SpeakOutSister Profile picture
Women advocating for inclusive feminism and liberation. Opposing misogyny, transphobia, homophobia, racism, ableism, ageism and all forms of prejudice.
Mar 7 12 tweets 3 min read
The big failure of "gender critical" feminism is that it has zero understanding of power hierarchies and how they work. It's largely impossible to maintain power physically, as numerous dictators have eventually found out. So you need to maintain it psychologically. Convincing the people you want to oppress that actually someone else is oppressing them is a trick that works surprisingly often, when the group is one that they can then punch down on. Want to control poor white people? Tell them POC are a threat. And so on.
Dec 11, 2024 7 tweets 1 min read
What rights don't trans exclusionary people have? A summary.

Do they have the right not to date trans people?


Do they have the right to refuse care from trans people?

Yes. Do they have the right to have social gatherings and groups without including trans people?


Do they have the right to refuse mefical treatment from trans people?

Aug 28, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
PLEASE SHARE. @UKlabour are allowing a meeting by Labour women's declaration INSIDE the party conference secure zone to attack the proposed ban on conversion therapy on grounds including "religious freedom".

LGBT people cannot trust @Keir_Starmer labourwomensdeclaration.org.uk/mp-briefing-co… Last year several MPs including @jessphillips attended the meeting of labour women's declaration. We don't know which, if any MPs will attend this time but it appears that the group are happy to put "religious freedom" above the protection of LGBT people from conversion therapy
May 29, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Shirley Leach was murdered in a bus station toilet. Her killer RETURNED to mutilate her body. She wasn't found until the next day.

No one stopped him or challenged him. A "ladies" sign keeps no one safe

manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-m… It gets worse. Despite already having convictions for indecent assault, in the next 11 years he got a job as a bus driver. He raped an 11 year old girl at the same bus station where he committed the murder.

May 29, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
I was sexually assaulted. I was a child. The perp was known to me. It was in a neighbour's house.

I don't think all the single sex spaces in the world would have prevented this, oddly enough. Does that make me naive? Or do I just want male approval? The most highly segregated societies in the world (Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia) aren't, in my opinion, paradises for women, including trans women. And that single sex spaces can be a tool of oppression. Does that make me naive, or do I just want male approval? No
Dec 11, 2023 13 tweets 2 min read
So more on the "we need to quantify women to end misogyny" argument and why it's plain wrong.

Point 1 is that it's nearly always made by people who say they are "gender critical" but also want to classify women by biology. This is not coincidence. 2. Misogyny is not aimed just at people who are biologically female. It's not even aimed at people who society mistakenly thinks are biologically female. Cis men - who patriarchy says are "biologically male" - but are "feminine" are stigmatised because of misogyny .
Dec 8, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Hypothetical scenario:

Society becomes much less gendered. Gender neutral pronouns are used for most people. Clothing/hair/cosmetic use isn't gendered at all. We don't have jobs heavily dominated by one gender. We don't put "sex" on ID documents

The problem with that is? Blocking fingers at the ready folks..
Nov 21, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Hope that @theipaper will allow a reply to address the significant problems with this piece. But going to list them. Firstly the piece equates "gender critical feminists" with "women". When women (particularly if lesbian/bi) are more likely than men to support trans people. Secondly it implies the only issue "gender critical feminists" are concerned about is self ID and implies that this would allow trans women to access women only rape crisis centres for example. Self ID to get a GRC changes only a birth certificate. Most rape crisis centres are
May 29, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
"Sex" is assigned at birth on the basis of external organs and this is considered to be so important that it decides many things that are nothing to do with reproduction. Because of gender.

