Soraya Shockley Profile picture
Union solidarity is my love language. Past: @npr, @nytimes, @fiascopod, @gimletmedia, @itsYRmedia (they/them)
Elbert Bakker Profile picture 2 subscribed
Dec 8, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
When I worked @nytimes, speaking up abt biased coverage of Palestine was always met w/ repression. So often, the call was coming from inside the 🏠

To b a journalist & then abdicate our responsibility to accountability to save our jobs while ppl r dying is to me unconscionable🧵
Image The @nytimes historic & on going abdication of their duty as one of the biggest sources of news in the country is stomach turning

This is the supposed “paper of record”, news the president reads, news avg Americans rely on. And yet the paper is actively repressing their journos
Nov 17, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
I was working @nytimes on The Daily in May 2021 when Israel began another deadly bombing of Gaza

While recording the show, I pushed back, called out the wishy washy pro-Israeli slant. In response, an editor outright said “you shouldn’t work on this bc you’re Palestinian” 🧵 This was one of the most racist interactions of my career.

I went to HR. Was told by higher ups that this editor “didn’t mean it that way”

What way did she mean it?

There is no way to tie someone’s identity to blatant exclusion and not have it be wildly racist. 2/
Jun 15, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Last week was the end of my time @NPR. It was also the end of my time in journalism.

I have spent close to a decade making audio & fighting for the rights of my colleagues as an organizer @GimletUnion, contract action mem @NYTimesGuild & steward @WeMakeNPR. I have been burning w/ a white hot rage my entire career bc of how companies mismanage, grind down, &, ultimately, burn out workers. Bc of the lack of care & respect management show towards the people making critical work.

@NPR & the layoffs were the last straw for me.