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Digital asset investor for Pre-Seed, Seed & Early Stage Startups check my 📌 tweet
Oct 3, 2022 11 tweets 7 min read
1/11 It's been a while since I've shared some interesting upcoming projects, here's a list of the ones that have caught my eye.

*Because I listed it doesn't mean I will mint & this is NFA, DYOR 2/NFT AMMs are hot this month, one of which @ElixirNFT promises great rewards for NFT pool creators & contributors. They're looking to launch a 777 collection which will later be burned to be a part of a future 10K collection giving rewards to its holders. A must watch IMO
Apr 28, 2022 11 tweets 8 min read
1/11 🧵 This week’s thread has some good projects to take note of and keep an eye on. As always, just because I list does not guarantee I will mint so please DYOR. 2/One of my most anticipated mints will be @communi3_io. Mint for their mad scientist NFT collection is May 2nd, I have had multiple discussions with the team and have been impressed with each interaction. They have a strong product that many web 3 communities need.
Apr 22, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
1/9 🧵 Consider that it takes 1 solid squeeze of an orange to get 80% of its juice, but it takes a lot more effort/time to squeeze the remaining 20%.

Why waste time hoping for more gain in 1 project when you can move on with your profit, giving access to bet on multiple projects 2/If turning money is NOT a priority then sticking with one winner may be a better multi-year strategy for you. But if you want to challenge yourself & grow a small portfolio (less than a 1000 SOL) then you can consider a growth strategy outside of buy & hold.
Apr 20, 2022 15 tweets 9 min read
1/15 🧵 In this week’s thread there are quite a few projects that are seeking to raise the bar with their roadmaps. As always, just because I list it does not guarantee I will mint so please remember to DYOR. 2/You may not know but @SOLgods_ has an upcoming collection “The Bridged” which you need to look out for. This will allow for a low-cost entry & have a gamification utility in the form of ‘Extractions’ (Missions). There are quite a few other pieces & I recommend checking their WP ImageImage
Feb 14, 2022 11 tweets 8 min read
1/11 🧵 As always I like to hit you guys up with some projects that look interesting and may be worth the watch/follow.

Remember to please DYOR and just because I’ve listed it here doesn’t mean that I will invest or mint- just sharing 2/Came across @Epik_City, a competitive metaverse that is set as a social P2E experience that will onboard other Solana collections. You can mint Epik Bears which will allow access. Had a call with the founder @NFTiiz & his passion to deliver makes me want to keep an eye on this
Feb 14, 2022 8 tweets 5 min read
1/8 🧵 There is another trend I am noticing, one you guys should be wary of similar to the last I mentioned...

Limited numbered collections trying to run on the hype of being the next "alpha” group. In many cases the objective is just to sell you an over hyped & priced PFP 2/If you're serious about community alpha I suggest:
Yes I own all & before you start typing “SofTy StAHP pUmpINg uR OwN bAGs” know that I have 0 interest in selling my stake in any (silly to think I'd risk my integrity for crumbs...why?)
Jan 24, 2022 12 tweets 8 min read
1/ As always, dropping some projects that I’m watching that I think the community will be interested in following - also don't forget to check my previous threads, as many of those projects are still pre-mint...

Remember to always DYOR 2/@bullsbearsNFT's project allows you to mint passes which give the option to customize your Bear or Bull & use them to race in tournaments for a chance to win pooled winnings of their in-game tokens. Cars are customizable & tracks can be owners as well. Mint on 01/31 at 0.5 sol
Jan 10, 2022 13 tweets 8 min read
1/13 Wanted to share a quick 🧵 on some of the projects on my radar…

Because I included it doesn't mean it’s an endorsement nor have I been paid 2/ I will keep highlighting @Botborgs because few teams deliver like these guys. Just check and see all of the amazing things they HAVE built and continue to- all BEFORE their mint. Hard not to put them as one of my most anticipated mints. WEN MINT GUYS🦾 Image