Colin Spacetwinks Profile picture
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Mar 15, 2024 66 tweets 35 min read
you already know what's up

as always for the sale rec threads, i focus primarily on older, obscure, and just plain weirder games, as big name titles don't need the help.

so, onwards! Image In Stars and Time ($15.99) - an RPG that takes place at the end of your adventure...

sort of.

circumstances have thrown you into a time loop which only you are aware of. each new death brings you closer to victory - and another burden to bear.…
Jan 21, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
i think the funniest part of japan discovering our shinzo abe memes is the "what's with the See You, Space Cowboy thing they put in it. why do they like Cowboy Bebop so much" posts japan discovering our shinzo abe memes -> japan going "wait, why do you put the Cowboy Bebop quote in your memes" -> (intermittent noise) -> "you guys like FLCL *how* much? you guys like FLCL so much that you're why it has had multiple sequels?"

Jan 3, 2024 42 tweets 22 min read
hey hey! after much delay due to life stuff or 'god i just don't have the energy in my brain right now', here comes the (yes i know the sale ends tomorrow sorry) second thread for continuing the game sale rec thread! Image first, though, i'll pop a QT link back to the original thread for e-z browsing for people.
Dec 21, 2023 83 tweets 43 min read
it's that time again

(game sale rec thread time)

as always, i tend to focus on older, obscure, and just plain weirder games, as big name titles don't need the help.

with that said, onwards! Image Boomerang X ($7.99) - a high speed, high precision first person boomeranger. incredibly tight controls and razor sharp mechanics make for an experience that'll have you feeling like a god as you chain your skills together... if you're good enough.…
Nov 21, 2023 45 tweets 24 min read
you already know what's up

as always for these, i focus primarily on reccing older, obscure, and just plain weirder games on sale, as big titles don't need the help. i'll be covering both the Steam and GOG sales in this thread.

so, onwards! Image Anode Heart ($16.19) - don't go into this monster tamer rpg looking for Pokemon vibes - this story driven title takes after the Digimon World games. as the amnesiac robot Seek, team up with digital beasts named Tama to find your purpose.…
Nov 6, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
hey y'know one historical thing gen z has that previous gens don't, they have them constantly, and then the things they're doing them for actually happen anyway, constantly, with no sign of slowing down

active shooter drills you can point to economic graphs, you can point to some too-little-too-late climate change stuff, and you can keep ignoring the "jesus fucking christ housing seems unattainable and rent eats up huge tons of income" but boy howdy those school shootings
Oct 21, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
seeing more and more scolding of people who feel betrayed, more "would you prefer trump", and it just keeps beating in my mind that the actual voting is a year from now but everyone keeps talking like it's next week and it's impossible for dems to change course you have a fucking year. you have. a. fucking. year. if the dems don't want to lose these voters they have *time* to not lose them, and they can do that by not chasing this godawful policy of giving israel carte blanche to do more atrocities. there is time to change!
Jul 31, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
people are (rightfully) dunking on this but one thing that doesn't come up enough is how reagan really went overdrive on the demolishing of public spaces, especially for youth. there's a reason all those 'we have to save the community center' plots sprung in the 80s. Image politicians, including tons of democrats, would continue this trend, with public spaces getting more torn down and replaced with private companies, or simply not replaced at all, which were exacerbated with things like a massive stepup in loitering laws and gang panic stuff.
Jun 30, 2023 20 tweets 4 min read
"vote for dems cuz they'll fight to protect us queers" combined with dem leadership constantly telling us "it would be inappropriate to do anything about SCOTUS other than hope they start being nicer" makes for some conflicted messaging going into 2024, to put it mildly does bring back one of my little hobbyhorses, though, how people - including the dem electeds - will say we got gay marriage because of them, when that's not actually right. it was punted to SCOTUS and then dems took credit for a favorable ruling.
May 30, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
other thing on the mind w/politics today: you hear simultaneous "we just need a couple more dems to get things done" and "we need to run conservatives to win those other seats". going with this: oops you've recreated the '09 blue dog stuffed majority that does fuck all in the best case scenario of this strategy as we get sold it, you just get an eternal holding pattern. you don't get actual change, you don't get wins, you don't get progress. you just get TV static.
May 29, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
brain circulating around how much standard libs solutions to various problems blocking progress - party leadership unwilling to use power/change their mind on issues, far right wing court - is 'hold the dam till people die of old age' and the priority of conflict avoidance there's ways to get change that's not just "vote and vote and vote some more and cross your fingers for years and hope for the best" but this method is the way to supposedly gets change that categorically avoids any sort of direct conflict, which comes out as the number 1 desire
May 29, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
man what there's no spin to this that's good. either he's lying, or he explicitly supported the terrible things in the debt ceiling bill, or he's so completely fucking checked out he doesn't really know what he's saying.
May 27, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
having been replaying Control lately and the bits about the Alan Wake connections i actually enjoy the most remain the probably less intentional

