SOS Scotland Profile picture
We are a grassroots group of parents, teachers and child protection professionals with personal experience of social transition in schools in 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
Jun 9, 2023 9 tweets 5 min read
🧵: The Scottish Parliament Public Petitions Committee have published the responses to our petition to withdraw the 'Supporting transgender young people in schools' guidance from Scottish schools:… We’re disappointed that the Committee have not approached any of the organisations we recommended, like @ForWomenScot @Transgendertrd or @BayswaterSG instead going back to those who were involved in producing the guidance in the first place - a case of marking their own homework? ImageImage
May 4, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
We’ve been contacted by teachers about the recent briefing from EIS.

They have expressed concern about the lack of evidence, nuance and context within the briefing, and are worried about the impact this will have on children, families & teachers.

Poll at end of 🧵 You can access the full briefing here:…
Apr 14, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
We wrote to @HumzaYousaf during his leadership campaign to ask him to clarify his position on a number of areas concerning the teaching and promotion of gender identity ideology within Scottish schools, and the school guidance.

We didn’t get a reply. We asked:

1 - Do you support a more balanced approach to the teaching and promotion of an ideological belief?

How would you make sure that this is given priority?
Mar 31, 2023 19 tweets 5 min read
1/ Our petition to remove the school guidance will be considered by the Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee on 19th April 2023.

You can access the petition here -…

Long 🧵 on why we’re petitioning for its removal. 2/ Single sex facilities:

Boys & girls, regardless of how they id, must be excluded from the opposite sex spaces & services.

Legal arguments around GRC’s are not applicable to school aged children because they’re currently not eligible to apply for one.
Feb 7, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
We have been following the media coverage surrounding @ScotGovFM and her struggles to settle on appropriate pronouns for a male rapist.

When questioned for using ‘she’ for this ‘individual’, Nicola said too much shouldn’t be read into this.

We beg to differ: 🧵 We made a space for parents and teachers to share theirs and their children’s experiences of how gender identity ideology was impacting them in Scottish schools

They are not being afforded the same leniency as our FM.
Oct 8, 2022 11 tweets 5 min read
It is concerning that staff of the charity @LGBTYS, who provide training to schools & sit as partners for the national anti-bullying agency, Respect Me, are uncritically showing solidarity with the charity Mermaids, who are under investigation for #SafeguardingFail’s This isn’t just a rogue worker, several others appear to agree.

We would have assumed that best practice for an influential organisation like LGBTYS would be to wait for the investigation to be conducted & confirmation that risk of harm has been mitigated.
Sep 6, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
We have continued to raise the alarm over instances of bullying in Scottish schools, due to @scotgov guidance and lobby groups teaching gender identity ideology as fact.

We feel that parents & teachers views on these issues are being dismissed.… The guidance is not lawful. It pushes an affirmation model of care for children who may be experiencing gender incongruence. This is despite evidence from the #CassReview which highlights that social transition is not a neutral act, it’s an intervention.
Aug 10, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
We have heard from the parent of a 10 year old who was bullied to the point of self harm because she ‘misgendered’ a peer.

We have heard from the parent of a 15 yr old who was threatened with a ‘hate crime’ for questioning a peers social transition. 1/ We have heard from a parent whose teen was socially transitioned in school, despite parents and medical experts advising against. Parents were referred to social work. 2/
Aug 10, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
@SuellaBraverman speech:


*Need to understand legal obligations

*Many schools and teachers believe - incorrectly – that they have to treat children according to that child's preference. This approach is NOT supported by the law.

#EdTwitter #EdScotland *It is lawful for a school to refuse to allow use of facilities of the opposite sex. If allowed this may be unlawful discrimination of the other pupils.

*It is lawful to refuse a male child from using single sex girls dormitories & vice versa. NOT discrimination NOT unlawful
Jul 26, 2022 10 tweets 5 min read
A few years ago a drag performer was brought into a primary school in Scotland. Parents were not consulted and it resulted in an apology being issued by Renfrewshire Council, who had not appropriately risk assessed the drag Queen.… Lgbt Youth Scotland tweeted this message at the time, despite the sexualised content found on the drag queens social media, mixed with images of the children and the school.

