Matrushree Ananthalakshmi (Smrithi) Profile picture
Founder Anaadi Foundation | Ex CSE Prof | Yogini | Matrushree at ashram| A mother who shares practical wisdom with her spiritual children| Author and IKS expert
Jun 28 8 tweets 3 min read
Asanas or Pranayama in isolation cannot give a full yogic experience. The entire system: kaya and chitta have to be cleansed through various processes for a deeper experience. For Dhyana to be stable, to obstacles need to be overcome. #Shatkarma help in this. What are they?+ Neti, Dhauti, Nauli, Basti, Kapabhati and Trataka. They have to be done cautiously and learnt under a yogacharya/guru with strict guidelines. The Hatha Yoga Pradipika mentions them. Some of these practices look very scary but under guidance can be done smoothly. #yogilife
May 1, 2023 14 tweets 2 min read
Thread:Many people though born in a Hindu family have little or no idea about the richness of the content of our texts. Without the necessary content exposure, they try fighting the battle. Here are some steps to launch yourself. + You will eventually find the right Acharya/Guru to deepen your exploration but you will need to start somewhere. Here are some topics that you can self-learn and develop a broad map of the various texts and content. +
Apr 4, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Thread:The iconography of Ardhanareeshwara is very significant and deep. The story of sage Bhringi who refused to worship Maa Parvathi inspite of then taking the ardhanari form is well known. The Ardhanareeshwara stotram is beautifully composed paying obeisance to both + Our Shastras map the unmoving consciousness to Shiva and the dynamic energy to Parvathi and hence they are one and the same. Just as you cannot separate magnestism from a magnet , you cannot separate them. +
Mar 5, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
Thread: #SankhyaKarika talks of nava Tushti(9 contentments) which can become an obstacle to our growth. We become falsely satisfied and contended without feeling the need to progress. These are very relatable! 1. Prakriti: We think that even that Jnana is a manifestation of Prakriti and Prakriti alone can bring about transformation and no effort is required from our side. We remain as we are without progression
Mar 3, 2023 20 tweets 10 min read
Thread: Unfortunately in the Tamil Vs Hindi/Sanskrit debate the work of the 18 Siddhas hasn’t received much attention! The Siddhas were experts in Jnana, Aushadha, Alchemy, Astrology, Tantra and Yoga. They worked tirelessly and mystically to benefit humanity. Here is about them+ #Agasthiyar is the pradhana Siddha. Credited with first Tamil grammar compilation: Agathiyam. Deep yogic practices and medicinal system given by him. Directly initiated by Shiva Peruman. He initiated Mahavatar Babaji in Kutralam
Feb 14, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
1/n: And wiping her eyes and sighing frequently she said these words angrily and in a choked voice, 'Husbands, or sons, or friends, or brothers, or father, have I none! Nor have I thee, O thou slayer of Madhu, for ye all, beholding me treated so cruelly by inferior foes 2/n:, sit still unmoved! My grief at Karna's ridicule is incapable of being assuaged! On these grounds I deserve to be ever protected by thee, O Kesava, viz., our relationship, thy respect (for me), our friendship, and thy lordship (over me)