number 1 being "much like stephen king himself, alan writes in the guy who messed with his life into his fiction to fuck him over" number 2 being "man, Jesse Faden is like INCREDIBLY stylistically similar to Alice Wake, just a redhead instead of blonde and with a different leather jacket", which, depending on how you feel w/King, can also feel similar to women in his fiction
May 12, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
any time media people say shit like this i think about the way people talk about queers like me vis a vis college campuses and needing to get 'out of their bubble' as if we weren't all exposed to homophobia as early as elementary school what fucking 'silo'. what fucking 'bubble'. we are exposed to this shit every fucking day, we were before trump, they're in every fucking newspaper, they're all over tv, they have talk radio basically lock stock and barrel, they dominate internet outlets.

what fucking silo.
May 11, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
lol dems going "welp, gotta do some budget cuts instead of going in for the 14th amendment on the debt limit AND we're gonna restart loan payments". brilliant shit. the thing with the loan payments shit is that it would be VERY easy to keep doing the freeze. shit takes like negative fucking work. but every time we've seen that the biden admin has chomping at the bit to restart payments, they have wanted it so bad
May 11, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
thinking about this tweet from a house staffer in reaction to klippenstein's posts and people focusing understandably on the "are you threatening to blackball a news site", but i'm on "huh, y'know, not a single staffer was willing to leak about what's been happening w/feinstein" Image it's been a total wall of silence not just now but for several years. and not a single person in the bunch has had the morals and willingness to leak shit about how not just the senator is suffering, but about how her staff is obviously exploiting her
Apr 6, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
seeing some "the trans thing isn't THAT bad, they'd have to meet a VERY high bar to be able to ban trans kids from sports" and on top of the sheer cowardice and immorality, i wanna say: how do you still think in 2023 'THE RULES SAY' is how things actually work republicans using ginned up bullshit and tortured semantics in their legal efforts combined with democrats who are too cowardly and/or lazy to fight back (if they don't just agree with it) = that 'high bar' isn't so fucking high after all
Apr 6, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
man it's super cool that republicans hyper focus on being creepy fascistic weirdos about trans people is actually costing them elections and the white house response is now "hmmm. let's meet in the middle with them" all my life it's "sorry we have to throw minorities under the bus to win elections" but sure would love to hear the reason that's supposedly Smart Politics on why they do it when it's also an issue that is fucking their opponents up
Apr 6, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
politicians, judges, and more keep getting more and more blatantly and publicly corrupt the more they know literally nobody is gonna do anything about it. nobody does shit about thomas literally sleeping through court cases either just thinking about chris murphy straight up admitting on twitter that the US tried to coup venezuela, or pelosi pretty much saying "what would be the fucking point of being in congress if we couldn't do insider trading?!" and so on
Apr 5, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
okay for real though why the fuck are warheads and sour patch kids showing up in everything now Image "cocktail inspired". why is 90 percent of IPA marketing trying to trick you into thinking that this is the one that won't taste like an IPA Image
Apr 5, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
actually reading chait's bad article on why it's bad to go after trump for this shit mostly causes thoughts of "what kinda country club drama/affairs and hush money involving them is going around chait's neighborhood" Image just Boy You Sure Are Focused On The Part About "Hey It's Not Illegal To Have An Affair And Pay Money To Keep It Quiet In Most Circumstances, Right?" Aren't You