It would seem scrutiny or questions about #Safeguarding are not appropriate for certain things.
Jul 13, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
We asked Dr Cass if she thinks that teachers should be trained around being able to avoid overshadowing of underlying causation of distress in a child presenting as transgender.

Dr Cass: ‘100% agree that teachers should be given more training on how to manage children…1/ with gender distress. Gender distress doesn’t begin at the door of the NHS. Guidance should be provided to school staff on what they can do”

“A child in a supportive family, under any context, is going to have a better outcome than a child who isn’t…2/
Jul 12, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Parents need to be involved in decisions about how their disabled children are looked after in school. This is essential for #Safeguarding

This @NSPCC podcast covers a study they funded looking at how to provide better support for parents and to get their views . 1/…
Jun 22, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
We carried out FOI’s to all local authorities to ask about training being carried out in schools by outside organisations. We are beginning to get them back now and working through them.

Already we are seeing a pattern developing that is concerning. One LA confirmed that 4 schools in their area had signed up to receive training & resources from LGBT YS, with one school paying £450 to ‘have their work validated’.

We asked for copies of the resources/training and were sent what was used for a Pronoun Day lesson…
Jun 22, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
When we wrote to the @SP_EHRCJ an area we highlighted that has received no coverage so far in evidence was the impact on schools. We specifically mentioned what this could mean for New Scots young people with religious beliefs that require single sex spaces.1/ We have concerns that lowering the age of eligibility for a GRC to 16, therefore enabling school aged young people to legally change their sex, will have unintended consequences not only on the protected characteristic of sex, but on religion, belief & disability too. 2/
Jun 20, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
We are looking into materials being developed for an Inclusive, Diverse & Decolonised Curriculum, in Edinburgh.

An example:

Lesbian - women who are sexually attracted to only other women. People may assume that this applies to only AFAB women. However, TW, can also be lesbian What message does this send to girls coming to terms with being same sex attracted? How will these definitions be adopted into the curriculum?

Lesbians are exclusively same sex attracted & shouldn’t be shamed into thinking males can be lesbian on fear of ostracism & exclusion
Apr 28, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
If you are a teacher and a child tells you that they are questioning their gender, it would be the exception not the rule to decide not to share this information with parents.

If you suspect a child will be at risk if you share with parents, you have a duty to consider why 1/ You should be asking yourself:

* what are my reasons for deciding not to share this information?

* what harm could result if I DO NOT share?

* what are the implications for the child, for you, for your school if you don’t share?

Apr 27, 2022 13 tweets 7 min read
The org Sexspression has branches in several local authorities in Scotland.

They advertise as being for primary school + and are attached to branches of local universities.

The first one we have looked into is Sexspression Dundee, attached to @dundeeuni

Long 🧵 Image They advertise as “a student society giving comprehensive and inclusive sex and relationship education to schools” Image
Apr 14, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
@patrickharvie mentions that to have reasonable conversations we need to be ‘free of practices like deadnaming or misgendering which are so traumatising to a lot of people’.

We would like to invite Mr Harvie to meet with us and discuss this further

Thread 🧵 1/ We hear from parents and teachers who tell us that schools are socially transitioning children by changing their names and pronouns and treating them as the opposite sex, without telling parents and sometimes against clinical advice. 2/
Apr 12, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Ready for campaign number 2?

We are asking all of you to help us by sending a letter to your PTA. We have (with the help of some amazing anon women) composed a letter on the concerns around mixed sex toilets in schools. This is one of the main issues we’ve been contacted about. Parent/teacher relationships are so vital. The PTA are often the heart of what’s happening in schools so we would like to inform them of this issue.

Please go to the campaign section: and send a copy to your PTA. Let us know the school, that’s it! #SOS