Peter Solnica Profile picture
💛 Senior Software Engineer at ❤️ Hanami/dry-rb/rom-rb Core Team 💜 Creator of Elixir Drops 💦
Oct 12, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
🧵 Kent Beck's "First make the change easy, then make the easy change" applies here. There's no single best way of organizing a codebase. Rails gives you initial structure, which is a good start, but it shouldn't end with the 3 directories in "app/" (1/9) When it comes to default directories I don't recommend putting non-AR classes under app/models simply because it is the convention that AR models go there. Mixing them up with other types of classes makes things more difficult (2/9)
Feb 5, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
🧵This should stop. Such practices are not inclusive unfortunately. Believe it or not but for some folks any form of a "test/quiz" can be triggering. My brain shuts down when somebody tells me to do a test in front of them. This is what trauma does to people. In my case that's quite simple. As a kid with undiagnosed ADHD I've had a lot of traumatic experiences during school and studies. Because it was hard for me to focus in classes with lots of children, I had trouble when ie solving math problems on a whiteboard.
Jan 3, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
🧵Good point/question. This is definitely one of the hardest problems to solve but I say that AR's way is not the best way. First of all if you separate reading from writing, you already reduce complexity. That's a win right there. Secondly, dealing with associated data when making changes can be handled much better if you have dedicated data transformations in place. This is because the input is *often* incompatible with what is actually persisted. This is *a huge* source of complexity in many apps.
Feb 1, 2021 25 tweets 4 min read
A couple of years ago I promised myself that one day I'll be strong enough to be able to talk about my mental health openly. I've made this my goal. I think this is the day, so here's how I ended up diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 37 - a thread... In 2017 I reached my rock-bottom. I got back home from Philippines, where I failed to deliver my conference talk due to being a mental train-wreck (for which I'm terribly sorry!). I started having suicidal idealizations and I realized it's time to get help.