Let’s meet Cade McGuffin of Keller, TX. Cade came from 50 miles away to harass children and their families enjoying Dallas Pride on Saturday. He was heard asking the cops “why they weren’t going inside a gay bar to crack skulls like they did in the old days”
Cade is a vocal member of the Groyper movement led by racist bigot Nick Fuentes. Other highlights from Cade’s tantrum on Saturday include harassing who he believed to be a lesbian cop and exclaiming that it’s going to be “so kek” (so funny) when they forcibly take LGBT rights.
Apr 28, 2022 • 11 tweets • 7 min read
Recently we unmasked a J6 Proud Boy that wore a ski mask during the insurrection. We posted his face and knew someone would eventually identify him. Welp @/proudboycharlie aka #orangeskimaskpb known to his community as Michael Northcross of ScottsdaleAZ. Today’s your day big boy!
On 1/6/21 there were a contingent of Proud Boys that wore bright orange stocking caps. They started the day coordinating with Proud Boy leadership and marched with them all the way to the capitol. Having already identified a few of these men, we knew they were Arizona Proud Boys.
Mar 30, 2022 • 9 tweets • 6 min read
It's our pleasure to introduce Patriot Front's Oklahoma Network Director, the pride of Broken Arrow, Clinton William Hudson!
Clint goes by "William OK" PF-8191, Network 4 Director on the leaked Patriot Front RocketChat. discordleaks.unicornriot.ninja/rocket-chat/us…
Special thanks to Oklahoma antifascists who went out and made this happen. @405JR and comrades are a bunch of badasses. Also special thanks to @trashpandaAFA +1 who did those special things they do. Also special contribution from @SalishcoastA Love you Sal!