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Orgreave - Justice Now! //\\ "What I didn't remember was how it feels to stand in a room while Corin Tucker sings" - Carrie Brownstein
Sep 18, 2020 8 tweets 9 min read
@carnivalist2 @linda_whyman @Chris_of_Durham @JohnLeBrocq 1)
If fewer are infected and you test an equal number of people, you'll get a few more FPs. Not many more. And simply because to give a FP you have to be uninfected, and the scenario is more are uninfected.
With numbers: @carnivalist2 @linda_whyman @Chris_of_Durham @JohnLeBrocq 2)
You have 100000 people.
2000 are infected (that's 2% of your sample today, which is quite high).
Your test has a FP (false positive) rate of 1% (it's lower).
(And your test sensitivity is perfect - you don't miss any genuine positives.)
Jul 31, 2018 8 tweets 9 min read
@CornishSkipper @jeremycorbyn @UKLabour @SkyData 1/
As Corbyn said then, we're better off in the EU. As he said since, he'd vote Remain again if it comes to another referendum.
Labour policy is that the referendum gave a mandate to try to negotiate acceptable term for leaving - and no further than that. @CornishSkipper @jeremycorbyn @UKLabour @SkyData 2/
So, the 6 Tests as guidelines to judge what's acceptable.
The political choice is then the strategy to be able to get a majority to reject a bad deal - the key vote. You can go the LibDem way and say that you respect the referendum mandate but won't accept any deal whatsoever.