How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App can point to economic graphs, you can point to some too-little-too-late climate change stuff, and you can keep ignoring the "jesus fucking christ housing seems unattainable and rent eats up huge tons of income" but boy howdy those school shootings bring back one of my little hobbyhorses, though, how people - including the dem electeds - will say we got gay marriage because of them, when that's not actually right. it was punted to SCOTUS and then dems took credit for a favorable ruling.'s no spin to this that's good. either he's lying, or he explicitly supported the terrible things in the debt ceiling bill, or he's so completely fucking checked out he doesn't really know what he's saying. fucking 'silo'. what fucking 'bubble'. we are exposed to this shit every fucking day, we were before trump, they're in every fucking newspaper, they're all over tv, they have talk radio basically lock stock and barrel, they dominate internet outlets.