That some "feminists" need this pointing out is amazing. "If you have a vulva you're a woman" is a patriarchal definition because we live in a patriarchy. There's no way around that. The categorisation is not benign or neutral. It is not done for the good of female people.
May 29, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
For free you can read Kathleen stock here. She (and others) admit that "women only spaces" rely on misogynist assumptions about appearance and will lead to gender non conforming women being excluded and trans women who "pass" not being affected.
medium.com/@kathleenstock… She also says by the way that there is no single defining characteristic of being female but still says that being a woman is an adult human female because reasons.
May 29, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
What we hear "gender critical people"saying is that trans people should be routinely excluded from spaces they already use (like toilets), that they should be prevented from transitioning, that they are sex offenders and one said that they are a "huge problem to a sane world". If you don't agree with these views then say so. If you do, don't expect support from trans people and those who think trans people are entitled to the full range of human rights and to live their lives free from hatred and discrimination.
May 28, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Apparently white working class men can't be trans gay or bi and are therefore excluded from the LGBT intersectional paradigm (intersectional analysis recognises class of course) unherd.com/2023/05/irvine… This is such a poor argument. And yes of course working class people end up.at the bottom of the heap. But a black working class man is still more disadvantaged than a white working class man who is otherwise comparable.
May 27, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
A young female person is a baby or girl. Your body isn't "programmed" or "designed" to do anything. DNA is like a set of instructions but it's affected by external factors. And those include hormones and surgery. That's why medicine exists. The food you eat. The viruses and bacteria you come into contact with. The amount of exercise you do. Being hit by a speeding car or a bullet. All can have fairly profound effects on the "design" of your body.
Mar 21, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
The trans exclusionary movement has a real problem with young women. Not just that they're more likely to reject the movement out of hand but there seems to be a lot of resentment of them. It's actually more puzzling if you're an older woman who isn't trans excluding.. There's a genuine animus and point scoring. Whether it's Kellie Jay Keen yelling"you will turn into us" or Bel Mooney in the Daily Mail claiming it's every young woman's fate to see the light and love Jk Rowling, big brother (or sister) style.
Mar 21, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
It's important that feminism supports parents. Looking after children is work, and all too often it's completely unacknowledged work because it's mainly women who end up doing it.

It's vital that feminism fights the idea that women are defined by birth and child rearing. Most children have two parents. Many have a variety of people involved in their care, who don't have to be biological parents. Men have children too. Feminism is also about ensuring that those who give birth aren't ghettoised into "motherland" and robbed of any personhood.
Mar 20, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Mate it's not our letter. And we've spent a long-ish life dealing with cis men who want validation. Maybe go and deal with the ones in your movement who tell women what to think, you're not exactly short of them. You're talking to someone who was there on that "vibrant lesbian scene" of the 1980s. Stop being so patronising and making assumptions.
Mar 20, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Reasons to call the anti trans movement anti trans:

-They're not in any way "gender critical" but gender essentialist
- They're anti trans. We know they are anti trans because if you ever suggest a practical solution to any of their concerns -eg getting rid of the few communal changing rooms that still exist, they'll have a host of reasons why they don't want that to happen.
Mar 20, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Yes we did indeed know many suffragettes supported the far right.

That mean some suffragettes supported fascism though, not that politics is complicated. The suffragettes as a movement were sympathetic to the right because of the politics of Emmeline Pankhurst who is far from a feminist heroine. She also didn't support universal female suffrage which meant some women waited ten years longer than men to get the vote
Mar 20, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Almost no one in the anti trans movement in the UK will unequivocally condemn Kellie Jay Keen. Because she's massively popular. Some have said negative things about her. But the hostility they get if they outright call her out will mean they haemorrhage support. So they don't. At best they might call out her remarks about Muslims. None we have seen have called out her remarks about LGBTQ people or on abortion or Gillick competence. Or calls for men in guns to go into toilets. Or of course the fact she openly says she's a transphobe.
Mar 18, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
We already set out why we think trans exclusionary beliefs are, by their nature, right wing so we believe @Womans_Place_UK are wrong to state that the far right can be removed from the trans exclusionary movement.

womansplaceuk.org/2023/03/18/wpu… The far right are attracted to the anti trans movement because it opposes bodily autonomy, enforces reactionary ideas of gender roles and dehumanises a minority group from the LGBTQ community. All these are core beliefs to the far right.
Mar 18, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
To repeat @project_lesbian have the absolute right to decide who they are attracted to, how they define their sexual orientation and who is in their group. They have NO right to define other people's orientation. Especially when the women who are defining lesbian aren't lesbians We don't care who is in their club, we are saying their club doesn't speak for lesbians and they have no right to define other women's boundaries.