorship, militaristic expansionism, and mass political persecution. Their central goal was not just war or nationalism, but the systematic extermination of "undesirable" groups entirely.
Feb 11 12 tweets 2 min read
🧵 As the world reacts in horror to even the idea of evacuating Gaza, I'm struck again by the ignorance of the regions history. I am not going back thousands of years, but even to go back to the magic number of 1948 on, which all concepts of right and wrong seem to rest..

~850,000 Jews were forcibly expelled from Arab lands in the 20th century. They were peaceful, posed no threat, and yet were ethnically cleansed—stripped of homes, businesses & citizenship quietly and with almost no international support or words said.

Jan 29 16 tweets 3 min read
🧵 It was very sad to watch Holocaust memorial day transformed into another weapon to hurt Jews or erase their history, but of all the nonsense presented, the comparison of the Gaza war with the Holocaust is... well... evil.

The Holocaust was an industrialized genocide of 6 million Jews. It was not a war. Jews had no weapons, no army, no hostages, no political beef with Germans. They were not terrorists. They were not trying to annihlate Germany. They were exterminated simply for being Jewish.

Dec 31, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
The chutzpah of @GuzKhanOfficial to claim Jews colonised Israel when their modern state (a quarter the size of the one they had 3000 years ago) occupies 8000 square miles of a 196000000 square mile planet is impressive.

The mental gymnastics of a man from a family that is clearly fine with immigration given that his own family immigrated to Europe to claim Jews who've immigrated to Israel are "colonisers" is psychologically fascinating.

Dec 18, 2024 22 tweets 5 min read
Here's my interview with ChatGPT on Israel/ Palestine. The answers are the simple truth, and whatever propaganda the world throws at us, this is and always will be the real truth...

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Nov 12, 2024 30 tweets 5 min read
Genocide is the deliberate attempt to destroy an entire group based on national, ethnic, racial, or religious identity, with the intent to eradicate that group. The primary victims, and the purpose is not territorial or political gain, but the elimination of the group itself.

War typically involves armed conflict between organized groups, such as nations or factions, with the aim of achieving political, territorial, or economic goals. Combatants primarily target each other’s military forces and infrastructure.

Nov 9, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
The Palestinian movement in the west relies heavily on an ignorant audience that has only 10% of the story, and / or deeply distorted information. Western education *must* correct this by dismantling these key lies on which this hate movement depends.

/1 🧵 Lie 1: Palestinians are just fighting for independence.

No, they're not. Palestinians have been offered independence since the 1930s: what they're fighting for is to end JEWISH independence.

Oct 25, 2024 12 tweets 3 min read
🧵 Important Thoughts Ahead of the U.S. Election

1/ I'm aware this might ruffle some feathers, as I know people from both sides of the political spectrum follow me, but I can't stay silent with the U.S. election coming up. The stakes are too high to ignore for me to not speak 2/ Many of my followers are Trump supporters. I'll be honest: I’m not. There are many things I don’t respect about his leadership, I frankly think he's unfit for office for a number of reasons. But it boils down to a choice between him and Kamala.
Oct 24, 2024 20 tweets 6 min read
It's really quite astounding reading the unhinged antisemitic conspiracy theories this loser has been spewing for the past few days. Here he is blaming the Taliban on the Jews. But what's even more astounding is reading about the guy....

🧵 First off, I've never heard of the guy, until I had the misfortune of coming across his insane antisemitic rants and jihadi terrorist support over the last few days. Some examples are here...the guy is a total wack job....

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Oct 21, 2024 41 tweets 7 min read
The image here shared by the wonderful @HeidiBachram is a perfect opportunity to use some basic critical thinking to figure out if you're a useful idiot. So here's three pretty simple ways to establish her sign is not just illegal, but moronic.

1/🧵 Image Let's start with the emotive claim that this poor, wonderful man grew up in a refugee camp that is still one today! So let's look at the facts objectively. Starting with, what is a refugee camp? Well, this is what it is.

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Oct 17, 2024 36 tweets 3 min read
🧵 You are an idiot, racist, or both, if...

1) You compare Hamas or Hezbollah to Nelson fucking Mandela. 2) You think Jews "colonised" Judea
Oct 15, 2024 23 tweets 4 min read
I'm quite glad the Guardian printed this ridiculous turd, because its a great example of how these people demonise Israel in a way that can only be interpretated as antisemitic. Why? Because all these places have not been removed from the UN....
🧵 North Korea – Systematic and widespread human rights abuses, including forced labor camps, arbitrary detentions, and restrictions on freedom of speech or freedom of... Well, anything including haircuts.
Sep 30, 2024 12 tweets 2 min read
I thought quite a lot about the UN over the last few weeks, because it's been so disappointing to reflect on the pretty horrifying reality that it's complicit in a campaign to annihilate a democratic state. Where did I get? Its fundamentally a political organisation.

/1 🧵 What I mean by that is that it's an international body comprised of member states who are all essentially acting on their own political agenda. So that means if the bulk of members share an agenda, the apparatus of the UN becomes a tool for that.

Sep 26, 2024 25 tweets 5 min read
Tines have not changed very much have they? I honestly don't know if people like Fereshteh are victims of ignorance or if they just lie to further their cause, but here's why Israel *actually* invaded Lebanon 40 years ago...

1🧵 Israel declared its independence on 14 May 1948. The next day, the British Mandate officially expired and, in an official cablegram, the seven-member Arab League, *including*...yes...Lebanon, publicly proclaimed their aim of annihilating Israel and a war began.

Sep 20, 2024 37 tweets 6 min read
A little insomnia thread on Hezbollah - an organisation so many have reached out to in heartfelt support over the last 48 hours. But who are they So? Let's start with their ideology.

/1🧵 Hezbollah's original 1985 manifesto reads:

"We are the sons of the ummah (Muslim community) – the party of God (Hizb Allah) the vanguard of which was made victorious by God in Iran..."

Aug 20, 2024 32 tweets 6 min read
🧵 Lebanon - another case study of the marriage between "the left" and Islamic takeovers.

I'm half Lebanese. And while a thread on the full history would go on for hours, I find this particular part very interesting...

Like the whole area, Lebanon was colonised multiple times over and Islam swept over the country, and like everywhere else, the Christians, Jews and other minorities were made dhimmi. So the story of Arab imperialism is repeated.

Aug 18, 2024 23 tweets 4 min read

The mistake I made prior to 7 October was believing that the majority of the world were decent people who were not antisemitic. Since then, my eyes have been opened.

The feeling of being gaslit on any level is uncomfortable, and it makes you feel a little like you're going crazy. A lot of Jews are probably feeling like that but it's hard to cling on to truth when a lot of people join in the abuse, even people you trusted.

Aug 16, 2024 17 tweets 3 min read

The mere fact everyone reels off this phrase as confirmation of an antisemitic age-old trope is in itself proof that the *real* propaganda system is working. After all, other lobbies operate truly silently.

I'm not going to spend all day researching funding and networks of connections, but I will provide an example of what I'm talking about in the form of the Qatar Foundation

Aug 15, 2024 20 tweets 4 min read
I don't usually wade into the trans debate, but I've come to a point where I think proponents of this movement are so aggressive and unreasonable that it requires standing up to.

I have gen-z children, so I've personally met several "trans" people and my observations are that a variety of things are at play.
