I Came; I Saw; I Got Over Macho Grande Profile picture
Christian, Navy. George Floyd wasn't a saint, and Epstein didn't kill himself.
Jul 31, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
Dr. Frankentony

Fauci pined to gain control
Of more than thee and thine
So he pawned his meager soul
And went Full Frankenstein He stitched, crocheted; and maybe knit 
Across a thousand cadavers
The Covid dead, the unborn bit:
Planned Parenthood media matters.
Jul 30, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
I'm saying this is strangely appropriate right now
@ladowd @PatriarchTree
Sep 27, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
libertyunyielding.com/2020/09/27/why… @OptimisticCon, there are some other reasons why we have to go through this.
- The Devil knows the Bible. So much of the anti-Trump effort was about collapsing our system in itself. But of Trump had simply rounded up all the actors and thrown them in Gitmo, they'd cried "Foul!".
Dec 1, 2019 15 tweets 2 min read
"Virtue Signaling"

In the Book of Virtue Tales
None can excel Sir Devin
Swaggering from kale to fails
He wouldn't stop believin' Until at last the godz peered low
And paid Devin a visit
And offered him a chance to show
His Gaia-love exquisite
Jul 9, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
1) Prediction: Trump nominates Amy Barrett to SCOTUS on 09Jun, and the Democrats go Full Waterloo.

Their Stolen Seat Mythology, along with all their nihilistic lust for unborn flesh, and need to control the SCOTUS to support their Appeals to Authority drives them into pagan 2) feats the likes of which haven't been seen since the Priests of Baal beset the Prophet Elijah.

Their hormonal rage at "elections having consequences" may have some good effect in whipping their inner-city thralls and Antifa schlock troops into a froth for the midterms.
Jun 10, 2018 8 tweets 2 min read
"...and then she gave me the Full Jessup." Who's gonna do it? You? You, Donald Trump?

We have a greater responsibility to the Elite than you could possibly fathom.