@wendywoo6089 Simple maths to make it look like a Pandemic รท100,000 by local populace then รby local cases =cases per 100,000pop all over the country even globaly they have done this! @wendywoo6089 Another example
Nov 1, 2020 โข 9 tweets โข 6 min read
@Hellohowru12345@simondolan Hi Kate you've been very vocal regards this scam ๐your influence is bigger than mine ,please can you try out this out there the scam regards covid counting ,this is supposedly a fife hotspot by there calculations @Hellohowru12345@simondolan The way they calculate is like this 100,000รท3216=31,6ร31=186 which means there is 186cases per 100,000population over the threshold and helped put fife in tier2 ordering on tier3 ,most towns in fife are split into 4catergories ie rosyth east,west,south,north ,