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I applied ancient alien theory to the old testament and my head exploded. Lifelong UFO researcher. I cover both subjects, YouTube link below.
Mar 20, 2024 • 10 tweets • 20 min read
🔥 US Special Forces Confession - I Recovered Crashed UFOs

This dropped just 6 days ago, he was inspired by David Grusch having the guts to come forward. And guys, this is a must read. I’ve extracted and formatted the YouTube transcription so you can read it in multiple parts to follow. The link to the YouTube is at the end of this first post. Thanks to @UAPmike for finding this amazing revelation. This is just the tip of the iceberg folks.

“The following is based on testimony [of a single person] provided over a series of interviews and written correspondence, edited and cut together in an attempt to create a cohesive timeline of the events as described.”

It was 1968, if I remember correctly, and somewhere along the Cambodian border. We were getting the lay of the land on an LRRP, tracking supply routes into South Vietnam along Cambodia and mapping them out for future raids, and for the B-52 bombing campaign the following year that smashed the whole place to hell. The object sort of appeared overhead all of a sudden, a bright red-orange glow, and looked like it was sort of melting- I don't know, only some of us looked up in time, and we only got a brief glimpse through the tree cover. It was over our heads and gone in a flash, I couldn't tell you how high it was or how fast it was moving- but maybe four, five seconds later, there was a loud crash and dull thump that you could feel through the ground. That let us know that it had fallen somewhere nearby. We figured it was a US plane, though for the life of me, I couldn't tell you what the original shape of it was when it was plummeting overhead- it was just too fast; all I remember was the orange glow and thinking of molten metal. I even ducked expecting some to fall on me. We were close enough to the northern border that we knew better than to use our long-range radios openly. The Soviets had sent their own special forces advisors armed with pretty good electronic snooping gear, and if they were nearby, they could pinpoint your location pretty accurately. We were now on a rescue mission as far as everyone was concerned and figured we'd hold off on the radios until we got to the crash site and asked for extraction. Turns out the damn thing was further than we thought, a good three to four miles through awful terrain. When we got there though, it was immediately obvious that this wasn't a US plane- or at least nothing like any of us ever knew about. Our Captain- obviously, we're going to withhold names- had been in the black world for a while and knew there was some stuff flying over Vietnam made in the US that the public still doesn't know about. But nothing like this. It reminded me of a giant metal egg that had cracked open when it crashed. The entire scene was incredibly warm, and at first, I thought this was just some crashed space capsule- maybe Soviet since we were in their neck of the woods. But it was a dull gray and looked like it had been made from a single piece of metal; there were no seams or bolts or screws. I've seen the way 3D printers work nowadays, and it looked like they'd been made the same way. I never got a good look on the inside, so I couldn't tell you much about it. The brush around it was on fire, and it was hard to see inside through the broken side of the craft. I couldn't tell you if there were any occupants. I didn’t see any myself. We called in the crash and reported ourselves on-scene but were surprised to learn that there were already some birds en route. We got told to secure the site, so we did just that while hoping the whole damn jungle wouldn't go up in flames. The first aircraft

#ufotwitter #uaptwitter #ufox 2/ overhead was a pair of F4s, which quickly settled into an orbit. That's what kind of tipped us off that this was something real serious- I know this sounds silly now, but at the time, we honestly didn't know what this damn thing was; the fire around it made it too hard to actually see anything. Most of us still thought it was just either NASA or something Soviet. Anyway, I think the Air Force guys were overhead to ward off any curious Vietnamese Migs. The first choppers to arrive were Hueys, full of infantry- but the infantry wasn't let anywhere near the craft. They were deployed in a wide swathe around it, I don't know what they told those boys, but it took a good two days to get that damn thing out of the jungle, and obviously, there was a need to secure the site, given how close it was to the border. We got choppered back pretty immediately, though. Other SOF guys came in, and they worked a little closer into the actual craft, along with some Air Force and Navy egg heads. I found out later they were all already read into the Program- that's what everyone called it, the Program- and there were several rapid reaction units stationed throughout in-theater. See, we'd learned from the Korean War that these things are attracted to conflict, and I guess it makes sense- it's probably one of the most interesting things we do. A lot of people think this whole mess started in World War II, and maybe it did- but the Program got put together during the Korean War. That's when it was official. Anyway, I think the intel guys that read us in kind of jumped the gun a little. See, most of us were still of the opinion that this was just some space probe or something; they could've told us that and let us go, and we'd lived the rest of our lives without a second thought. But I guess they thought we'd seen more than we did, so we got briefed in, kind of by force. As in, we had no choice- it was that or a dishonorable discharge, and I saw it happen once or twice; they fabricated entire Article 15s or worse if they thought you would be trouble. Everything to kill your credibility, their favorite was drug charges- we all knew drugs were everywhere over there, so who was going to listen to some washout kicked out for heroin? Back then, the world was a lot smaller than it is today. The last thing you wanted was for your community and family to believe you'd gotten kicked out or washed out with a bad conduct discharge. So they read us in, only a little. People think you just get all the info all at once- that's not how secret programs stay secret. We were told only what we needed to know. I didn't even realize these damn things were from space until I actually saw a body- then it was sort of like, ok yeah, you figured that out, here's a bit more info. For all I know, I never did learn the whole truth. But I know a lot of it, and I'm kind of tired of sitting on it all these years. Plus, what are they gonna do to