Stephanie Krutsick Profile picture
Dec 9, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
[Thread] I can corroborate this, and I am likely the origin of this statement (though I don’t remember telling this specific person).

I was the one of the first, if not the first, woman to use the new “quiet rooms.”

At that time they consisted of a chair, side table, and light. This was in 2008.

There was no fridge in the room, so I had to label and carry my breastmilk out and store it in the breakroom fridge. It was very clearly breastmilk, in baggies with a baby’s face on it.

It was clearly mine, as I was the only lactating woman in the building.
Jul 31, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Separate shout-out to the woman whom I shared all this with who recognized how severely fucked up it was and reported it up and out, which led to external counsel and reporting, which helped add my name and impact to this suit. Not naming you publicly but you know who you are. your encouragement and moral character led to my speaking up, additional witnesses and corroborates, and possibly the firing of a serial abuser. Thank you for helping me realize I needed to overcome my fear and finally speak out.
Jul 31, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
Jul 30, 2021 7 tweets 1 min read
Seeing people on Reddit & the internet disparaging things like the Women @ Blizzard & Diversity panels at BlizzCon, when I know all the women & marginalized ppl who worked super hard on them & conceived them, is rough. Those weren’t conceived by the abusers. They were fought for. Women and BIPOC and LGBTQA+ and neurodiverse & disabled people fought for those panels and poured themselves into them, despite being worried about possible harassment from fans who were on the toxic side. Don’t minimize their work as something put up by abusers as a smokescreen.
Jul 30, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
I’m just so goddamned tired and slightly drunk, y’all. I’ve been binging Top Chef from the beginning over the last week while being a stress-induced insomniac and on my nursing schedule with my two-month old. I had never watched it before, despite my love of cooking shows.

Currently on S8E7. The first All Stars.
Jul 30, 2021 14 tweets 2 min read
Love when people tell those of us affected how they’re going to support us by ignoring the ways we ask them to support us and by just doing whatever they want so they can feel righteous somehow. Thanks for the support and allyship. 👍 I’M JUST SO TIRED, Y’ALL
Jul 22, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
I’m going to come out and say it.

I was one of these women. My incident happened in 2013 at BlizzCon. I didn’t say anything officially until I decided to leave the company last year, because of the name recognition and fear of retaliation. I also have other incidents described here, and some not, in several areas.

It was wonderful to work there; sometimes it wasn’t.

Most of my coworkers were wonderful, talented people who cared about quality games.

And some weren’t. The problem was the lack of accountability.